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This website was created as a way to ease the pain of those hurting and grieving. Please keep messages respectful and any correspondence with other posters should be done through an email and/or a messaging service. Please email the webmaster if you feel someone has posted out of place. Thank you.

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Name: lindsay ruiz
E-Mail: holataluvin000@aol.com
21:16:41 10/09/05

hey sweetheart! Well ive been thinking about you a lot lately and i just knew that i should go to this site to write. I always wonder how it is up there, if everyone is happy and friends like they say it is. I guess i wont know until it comes that time for me. I miss you babe and the fireworks we used to blow off randomly in fields haha. I miss the water balloons that we threw at random people on the street. I miss you and Krystle coming over and jacking around. I miss your van, your parties when everyone came together, ur smile, ur laugh, ur goofiness.... i miss YOU! Well i love you boy and i hope that you are happy up there.... ttys sweetheart~ with all of my heart~ Linz Ruiz

Name: dayna
E-Mail: reitzd@unlv.nevada.edu
17:02:11 09/09/05

hey babay.
God, I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me so bad right now! We'd be having so much fun!! But really, you're in such a great place right now. One day, we'll all be together again. It will be a reunion so unbelievable. I can't wait!! I just want to jump into your arms and hold you... If I could get 'just one more hug' I would never ever ever be able to let you go. Maybe for your case it's a good thing I can't give you another one :) I think it's so funny how that last time you came over, and then left.. I ran to your car and asked u for one more hug and you're like "whats this for?" and i was like "i dunno... just in case I never see you again." what would possess me to say or do that, god only knows... but now I'm glad I did.. because as it turned out, I never did see you again... just in dreams, in pictures, and in my deepest memories. I love you sweetheart. I hope to see you again soon.

Name: malerie
E-Mail: qtme103@yahoo.com
12:16:51 08/24/05

hey darling :) i havent written in awhile and i do apologize, BUT you know im still thinkin bout you. i always have and always will. i miss you so much and every so often you pop in my head at the weirdest times, usually when ive been drinkin. but at least now i can think of you and the times we had and SMILE and NOT cry. it finally took this long but now im at ease with it and ive accepted it. i love ya and i miss ya tons..i hope you know that
malibu :)

Name: A good friend
23:58:55 08/17/05

hey Justin!!!! ive been thinking a lot about you....sorry for not posting in a long time!!! i just miss you, we had such good times...times i will never forget and will always smile about!! ive had a weird year, but a part of me knows ur looking out for me! you were a great friend....and i miss you!!!!
always in my heart...

a good friend

Name: *
15:53:18 07/18/05

hi justin. Thank you so much, you touched my heart, thank you so much, you know what for. As you probably know, I've had many wonderful things happen for me so far this year, things I wished for outloud to you when everyone else was having a cigarette. Please let whoever's in control of my fate know that I'm grateful for everything. Justin, u probably know of a few terrible things that have been happening in my home town over the past few months. It's been so sad to hear about and I know there are so many kids here hurting because of it. Please let those boys know that so many people cared for them. And then show them how to party it up Justin Dodge style. Justin, I also wanted to ask you if you'd look after someone for me. You know who it is, since him and I have gone our separate ways things have been looking up for me, and not so much has happened for him. Please guide him in a good direction. thank you so much for everything. you'll be in my thoughts!
love me

Name: Tiffany
E-Mail: guss137@yahoo.com
00:52:24 07/06/05

Hey Justin. I feel so bad that I only found out a few days ago about what happened. I suppose that's what happens when you live so far away. I will always remember when we were at Martino and you were talking to me about playing trumpet. I was just so happy that you talked to me and Jenny, I won't ever forget that. I was so shocked to hear the news, I had trouble sleeping. Even though we were never friends and didn't have much in common, I won't ever forget you and I hope you are resting peacefully. ~Tiffany

Name: Dustin
E-Mail: dustin_dubois@softhome.net
AIM: instant idiocy
08:02:17 06/23/05

=/ Looks like my old message is gone.. your name came up in conversation so I decided to look this page up. Glad to see people are still posting. Everyone misses ya man.. lol I bet ur playin CS somewhere up there in the clouds.. no hax now =) peace out bro.


Name: lindsay ruiz
E-Mail: holataluvin000@aol.com
02:35:27 06/13/05

hey baby boy! I just wanted to say hi and send a little message since i havent forever im sorry. Dont think that i have not been thinking about you because i definately have. My friend Nicky and i were just talking about you and Eric the other day in how we just wish that you had one more chance and how things in life can get sooo much better.There are a lot of things in my head that i would like to write down about that but ill just pray to you tonight. I miss you Justin and i love ya a lot..... Love Always, Lindsay Ruiz

Name: jus me... again.. twice in a row.. sorry!!
01:57:18 05/06/05

justin... i need u so bad right now. i hate getting drunk and being away from everyone. u always pop into my head and then .. thats it.. it's all down hill from there... alls i wanna do is come back here and talk to you. its cinco de mayo. i miss you so much baby. i miss your randomness, your humor, your sensitivity, your kisses, your hugs, your love, most of all your friendship. i miss the way you would sing to me, and the way you'd always cheer me up. i hate how all i have are 1000's of memories, and no real you to make them true again.. but one day, and hopefully soon.. i can meet up with you again. you can show me around and it can be like before. i love you. i miss you so much .. take care of us sweetie pie ~
p.s.... sorry, i'm a lil wasted :) and oh.. u better watch out for me in like a month when its my 21st.. :)

Name: dayna r
01:02:15 04/29/05

jay... i miss you so much. i'm away at school, as you know.. and i LOVE YOU STILL... i keep thinking abotu everyting, all the shyt we went thru, our song, the night everything happened.. how i felt... i wish i couldve prevented it. but i know you're better. i'm just .... so confused. you're my favorite person still. and i'll never forget what that psychic said bout what you said haha... my life is gonna be okay. i know whenever things get hard, you're there for me. you always find a way to make things better. i love you soooo much jay. thank you for everything, for all the lessons you taught me, the strength you gave me when i had none. you're awesome. and i hope you're happy now. just remember, that i dream about you all the time, which i think means ur visiting me haha.. and i hope that's true!!!.. but someday, hopefully sooner than later... i'll meet up with you again.. and hahaha member the night when we almost lost it (you know what i mean) and you had that lil accident hahahha .. omg... its hilarious. but i love you so much. i miss you. and i pray for you all the time. take care of urself, and everyone one of us down here still ..

Name: malerie
E-Mail: qtme103@yahoo.com
16:05:21 04/11/05

hey hunny im writing again :) i dont have anything really interesting to say as usual, i guess im just "checkin in" :) ... i miss you tons and i heard a new song on the radio and i thought of you IMMEDIATELY. i miss your smile and your stupid laugh and i miss you not being around. i miss the talks we used to have and i miss the trust i had with you .. i just miss YOU .. i love you darlin

Name: :*:
11:53:31 03/03/05

How do you get that lonely, how do you hurt that bad
To make you make the call, that havin' no life at all
Is better than the life that you had
How do you feel so empty, you want to let it all go
How do you get that lonely... and nobody know

Did no one see the writing on the wall?

I'm not blamin' anybody, we all do the best we can
I know hindsight's 20/20, but I still don't understand...

How do you get that lonely, how do you hurt that bad
To make you make the call, that havin' no life at all
Is better than the life that you had
How do you feel so empty, you want to let it all go
How do you get that lonely... and nobody know

Name: malerie
E-Mail: qtme103@yahoo.com
11:52:15 03/03/05

heyy hunny bunny :) well i know i havent written in awhile but i KNOW you forgive me after me, dana and my son went to the park on your birthday .. we went through HELL that day through all the mud and falling through ice into water and kaiden fell in the mud n ugh..what a mess .. but im sure you were laughin cuz me and dana were ..you SEEEE what we do for you? :) but it was worth it, cuz i havent written on here for awhile so while dana was home from school went to your tree on your birthday :) sometimes i wish you could have met kaiden .. he would have LOVEDDD you cuz your such a goofball like him .. :) i think about you ALOT and your in my dreams ALOT, and i wake up still half asleep and think your still here. .. and your not .. i cant believe its been so long and it doesnt even feel near as long .. feels just like yesterday when i got the phone call wakin me up to the most horrible news EVER .. i miss you a ton i love you sweetheart ..
love, malibu

Name: Jenna
22:05:00 02/15/05

Jay... miss you a lot and have been thinkin about you. I hope you had a good birthday! Love you much! Thoughts and prayers always with you...

Name: Dad
E-Mail: dodgengine@hotmail.com
13:36:20 02/11/05

It is your birthday again --- they never go away, they just add up!! We hope you have one of those special days son. Mom and I miss you a lot --- Love Mom and Dad

Name: dayna reitz
02:24:36 02/11/05

jay... wow babe i miss u so much, but teh main point is.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN DODGE!!!!!!! and i KNOW u were tryin to look out 4 me at western when i had NO ONE with my new "best friend" JAY EMORY.. it was crazy, but he turned out to be a STALKER!! haha scary justin!! anyways, i was thinkin bout u today, tonight, wait thats right... EVERY DAY!!!! i honestly feel sooo secure cuz i know u there with me, and it STILL feels liek ur away at a far away school and ur gonna come back ANY day for a break, so i'll keep thinking that.... just to get on... i love you so so sos os so much!! and i miss u more than i've EVER missed anyone.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART!!!

Name: Ryan Nelson
E-Mail: ryannel24@hotmail.com
AIM: Nel2483
01:48:35 02/11/05

Hey it just me again. I was just sitting here thinking of the fun we had, and remembering how good a friend you were. You always made everyone feel like they were welcome. I remember way back to 2nd grade when we stayed up all night playing pogs at cub scout camp. Then later in high school you always wanting me to come out and hang out and have some fun. I remember playing cards in my basement, even though Ryan cheated it was still fun. Also you have me come over to party with you. Always saying come it will be one hell of a time. I just wanted to say you are a great guy and wish I could go hang out with you some more. I will always remember.

Name: Tim
01:46:53 02/11/05

Hey justin,
just wanted to say happpy birthday man and i know that you are still looking over all of us. I would say i hope you having fun man but with you it was always fun.

Name: Ryan Nelson
E-Mail: ryannnel24@hotmail.com
AIM: nel2483
01:02:49 02/11/05

Hey J has it going. Just wishing you a happy bday and having some fun like you always did. Just wanted to say hey and hope your doing good. and happy bday. and this ones for you.

Name: Ryan Olejnik
00:31:25 02/11/05

Happy b-day bro. Drank one to you tonight in your honor.

Name: Just a Mom
00:17:18 02/11/05

Happy birthday Justin! Miss you.

Name: Sarah
20:50:50 02/03/05

Thinking of you...

Name: Just a Mom
11:12:26 01/10/05

Dear Justin,
Thinking of you and your wonderful smile. I only wish things didn't turn out the way they did. I miss you, love you Justin.

Name: Dad
08:08:41 01/10/05

It is hard to believe it has been 2 years. Everyday I see your image on the horizon and wonder why. We sure do miss you, Love Dad

Name: niki
00:42:24 01/10/05

As everyone else, i can't believe that it has been 2 years. Your in my thoughts and hope all is well. Miss you.

Name: Mari
18:13:03 01/09/05

It doesn't seem like it has been two years. I just wanted to say hi and to let you know that we all still miss you and think about you.
Love you always

Name: Mari
18:12:53 01/09/05

It doesn't seem like it has been two years. I just wanted to say hi and to let you know that we all still miss you and think about you.
Love you always

Name: dana
12:34:03 01/09/05

hey hunnie... i can't believe it has been 2 years. It feels like yesterday when I got that call waking me up... changing my life and sending me into a state of shock. But you know, I've always been told that deceased loved ones visit you in your dreams, and if that's the truth... thank you so much for coming back so much!!! Everytime I have a dream about you, you're always back here on Earth and SOOOO happy... and it makes me think you're just on this really long vacation, and then you're gonna come back and be happier. Either way, I know you are happy. I just wish I could talk to you again or give ya a hug once in awhile. You know I miss you and think about you so much. I love you, I always have and always will. You were the first person to teach me about the concept of love... and vice versa... and you know that I will always love you. I hope you're doing okay, I know you are.

Name: ...
10:32:18 01/09/05

Never forgotten... rest in peace Dodge.

Name: j******
00:49:51 01/06/05

hey i wish i had the option to come by and say hi. It has almost been two years and i can finally bring myself to talk. I am so selfish that i almost wish you had never liked me so i wouldnt have this painfull feeling for so long. I miss eighth grade when we met, things were so simple. I was going through my yearbook the other day and i was reading all of the messages you left, you were so full of life and so loved i just can't understand. well i miss you and i wish things were different, I am sure so many of us do. I miss the good times that we had I will always remember. Oh yeah my dad is sorry about your sandwich that one time (you know what i am talking about)Just know you are always and forever in my thoughts.

Name: ~*~
15:12:23 12/24/04

Merry Christmas Eve Justin. God Bless You!

Name: brad
12:16:12 12/20/04

i won't use this as an excuse...
You know what I'm talking about. Sorry Justin

Name: *
05:53:34 12/16/04

Forever in my memory and in my heart, you will live.

Miss you

Name: lindsay ruiz
E-Mail: holataluvin000@aol.com
23:06:41 12/03/04

hey sweetheart! woa my online has been gone for ages cuz u know i would have already written u like a tousand times... I have been thinking about you a lot lately. Krystle and I were just talking about old times and i told her that sometimes i feel like ur still right down the street, its like ur just on a really long vacation. I really dont think that i have really come to the realization that you are gone.. i dont know why. it seems like a lot of people are passing away lately and i dont understand sometimes why anyone has to leave this earth. I dont know why... just a lot of thoughts i guess. Every time i drive past ur house its like i just wanna knock on the door and ask for you. Well sweetheart ill be prayin for ya as usual... I love you always& forever
Linz Ruiz

Name: me
23:08:47 12/01/04

Hey whats up Jay, I was thinking about you the other day, i was just thinkin of some times and it always brings a smile to my face. You were a great kid and its so hard to think of what happened. it really makes me think sometimes that no matter what life can bring, there is always tomorrow and the next. Getting by each day may seem too hard to deal with sometimes but for me, my friends, my parents, my future, i know what i have to do. Just get through it and cherish each moment that i have. you may not know it jay but you have opened this window for everyone of us. You have all made us get through some hard times in the past. these are the years that are the toughest and having you to watch down and to have put in our minds how valuable life really is has made us realize to put the bad in with the good. and i bet at one point each and every one of us at one point thought about some things we should not have even dared to cross our minds, but the point is is that we all got through it because you were there to guide us. You guided us in the right direction. Im glad i knew you justin because you gave me this amazing but sad experience and from time to time you will always cross my mind probably til the day I meet you again. Jay i miss ya and I love ya. you were always a good friend to have and you put a big smile on my face everytime i saw you. Your in my thoughts and prayers and i will talk to you soon. hugs and kisses.


Name: A friend
17:12:08 11/16/04

Jay just thinking about you a lot lately. Miss you more than ever. I saw a bunch of the guys a couple weeks ago, it was so nice, but it made me realize even more how much you touched my life. I miss you and think about you always.
Love you Babes!!

Name: Hill
18:45:32 11/03/04

hey jay, just missin' you an awful lot...took a nap with the gum wrapper today...you know what i'm talkin about! i love you jay.

Name: emily
11:59:20 10/18/04

hey jay,
erin and i are thinking about you.
all my love and prayers,

Name: you know who
01:01:39 09/13/04

j, so ya know how i lost my other friend too, you were there for meon that one...well i got this thing in rememberance of both of you...well ya know how we had that talk back like 4 years ago about permanence....well this ones for you...i love you. that promise will never be broken

Name: :'(
20:46:29 09/11/04

luv u, miss u

Name: Just a Mom
13:45:14 09/08/04

Thinking of you Justin, miss you.

Name: Larry
E-Mail: ldodge86@juno.com
17:14:32 08/20/04

Hey Jay,
Wish you were here.

Name: Ryan Southwick
E-Mail: azngamerboi@hotmail.com
AIM: RyPhr0s7an
23:13:57 08/13/04

Just wanted to drop by and say hi buddy, hope everything is going well up there!

Hugs from a friend, Ryan

Name: dayna r
E-Mail: sweetzd41@aol.com
16:07:31 08/11/04

hey babe, i hope you are there with us tonight =) i just wanted to write and say hi, i think about you all the time, and i feel like i dont write enough, even though u know i talk to u enough to make up for it :) i'm just waiting for the day when i can see you next, the day when i can actually talk to you again... face to face. i miss you so much. Old memories are constantly popping into my head randomly everyday, and i wish at those moments i could call you up and say hey haha remember when.... but i can't. and i won't be able to ever again. i hope you're doing okay.
i love you so much :*)

Name: ***
17:31:51 08/07/04

Hey Justin,
I was looking at some old pics the other day of you, and I just wanted to let you know that I miss you, and even though it is still hard with you gone, now I am able to smile and laugh when I think about you and all the memories I have of you :)

Name: Dad
E-Mail: dodgengine@hotmail.com
11:48:53 07/18/04

It is real close to the time that your truck runs down the track! Are you ready? Miss you a lot ----- Love Dad

Name: dayna
01:40:43 06/21/04

hey j~
babe i miss u sooo much. i know u were there with me the other night keeping me strong, holding me like u would've if you were still here....... i wish u could come back at least just for a day, but someday~ hopefully soon~ i can go there and see u for eternity... i love you and i hope you knew that. i know u were probably there with me n b talking, i guess theres a reason for everything and whats meant to be will be huh>? i guess lately, more than ever, i can see how u felt, the feelings that u were probably experiencing right before. i love you j. :'( i wish sooo bad, SO BAD that theres something i couldve done, or that just one little thing couldve been different to alter ur decision. we all miss u though, and we all will see u someday...............
please keep watchin down on us babe!!!!!!! RIP hun

Name: lexi
04:02:34 05/24/04

hey just, today is our day man. im trying to look on the upside of the day considering it is my bday but it will always be also a very sentimental and special day to me bc of you. i just cant stop thinking about you. we all miss you like crazy. i wish u were here right about NOW! =0D well i should really go to bed now, but keep looking down from time to time.
i know ur around...i love u and miss you so much. baramu always and forever. x0x0x lex

Name: .
09:56:01 05/21/04

i love you.

Name: ...
AIM: ..
09:44:43 05/19/04

I saw the sign in the yard. I geuss i could understand why they want to get out of there. on my way past they left the garage open and there it was. it made me relive that night. I love you J and im never going to not think about you. It's been so weird with out you. Everyone will agree with that too,

Name: lindsay ruiz
E-Mail: holataluvin000@aol.com
01:34:04 05/11/04

hey sweetheart... well im writing for a couple of reasons.. one that im thinking about you as usual... but the past couple of days a little more than usual... i know that you know why. Im not going to say anything on this site because its very personal ofcourse but all i could do at that moment was think of you and how i could never go through that again. my stomach has been in knots for a couple of days just thinking about the whole situation and all i can do is pray and hope that they get the best medical attention possible. i felt like i was in a movie, it was so surreak.. hopefully you were watching over everything. Well Justin i love you and i wish that you were here. I wish that you could just go back in time and take it back, just like i know they wish they could have. Ill be talkin to u before bed... I love you... Love Always, Lindsay

Name: Mari
16:02:13 05/03/04


Name: just me
17:45:34 04/26/04

hey j-
i love you and miss you. i got trashed this weekend and thought of you, you would laughed at me so hard! i'm sure you were. man am i going back on all i believed or what? i love you baby! and maybe i'll see you soon

Name: Ryan Phr0s7 Southwick
E-Mail: ryansouthwick@hotmail.com
02:11:55 04/21/04

Hey Buddy,

You know how much I miss you? I miss all those nights that we'd just stay up and talk. You'd tell me about your relationship, and I learned so much from you by just listening to everything. Hah, It's a wonder how we even got along, you were a bit older than me, but yet I was still co-leader eh? You know what everyone still remembers you, we will never forget.

We love you j00,
signed, na1/f2x

Name: chrissy
17:30:53 04/19/04

hey hun,
i haven't written in a really long time but just wanted to say i miss you. i thought about you again the other day, that happens a lot tho. keep hold'n it down up there babe we miss you and love you tons. i'll talk to ya soon :)

Name: Malerie
10:59:54 04/16/04

heyy darlin :) i havent written in awhile, i didnt get a chance on your birthday so i hope you had a good one :) .. ive been thinkin bout you alot lately, its kinda rough over here and everytime it got rough all i had to do was call you and itd be better :) so somehow, someway can ya help me here haha ;) ...i need a miracle and i need it soon, so do what ya can lol :) .. me and dana were goin through notes the other day and we came across notes from u so we took a trip down memory lane as we always do :) .. then it got me in the mood to go through my notes BUT i cant find the box yours were in cuz of the move, but dont worry ill find em :) take care sweetheart i miss ya tons :) love, malibu

Name: *^*%^*
03:00:59 04/15/04

i was thinking about u and just wanted to let you know that we love you...i wish you were at the bombfire tonight with us all---crazyness. a fight almost broke out and u woulda gotten a kick outta that...we miss you and love you so much.
BARAMU always and forever.....x0x0x

Name: lindsay ruiz
E-Mail: holataluvin000@aol.com
02:48:31 04/05/04

Hey sweetheart, well im trying to write 2 papers in one night and i dont feel like doing anything but writing in this website haha. Well i really miss u and think about you allll the time and i hope that u know that every time i look up at the sky u are on my mind. I love ya so much..i just wish u were here so bad. I know its real late but Happy Birthday... i dunno why i didnt write earlier..sometimes i look at the site and i dont write nething cuz i cant even get the words outta my mouth ya know. Well i Love you and ill be thinkin of ya boy as usual.... Love Always Linz Ruiz <3

Name: gabe
AIM: grue831
13:15:19 03/30/04

Hey buddy,
I was just thinkin of you and wanted to say hello. You are muchly missed. Much love, Gabe

Name: @
01:25:18 03/28/04

gosh i miss you so much

Name: Just A Mom
11:15:45 03/25/04

Miss you Justin.

Name: corbett
E-Mail: corbett@uiuc.edu
AIM: ashley443
02:26:08 03/25/04

Hey J-
I have been thinking about you a lot lately, and I really just wanted to say hi and that I miss you and so does everyone else...we'll never forget you. I know you will be in my mind forever. I know you are doing just fine now, but please keep looking down on all of your freinds and family because we all really miss you and need you. Keepin rockin j...miss you..ftp forever!

Name: 3
19:27:05 03/24/04

Still thinking about you :)

Name: ~
01:09:31 03/24/04

May God keep your family and friends in his prayers, and give you eternal happiness in heaven. Rest in Peace.

Name: Bower
E-Mail: jrtpeach28@hotmail.com
AIM: crash2620
21:33:21 03/22/04

Hey hunny... I was just thinking about you and I wanted to say hi. I never said Happy Birthday either huh? Well Happy 21st! Well babe I just wanted to tell you everyone misses you... love you!

Name: *^$%^!@#$
13:52:27 03/10/04

hey darling...wanted to let you in on the good news-i got a new job...WOW yea ur prolly thinking thank god, Connies was rough and getting real old, real fast. i think i have told you like hundreds of times that i was gonna quit-then of course i never did. but yea working at the olive garden now. its brand new, so thats cool. but yea i hope all is well up there. keep checking in on us all from time to time. i miss and love you so much. baramu always and forever kiddo...x0x0x- lex

Name: R. Olejnik
03:22:23 03/09/04

Hey man, just saying hi. I was getting a little bored at about 2:30 and thought I'd check this out. It's pretty late, but happy 21st man. Take it easy up there.

Name: Kathy
E-Mail: kathydrechsel@hotmail.com
14:40:20 02/24/04

I know it has been a while, I was cleaning out my room and found a bunch a pics of us, and the tears started. It was then i realized that u are in a much better place than all of us. Thanks 4 all of those times u made me laugh! I will never 4get gym class with you and Lex. I miss u. I hope you know how missed u r by all of your friends, but one day we will all be together again. We had some great times and i will always cherish them.

Name: bobby
AIM: vbbb31
13:31:01 02/23/04

hey man, sorry its a little belated but happy 21st...still missin' you man.....peace

Name: brad
01:10:38 02/20/04

sup man. i take it you know the events that have taken place lately, strange things that you would probably understand most. pain is a hard thing to deal with, and im not sure what my reasons were for helping who i did but i know that you saw it and know that what these people feel. regardless, what am i doing in these situations? how they manage to find me, i dont know. but, i hope i made a difference in their lives. only you would get this......peace out brotha

Name: T. Eddy
16:28:12 02/18/04

Hey buddy
Just checkin in with ya. It's been a long time since the last I talked to ya. I really need some help right now. I just feel lost and just need some comefort. Nothing has seemed to work but I was looking through some old pictures the other day I saw a picture of us. THen I thought who else better to help other than Justin. So hopefully you can provide some guidance and comfort for me. Thanks man I miss ...

Name: rachel
AIM: foxcr8
05:47:25 02/15/04

hey jay...i know this is vday and not but short your bday and i am sorry for not sending a message sooner. the void of you has filled such an emptinest in so many of our lives. i just pray that you look over us and make sure everyone is ok and makes their best choices in life. look out for all of us jay. we luv you a lot and miss you more than ever.

Name: 3
12:10:22 02/14/04

Happy Valentines Day hun...i love you
x0x0x, LEXI

Name: jessi
00:55:42 02/12/04

happy 21 birthday justin. :) miss you.

Name: Pat Dazzo
E-Mail: pldjr2@aol.com
AIM: dondazino
23:43:07 02/11/04

Happy birthday man.
Love and Miss ya

Name: ***
22:03:55 02/11/04

~hey babe............... HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY, I MISS U SOOOOOO MUCH! LOVE YOU

Name: Dad
E-Mail: dodgengine@hotmail.com.
19:01:11 02/11/04

Happy Birthday son! This is the big one and I hope it is everything you ever wanted. I certainly wish you were here to celebrate it because I know it would be something to remember. You always had away with special events.
We certainly miss you a lot. It's a little like you are away at school and haven't been able to come home --- I think your friends feel the same way.
I know you sense our thoughts and prayers so keep up with staying in touch.
Love and miss you, Mom and Dad ----"ZORZ"to everyone !!

Name: Dana
15:21:13 02/11/04

Happy 21st Birthday Babe!!! :) Hopefully up there you're havin as much fun as you would if you were still down here. I miss you so much. Everyday you're in my thoughts and prayers.... the love i had for you once, will always remain... and I hope that this birthday is awesome for you, cuz you really deserve it!! MUAH! :)

Name: Mari
12:52:15 02/11/04

Happy 21st birthday! I hope you have a ton of fun!!! We all still miss you and love you!


Name: 3
12:42:49 02/11/04

Hey J,its me....I just wanted to wish you a 21st birthday...I hope you have an awesome time up there, and i'll make sure to pour a beer for you down here! I kno that is what you would want us to do...I LOVE YOU so much and i miss you as much if not more! i want you to kno im ALWAYS thinking about you
love , me

Name: *****
11:11:59 02/11/04

Hey Justin. Just wanted to wish you a happy 21st bday. Have fun up there.

Name: Just a Mom
09:22:56 02/11/04

Dearest Justin,
Just wanted to wish you a very happy 21st Birthday!!! Miss you, love you. Beep! Beep!

Name: ***
08:08:58 02/11/04

Happy "21st" Birthday.

Name: ~
22:47:47 02/05/04

I'm friends with some of yours that attend EIU, I was just looking through their profiles because I'm extremely bored and I came across this website....I think it's amazing and I wish I could have known you with all the loving comments from your friends and family...I've got friends up in heaven too and I just wanted to say I know you all are watching over us, thank you, rest in peace.

Name: Becky
E-Mail: pookah84@aol.com
AIM: pookah84
09:36:41 02/05/04

Hey Justin.
Just wanted to say hi, and tell you to look out for my dad up there. I miss him so much, so take good care of him.
Love Always,

Name: lexi
01:00:15 02/02/04

hah, i was listening to hot rod circuit last night and totally couldnt stop thinking about you and that damn "all american" song. just wanted to tell you that i am always thinking about you...i miss you and your smile so much...and your laugh...and all ur facial expressions...and of course your sincerity...just everything...baramu always and forever....x0x0x-lex

Name: friend
18:19:24 01/23/04

Hey Justin. Just wanted to tell you I still miss you man. I wish you were still here and I could hang out with you again. I can't believe its been over a year now. I can remember exactly what I was doing when I found out and that seemed like a few months ago. Well I wish you the best up there. I hope you're having a good time. Later.

Name: an old friend
18:43:28 01/19/04

yo buddy i remember science class when me and you just sat there and made fun of mrs barajas and the retarded kid that tried to fight me and jess was the best makin fun of her all the time i wish i wouldve hung out more well i just thought i say hi since this is the first ive heard of this and im sorry it happened llike that and so young well see ya soon R.I.P.

Name: Mari
08:45:44 01/16/04

Sorry I haven't written on here in a while, the last couple of days have been weird. It's strange to think it has been a year. It doesn't feel like it. I still miss you just as much. I just wanted to say hi and tell you I still miss you and think about you.

Love ya always,

Name: Mr. Mrs. D
E-Mail: dodgengine@hotmail.com
06:34:28 01/13/04

We want to thank everyone that came over this past Friday. It was a pleasure to see everyone and hear all that has been going on in your lives. It was good to have smiling faces in our house again. To those who could not make it let me say our thoughts are with you and we hope all is going well with each of you.
Take care.
Mr. & Mrs. D.

Name: lindsay ruiz
E-Mail: holataluvin000@aol.com
13:05:48 01/11/04

hey sweetheart, well i was definately at your house for the anniversary and you knew that. me and jen were the first two to get there, we were soo nervous. When we walked in the door your dogs came running towards us and i just looked at Bandit's face and my heart melt. i remember how i thought that u had the cutest dog in the entire world and how u were in love with him too. I know it sounds weird but the whole time we were there the dogs were begging for attention and it seemed like they were hurting just like humans. i prolly sound like an idiot but really i was amazed because i looked deeper into the situation and it's like their was sadness in his eyes... But neways, we just sat there and listened to your dad talk about your truck and it put a smile to my face. They are really trying to make the best decision for you and what you would have wanted.Their are some things i want to say but would rather not on the site so ill just let ya know before i go to sleep tonight... I love you Justin so much.. ill never forget you.. ever... Love Always, Lindsay Ruiz

Name: ..
AIM: ..
14:15:20 01/10/04

This can not be happening

Name: malerie
12:31:19 01/10/04

heyy hunny :)... well i went to your house yesterday with dana and it was SO so weird without you there..it was almost like i was waitin for you to walk around the corner or something..everything i saw reminded me of you..your dogs, your mom, your pictures, EVERYTHING..i was debating on wether to go or not becuz i got so nervous on the way there ... but you were one of my best friends and i wouldnt have missed it for the world, you know id go :) ...your mom seems soo strong and i dont know how she does it..everyone misses you sweetheart :), take care ... i love ya ;)
love, mal-ca-pooooo ;)

Name: malerie
12:31:18 01/10/04

heyy hunny :)... well i went to your house yesterday with dana and it was SO so weird without you there..it was almost like i was waitin for you to walk around the corner or something..everything i saw reminded me of you..your dogs, your mom, your pictures, EVERYTHING..i was debating on wether to go or not becuz i got so nervous on the way there ... but you were one of my best friends and i wouldnt have missed it for the world, you know id go :) ...your mom seems soo strong and i dont know how she does it..everyone misses you sweetheart :), take care ... i love ya ;)
love, mal-ca-pooooo ;)

Name: sarah
10:30:19 01/10/04

well dodge. i cant believe that one year has gone by that you have left us. i know that i miss you deeply and i wish that you were still here to hang out with, and for you to be there when i needed someone to talk to. i know you are looking out for not only me, but for everyone of us. youleft a great impact on all of us, and we all respect you for that. until we meet again. dodge, rest in peace and take care of and look out for al of us.

love you and miss you greatly


Name: Nikki
00:28:44 01/10/04

Well Justin, I never did get to meet the wonderful person that you were, but I did get to meet all of your wonderful friends. Especially Ricky, Bob, Dom and Greg. Everytime I go to Gregs house I see that picture of you and boon and it makes me sad. Please be there for them because I know how much they love you and miss you. I only want the best for them, so please watch over each of them. Thanks

Name: somone who loves
10:33:56 01/09/04

last night i layed in my bed and talked to you for it seemed like ever. tears rolled down my face like they haven't before. it was one year ago then that i sped to your house to see the ambulances and when it all became real. a real tragedy to lose one of the most unique people on this earth. j- i miss you so much but one thing we must all be greatful for is the memory we have with you. one year anniversaries are never good for me with anything, but i just have to think that for one year, you've been away from pain, misery, and suffering that the rest of the world is subjected to constantly. i am constantly thinking about you and talking about you to new friends and old ones. you're memory will last forever...RIP Justin Dodge.

God Bless..

Name: emily
10:30:10 01/09/04

hey jay,
wow...365 days ago at this very moment i was a sobbing mess curled up on my bedroom floor. I will never forget that day, jay, or erin's phone call. never has one phone call changed my outlook on life and my value of friendship. my mom told me about how a new law was just passed that anyone 18 and under is now only allowed to drive with no more then one other minor in the car. My first thought: how the hell would any of us have gotten to school senior year let alone cramp 10 people in erin's car?! those cold mornings when we ate dunkin donuts while erin's car defrosted and then piled in the trunk are what i miss most. thanks for helping everyone through the last year. i know that as time goes on and there are two, three, four year....anniversaries, none of us will forget you, especially every January 9th.
I love and miss you, justin!


Name: Just A Mom
09:28:28 01/09/04

Dear Justin,
Wow I can't believe it's been one year. How I miss you and your smile. I know that you are at peace now and I will pray for your family today and everyday. Love you! Beep beep!

Name: steph
09:26:55 01/09/04

Justin, its been a year. A lot of pain. A lot of suffering. But we all know that you are somewhere better. You have missed a lot this year jay, but i know you have been watching down on us all keeping an eye on us. I wish i could just see you right now. Its just like this all seems to be some kind of a dream ya know. I mean it just cant be real. One day Im gonna wake up, get in my car, and Im gonna run into you somewhere. That would be nice but i know its just never gonna happen. I wish it would though. You were a great guy Justin and a great friend. Im glad that I knew you. Watch down on us Jay cuz we really need you down here. I miss you and love you always.


Name: dana
08:44:31 01/09/04

just wanted to say hi. miss you tons. hope to see u real soon... :*) i love you jay

Name: little one as you called me
23:30:39 01/08/04

j~ one year, wow! i love you! i ran into one of our friends yesterday, eric. remember when all those good times we had-you were so serious about that band. i can say anything else justin. i love you, and i hope that that feeling i had was right and i will get to see you soon. the sooner the better. i love you, me

Name: dana
21:39:00 01/08/04

i cant believe its been almost a year since everything happened... since everything changed. i remember i was in the same position as you at the same exact time except I fell asleep and didn't do what you did. i miss you so much. it bothers me that when i went to the psychic, he told me that you didn't mean to do it, you just wanted to see what it would feel like... because you "had the jackass personality" hehe, u did though. and that u would eat the weirdest shit :) he also told me what you wanted him to tell me.. thanks for the compliment :) and thanks for making me realize what i was doing too much of, god knows where'd i'd be right now without that advice of yours. but what else is new... your advice and encouragement and love has always saved me =) i've been thinking so much about life and everything. it's really so short. and then it's .. over... and a new, brighter, eternal one begins. I knew you had to go to heaven because of how great of a person you were, but he reassured me that that's where you are... that it just took a little longer for you to get there because it wasn't your time yet. But it really comforted me to hear everything i did. =) everyone misses you babe, everyday, but right now more than ever. a year ago from today you were still here... there were so many times when i almost died.. i know you know what i'm talking about because i'm almost positive you were right above me. like the time when i was literally a second away from getting hit by that blazer when i was walking through the parking lot, and just a little bit ago when i started to drive thru the schoolhouse/ laraway intersection and that van going at least 60mph sped right thru it and literally missed me by an inch. i know you had something to do with it. thanks so much. i love you, and i always will... and you give me somethin to look forward to when this so-called life is over. i'll see you then. and i'm sorry i haven't been writing. but just know that you're always in my mind. i miss you, and all the memories we shared together.. allll the fun times, the sad times, the serious times, and the happiest ones. you were the greatest friend i ever could've asked for. hope you're doin alright up there, i know you are though. i'll see you some day....
much love~ <3

Name: becca
19:31:36 01/08/04

Justin, I just miss you. It is nearing the end of my winter break and it so weird because I am home and you are not. I know we all miss you and it is so hard to imagine that it is just one day short of a year. I can't believe you have been gone a year - i love you. I still have the voicemails saved, I don't know why I can't delete them even though they make me sad. I still pray for you.

Name: Tiff
AIM: Saltyprinc3ss
16:31:38 01/08/04

Hey Justin its been a while...i miss u so much along with everyone else. I hope your looking down right now and laughing at all the crazy stuff thats going on. Geeez a year ago today we were swapping good songs to download like we always did :)I miss it, and i miss everything about u, i just want to let u know that there will always be a place in my heart for you Justin there always was since the day I met you!

Name: bobby olson
E-Mail: vbbb31@hotmail.com
AIM: vbbb31
15:18:31 01/08/04

j, hey man i still miss you so much. i cant believe its been a year almost...im always thinkin' about you...hope you had a fun holiday...keep lookin' down on me...ill be over tomorrow...

Name: Jess
11:47:15 01/08/04

Hey "Dodgerz". I never thought i would be this upset about something that happened to one of my brothers friends. I still cry alot when i think of you, just knowing you were always smiling and remembering you always making fun of me:). you were sweet though, tutoring me in math. when i came home on that thursday i came in to my house yelling about how i could smell the cigeratte smoke from down the driveway. it was oddly silent even though there were 10 cars parked outside. when my brother pulled me aside and told me one of his friends commited suicide, thoughts and friends faces flashed through my mind. i would have never believed it was you. you had just been at my house the night before and so happy with a pretty girl sitting on your lap. i was so in so much shock i couldnt even give my brother a hug. i just sat there and cried. it was one of the most horrible experiences i have ever had in my life. dan was on the phone balling his eyes out telling someone about it. he couldnt even talk. i wasnt directly friends with you justin but it suprises me how much i miss you. one single tear ran down my cheek this morning when i thought of you. one year tomorrow. we all love you and miss you. RiP

E-Mail: ldodge86@juno.com
11:05:39 01/08/04

God's help that is.

E-Mail: ldodge86@juno.com
11:03:59 01/08/04

Please pray for the family and each other for the next few days. We all can use God's during this time.

Name: mari
13:44:09 01/04/04

Hey hunnie! I'm sorry I haven't written on here in a while, but you know I'm always thinking of you. This is still strange. It will be one year coming up this week and it is still hard. We all love and miss you always.

Love ya always and forever,

Name: 3
AIM: ..
00:37:58 01/02/04

Everytime i click to this site i just stare to the left top of my screen.. i just stare into your eyes wondering why.What made you so angry or sad to the fullest extent that you had to exit life in such a way that day. im at a loss of words when i come on to this site. seeing your picture just makes my mind flow different directions. 358 days have passed and still no answers for me. when you were here with all of us you were absoulutley the best and still to this day you are the best. its just to late for you to realize so its kind of like does it even matter? but yes it does. you are loved so much by everyone and me and im sure when all of are days come to meet with you we are all going to kick you so hard in your ass and then fight over who gets to spend time with you because you are just so totally that awesome. i hope you had a very beautiful Christmas. you spent it in the best place anyone could ever spend it and also with the best people ever. but you just spent it up their to soon. your not suppose to leave until your like 80 or 90. or even like 40. What was soooo bad???you were always so strong and what ever made you be so week that day. someone knows? but who? Have an awesome New Year. and be at peace up there. Heaven is based upon no worries, no crys.
Love you unconditionally

Name: tears
20:58:29 01/01/04


Name: -
AIM: -
02:28:53 12/27/03

I'll see you in a little while Justin. Please look over me and help me through this.

Name: Becky
E-Mail: pookah84@aol.com
AIM: pookah84
20:15:19 12/26/03

Merry Christmas, Justin~
Miss you babe!
Love always,

I see countless Christmas trees, around the world below. With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear. For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs, the people hold so dear. But the sounds of music can't compare, with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring. For it is beyond desciption to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart. But I'm not so far away, we really aren't apart.
So be happy for me, dear ones, you know I hold you dear.
And be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I send you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above. I send you each a memory of my undying love.
After all, love is a gift, more precious than pure gold. It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.
Please love and keep each other, as my Heavenly Father said to do. For I can't count the blessing or love he has for each of you.
So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away the tear. Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

Name: Just a Mom
21:18:48 12/25/03

Merry Christmas Justin! Miss you.

Name: --------{@
00:20:46 12/25/03

merry christmas justin

Name: **
12:54:06 12/24/03

One year ago today was the last time I got to speak to you and see you. Remember, you were at the mall with Ricky doing some last minute shopping? I hadn't seen you in forever, but it did not make any difference to you. I just wanted to say that I will be thinking about you all of today, missing you more than ever, and wishing we had talked that day a little longer, about deeper things, and hugged you longer too. I miss you, as do so many others. You will be in our thoughts and our hearts for always.


Name: lexi
22:56:17 12/20/03

i love you...x0x0x

Name: Jeremy
00:24:21 12/15/03

Justin, you are the shit. I'll see you soon as soon as possible. Just had to say hello and I still feel the love, now and forever.

Name: Lexi
20:17:01 12/14/03

i just kinda wanted to say hello and remind you that ur always on my mind. i cant ever even say what i want to anymore on this cite just. my mind is always filled with things/feelings/emotions but its hard to always be able to get them out. yea that whole one year thing, definetly flew right by me and i am sure everyone else as well. you are the best. i love you. i miss you. baramu always and forever
x0x0x-your lex

Name: Becky
E-Mail: pookah84@aol.com
AIM: pookah84
21:55:50 12/13/03

I was finishing up my Christmas shopping tonight, and as I was leaving the mall it was snowing and it made me think of last winter. When I got to my car I saw something on the ground so I picked it up. I read about three lines and tears began to well up in my eyes.
***Death is nothing at all-I have only slipped away into the next room. Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by my old familiar name; speak to me in the easy way you always used to. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effort.
Life means all that is ever meant. It is the same as it ever was; there is absolutley unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of your mind because I am out of your sight? I am but waiting for you for an interval, somewhere very near around the corner.
All is well. Nothing is past; nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before-only better, infinitely happier and forever- we will all be one together.***

I don't know if it was a "sign" or just a mere coincidence, though I know which one I'd like to believe it was. So if it was, thanks J. It was just what I needed :)

Love always,

Name: malerie :)
10:54:02 12/11/03

heyy hunny bunny :) welll i hung up that dorky x-mas tree that you just absolutely loved in my room :) i lost a few branches and lights during the move but its all good right? right. remember every night we used to sit on my bed and just stare at the lights and talk until we had nothing to say. i miss that so much that its not even funny..now everytime i look at that tree i think of you and how you used to make fun of my charlie brown x-mas tree :) i think everyone did but thats ok haha :) well i hope your doin allright, im sure ya are :) i love ya ;)
love, mal-ca-poo :P

Name: *
21:21:17 12/08/03

Hey Justin,
Man is it getting harder now that it is closer to the holidays and the 1 yr mark. I break down in tears on a daily basis, now that I know it is getting close to the last time I saw you and the day you passed.
I am getting really nervous about going home for break soon. I know being home, away from the distractions of school, will only make my feelings more intense. I panic at the idea of me not being able to hide my sadness around everyone back home. I know there's others who feel the same.

I still miss you soooo much. I am rambling now, but I feel like I have to post something, I come to this site with so much to say and then I don't have the courage to let everyone see how I feel. So I guess I will leave it at this: This next month or so is going to be hard on a lot of people (hard being an understatement), so I am hoping everyone will come together to be there for eachother and remember you, Justin.
Much Love.

Name: JROB
11:36:19 12/06/03

Whats up Justin, just saying thinking about you again, harder and harder as the weeks come closer to the year. Man, it aint the same without you buddy.

Love Much,

Name: manhattan boy
19:25:12 12/05/03

man it has been awhile huh, im still speechless and let me tell you this doesn't happen to me much. i type shit and delete it and retype it and then redelete it but im sure you know this becaues your looking down on us. probally still laughing at the stupid shit i do all the time and i do mean all the time. from falling in the creek disking to dropping the pipe because i laugh so dam hard for no reason.. but shit man.. with everyday that goes by shit just stock piles... ahah i watch this show called the OC and you totally remind me of the main character ryan, it is a total bitch show but im obsessed... oh well what can you do right... i will keep you in my thoughts guy

Name: Jen
E-Mail: jmedvid@luc.edu
AIM: gabs0705
23:26:13 12/02/03

Hey sweetie pie....
Well, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I think everyone can relate to me when I say that. You've honestly made such an impact in my life, Jay; I think more than you realized you ever made in anyone's life. I come to your site nearly every day looking to see what everyone writes about and reading about past memories that will never be forgotten. Yea, as everyone's said...almost a year later, and it's still so unreal. It feels like you were just here making us all laugh non-stop. Also, I'm looking forward to going home for Christmas break, and I keep thinking about how we were all at your house right when break started....everything's just so different. Hanging out w/ the gang this weekend at Greg's house was a lot of fun, but it wasn't the same. YOU were missing from the whole picture. Then your favorite song came on, Life, and I started bawling. I hate how it is. Everyone misses you so much.
You're always brought up in conversation, Justin. We all talk about the great times with you and how funny you were, how you were one person who never turned his back on his friends, and who was always there to talk no matter what you had going on in your own life. You were such a wonderful person and friend. We all had an undying love for you bc you were so amazing. Why did you have to leave us? I don't know how you couldn't have seen that, Jay, I really don't. I don't know what was holding you back from moving to the next level.
I think every day of what things would be like now. If the group would still be together, how long your hair would be, what kind of fun dances you'd be making up, giving you hugs and smelling your sexy cologne, who your woman would be..u little stud! I dono, I know i'm rambling, but the list goes on. I just can't believe you're gone. We will never find the answer to the question of "why" because this wasn't meant to happen, so not even God has the answers. There's been a lot the past 3 weeks-ish that has reminded me of you or that has brought u up in convo, and I can't stop thinking about you and the fact that we lost you. One choice that changed you being here as the Justin Dodge we knew and loved...to you vanishing and being gone forever. I can't even fathom it. One of my good friends from school, Mel, just got into a real bad car accident, and I can't even imagine losing another good friend. That's preoccupied me lately, as well. Two hilarious people, with great personalities, know how to maintain friendships, and who have so much talent to make anything of themselves. I'm just worried. I'm not over losing you, nor will I ever be. 2003 has been a bad year overall-I'm ready for '04. Hopefully it'll be a better one. We're too young to live with so much pain in our hearts.
Alright doll, sorry to keep going, but I truly hope that you are somewhere where you can see how loved you are. If possible, please keep watching over all of us and taking care of your friends. We miss you like crazy, Justin. I'll write again soon, babe, God bless your soul, and rest in peace.

Love always,

Name: nick daidone
E-Mail: frustrated_kid_21@hotmail.com
AIM: aikiaiki21
03:33:23 12/01/03

sorry i dont visit the site as much as i would like to its hard to u know, cuz i cant stop crying whenever i do, i love u jd just keep watchin out for all of us ill see u again sometime

Name: my angel
AIM: <3
08:20:50 11/26/03

Wish You were Here

Name: Mike
E-Mail: red98lsone@yahoo.com
17:03:36 11/24/03

Whats goin on?
well J it seems like a lot more than coming in up on a year, i am sure everyone will agree on that. we all love you and miss you very much. Wish that i could go hang out with you one last time, but i know you are happy watching over us every single day making sure we don't slip up. I will always miss you, but you will always remain in my heart and memories. please keep watching over me, and thank you for everything that you have ever done for me. till next time. see ya
your friend always Mike

Name: lindsay ruiz
E-Mail: holataluvin000@aol.com
16:25:38 11/23/03

I LOVE YOU JUSTIN EMORY DODGE FOREVER AND A DAY. I will never stop writing in this site. But you do know that even when people dont write u continue to always be on their minds. ALWAYS.. you are a legend.. i will never forget you... " my medicine" :) Love Always, Lindsay Ruiz

Name: Becky
E-Mail: Pookah84@aol.com
AIM: Pookah84
21:50:17 11/22/03

I've been thinking about you so much lately. Maybe its because we are so rapidly approaching the "year mark", as unbelievable as it seems. Maybe its because of the dreams I've had the last few weeks; Or maybe its just because never once have you left my mind- or heart. Whatever the reason, I just wanted to say that I miss you. J-Rob and I were driving in the car together talking about you the other day. Just about how unreal it all still seems at times, but about how real it is, how real it feels. We all lost a piece of ourselves when you left us, yet we gained this incredible guardian angel, that I feel more and more every day.
Thats it for now, J. Keep watching over us!

Love always...
...and forever,

*i'm here without you baby
but you're still on my lonely mind
i think about you baby
and i dream about you all the time
i'm here without you baby
but you're still with me in my dreams
and tonight, its only you and me*

Name: JROB
13:16:21 11/21/03

Whats up Justin, Jeff again. Just been thinking alot about you lately, and about everything in general.i read one of the passages about WHY you did it. And in my heart if you could take it back, you would. I dont know, im jsut so confused about everything, remembering the past, wanting the past to be present...But it cant. And i think im jsut realizing that now. Every time i hear ANY DMB being played i think of you Justin. The other day i was listening to his newest music, track number 6(great blue eyes) and i started to cry, reminded me of you a great deal. Justin i love ya, and keep livin it up, in heaven. Be seeing ya soon.

More love than most know,

Name: Jrob
AIM: NoFear1434
11:43:02 11/17/03

Man, almost a year wiht out a good friend. Things have been so busy that for a couple days you forget...but then, reality hits. We are all thinking about you down hear, and its hard to picture you not here. Almost a year...man we miss ya. I am greatly sorry to the family of Justin, he was a real great guy. Man it just sucks. It really sucks becasue i have lost touch with my friends, and i have been thinking alot about you lately jay. Just keep livin it up jay, i know your in a better place.

Love ya Always man,

Name: Ricky
23:24:08 11/16/03

Hey buddy
It's been sometime now since I posted last. I've been out with Dom this weekend visting Rodie. It's been crazy thinking that the 4 of us should all be down there. I can't even imagine how much different it would have been if you were there with us.
I saw the picture of you and boon together at Greg's house a few weeks ago. It's still so hard to believe that the JUSTIN DODGE that we all know isn't around. Everyone knew you're name. I honestly think of you as a legend around our area. JUSTIN DODGE....so hard to understand, Missed and Loved by so many. It didn't matter who you were friends with, You just KNEW justin dodge. We're rapidly approaching a year now, and it gets more awkward every day. I can't speak any more of how I feel....Just keep on watching over everyone and keeping everyone safe. I miss you buddy. Love you....

Name: Kellie
00:10:13 11/16/03

Wow, it has been a looong time since i have had to strength to visit this site. Everytime i do, i just break into tears. All the wonderful things everyone has to say about you, all the memories, the laughs, the jokes, the tears. All from you Jay. You touched everyone's life that has written on this site in some way. You were such a great person. So much has been going on lately and I know you know all of it but I need u here to help me. I dont think i have slept more than 4 hours each night in the past 2 weeks. I just lay there and think about... well everything. Mostly its you. Everyday i go into my living room i just have to smile when i see our homecoming pictures, you looked so happy and i know i was too. It was incredible what we had Jay and sometimes things werent always perfect with us but what relationship is. We definatly had way more good times than bad. Im thankful for every minute.. no every second that I spent with you. You definatly helped me to be a better person. But, I just dont know how to move on. I cant i feel stuck. Like, there is nothing ahead of me and this is as good as its gonna get. I wish i could just turn back time, knowing what i know now. I just miss you sooooo much and ur always in my heart and on my mind. Your my angel forever and always, I love you.

I know your out there somewhere out there....
Love always,

Name: Whitey
20:24:20 11/08/03


Hey hun,
What's going on? I hope that you are living it up up there!!!! I miss you so much. I hope that you are taking care of the few that have been brought up to you, Steve, and Sarah. You better be taking care of them. You were a great friend, and there isn't nothing that I would take back from the past. But, I'll leave you with the fact that you are truly missed and that I miss you greatly!!!!

Love ya,


Name: still depressed
19:44:00 11/06/03

justin, it has taken me this long to finally write on here and it is still one of the hardest things i have ever had to do. you were the guy who befriended me the first day of my freshman year, you being the hot shot sophomore, that was a big deal. through the years you were that best friend that i ever had. after january 9th i went into a deep depression, which i am still in. i feel responsible. you know about my friend sarah that died, you were the one there to comfort me, when you were gone i had nobody. there was that one night you came to visit me when i got off work. you had just gotten your truck and i was so excited to see you because we had just gotten done with a huge fight, pretty dumb one if you remember. you gave me a huge hug and promised never to leave me, you reached out your hand and placed a gum wrapper in my hand "hillary, do not ever throw this away, and do not ever open it unless something happens to me" i kept that gum wrapper, winterfresh, in my wallet, and january 10th i saw it and balled of course, opened it up and it said "i love you forever" justin i question why all the time. there is not a day i go through with out crying over you. i love you so much and you mean so much to me. you told me that you would be there to sweep me off my feet after i walked across the stage on graduation day, but you were gone...nobody was there. i knew you would not be there but i kept looking, and no jay. the conselor i started going to suggested i get a memorial necklace, i wear it everyday in rememberance of you, everytime i feel if i think of you. justin i know i keep rambling on and on, but this is really hard. i wish i could just call you up, your number you made me promise never to forget and talk to you for hours like we used to with your mom yelling at you because she needed the phone, wow that was a long time ago. now here at college i have more speare time and i think of you all the time. you and i had taken a picture together...well many but they all are gone, i dont know where they went, they all disappeared right after you left. i did not know many of your friends, we hung out with different crowds, so i cant ask them for pictures. but i have your face in my memeory and that is going to have to last forever, you have an unforgetable face. i thank God everyday for all of the good times i had with you. justin i miss you and love you. i pray that i will see you one day again...a friend who will never forget you

Name: 3
AIM: for you
08:54:11 11/06/03

The reason why you left us we cant find out until the right day comes for us. I know every single person is still begging for you to tell them why. it cant happen. as selfish as life might be at times i think thats one time it steps into place. who knows if you can ever read what everyone is typing. we all need to belive what we want and i want to belive you are watching me right now . i dont understand how it could ever happen but im beliveing in you and jay you need to belive now that you had to be the least expected to take this trail in life. dude....ahhh im angry right now. angry at who or what i dont know. it cant be you cause you are not here but i geuss its just what youve done .. you left us all behind every single one of us. to just deal with this one the only best way we can.. but there is no best way cause the thougth keeps coming back into my head sayin WHY... it gets me soooo mad. but jay you need to belive like i was saying before that you were God down here. and i cant understand why you couldnt notice. maybe its all different and people take off their mask when a tragedy happens and post all the messages now about how they loved you and cared for you when its to late.. but with us kind of friends that you have jay, i dont think that was the case.and thats why i dont undersatnd why you are not hear right now.... i think that they always let you know in some way that they had a lot of love and respect for you in every way possible. . . jay i cant live like this anymore. but.....im going to deal with it...i give you all the love in the world, please Rip and smile so we all can breathe again

Name: Olejnik
AIM: trialbasis83
23:21:44 11/05/03

Hey man,

It seems like your messages are dying down a bit. I haven't been to this site in so long. Everytime I hear that DMB song I start to get chills...missing you. I was talking to this friend of mine a little while ago about people that have left my life over the year. You of course were the top of my list. I guess left isn't the right word...more like stepped out to do your own thing...I don't know. Either way man, I wanted to say hello. We all miss you here so fucking much. I'm sure I'll see you in a time, take care.

Name: a friend
16:04:30 11/05/03

Hey Justin. I'm feeling pretty down right now and I just wanted to write to you. How are things up there? I wish you were still here. You would be one of the people I would actually think of calling at a time like this, even though I didn't really talk to you much the last few years. You always come across my mind though when I need a friend. Well maybe we'll meet up again someday. We can make up for lost time. Well I just wanted to say I miss you and hope you are having a good time up there. Later

Name: Just a Mom
08:09:13 10/28/03

Dear Justin,
Just wanted to say how very much you are missed around here. How I would love to see that smile of yours just one more time.

Name: lexi
E-Mail: lexiqt2590@aol.com
00:28:34 10/19/03

times are rough. ever felt like everything you do is not appreciated? or that everything is a waste of time? or that you just wanna fall asleep for a year or two or even just more than 6 hours? or have you ever asked yourself what your purpose is here? ever questioned something nice that someone tells you? its like you cant believe what anyone says...i question everything, i hate it. but just, i miss you like a TON-i miss your trueness, ur concern, ur laugh, ur jokes, ur crazyness, ur love, ur smile, ur everything---u dont get that in too many people anymore. i dont know doll...i wish i could fly away sometimes. but just, your amazing...i know your around sometimes with us all, i can feel ya. baramu always and forever-i love you...
x0x0x your lex

Name: lexi
22:15:22 10/12/03

just something that i think is pretty appropriate for a night like tonight.....baramu...i love you always and forever.....theres never a second when u are not thought about...miss you doll x0x0x your lex

My Best Friend
---Tim McGraw

I never had no one
I could count on
I've been let down so many times
I was tired of hurtin'
So tired of searchin'
'Til you walked into my life
It was a feelin'
I'd never known
And for the first time
I didn't feel alone

You're more than a lover
There could never be another
To make me feel the way you do
Oh we just get closer
I fall in love all over
Everytime I look at you
I don't know where I'd be
Without you here with me
Life with you makes perfect sense
You're my best friend
You're my best friend, oh yeah

You stand by me
And you believe in me
Like nobody ever has
When my world goes crazy
You're right there to save me
You make me see how much I have
And I still tremble
When we touch
And oh the look in your eyes
When we make love

You're more than a lover
There could never be another
To make me feel the way you do
Oh we just get closer
I fall in love all over
Everytime I look at you
And I don't know where I'd be
Without you here with me
Life with you makes perfect sense
You're my best friend
You're my best friend

You're more than a lover
There could never be another
To make me feel the way you do
Oh we just get closer
I fall in love all over
Everytime I look at you
And I don't know where I'd be
Without you here with me
Life with you makes perfect sense
You're my best friend
You're my best friend (my best friend)
You're my best friend (my best friend)

Name: Malerie
20:05:21 10/11/03

heyy sweetheart :) whoa whata weird night .. i went to my dads for dinner and i walked in and my brother had a friend there i never saw before, he was kinda sittin in the dark and i took a real quick glance at him ( i didnt wanna stare at his friend i never met) and damn he looked just like you..i just stood there and i was like OMG you look like justin..it was just weird, sorry..yea i know im a freak dont laugh at me, cuz im sure you are at my stupidity, BUT ... he looked just like you and it scared me at first and then DUH, reality checked in and the sadness came next .. as long as its been and as real as it feels, i still cant believe it ... i dont know why. I think its becuz i feel so GUILTY for not keepin in touch as much as i should have .. ive known ya for 1/2 my life and we were friends for so LONG and so close for so long you THINK i would have tried a little harder to keep in touch..i guess life just caught up with me and i got wrapped up in it .. but im glad we at least had the winks and the hi's and smiles passin through the halls and the occasional phone calls just to see what was up and the every so often running into eachother..i thank GOd EVERYDAY for the little things becuz if it werent for that i dont know if id be able to forgive myself for lettin such a good friendship slip away ... but theres no use in thinkin bout the past and regretting it, there nothing i can do.. im just ramblin, take care hunny i love you and miss you TONSSS, haha and the cubs are doin awesome!!! :) as you know ;)

Name: lindsay ruiz
E-Mail: holataluvin000@aol.com
16:08:54 10/10/03

Justin, Justin, Justin... how i miss you.. You know i look at the site alll the time and sometimes i still dont believe that you are truly gone..You know today when i was riding home from school and i looked up at the trees.. it was so beautiful.. i felt so alive.. i felt like you were there looking at me and just smiling.. you just knew that i was happy. Orrr maybe im just talkin outta my ass haha.. but seriously i feel you sometimes, mostly when im down and out just lookin for a smile. Lately ive been saying "laughter is the best medicine" quite often.. and you sometimes i really do think that its true. Whenever i just feel down and out i either try to make myself laugh or hang out with another person who does. You know you were DEFINATELY one of those people for me. Man.. i just miss you sooooo much Justin. Im not going to talk about how you could have been here and how everyone would have helped you cuz you have already heard it a million times, ijust want to tell you that you are my medicine.. you may not physcially be here to make me laugh.. but i just think of all the fun times and you brighten my days beyond belief.. you have contributed so much to people and have changed their lived FOREVER... i love you more than words can say.. i will never stop thinking about you baby... Love Always & Forever... Lindsay Ruiz

Name: ***
19:13:47 10/08/03

Hey Justin,
Even though I think of you every day, it seems like you have been on my mind a lot more lately. Last Friday, i went to a workshop that was supposed to make my pledge class bond easier. Anyways we were all supposed to tell two personal stories, one happy & one sad, about ourselves so everyone could share in our experiences. My happy story was just a crazy drunk story, but for the sad one all I could think of was you. But it wasn't about you leaving us. It was about the last night I saw you. My friend and I were just leaving work, and it was Christmas Eve, and I ran into you when you were doing some last minute shopping. And stupid me, all in a hurry and stressed about work & all this petty shit, all I think I said was hi, whats up & Merry Christmas. I hadn't seen you for a couple months before that night, too. What I am trying to say is that I would trade anything to go back and give you a hug or really really ask how you were, or at least had more than small talk with you. Even though it wouldn't have changed your plans, at least I could've looked back and not have this shitty feeling I have now. I guess my point is that I told my girls one of the hardest lessons I ever learned. And even though these lessons are told to us in those super sad Chicken Soup Books, about treating every day like its your last ( or spending time and appreciating people bec you never know...), I wish I didn't have to learn it the way I did. I am sure you know what I am getting at, so all I have left to say is I Love You and I will never forget all the awesome memeories you gave us all.
***See ya when I get there***

Name: lexi
22:54:40 10/06/03

hey just, i just wanted to leave you a message real quick letting you know that i love you so much...and i miss you TONS. i drive past your house every option i have...and everytime i come over that little hill on your road just before your house i get these little butterflies in my stomach---the ones that i always have got coming to your house to see you. its just a disapointment knowing that when i go over that hill now, i usually dont go inside and get the opportunity to see you. but doll, i love you-uve got my heart always and of course we ALL wish you were here. BARAMU always and forever.... x0x0x your lex

Name: Heather
16:52:02 09/29/03

Hey justin i didnt know you but i always rember seeing you in the halls in school always smiling i think i even seen you at a few parties im so sorry about everything that has happened to you and your family! i do know how your friends feel i lost a good friend on september 7th i miss him a lot it all seems so fake because his was a closed casket so i never got to seem him but im truly sorry that this had to happen to you Love Heather