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Name: Zac
E-Mail: zacsartori@msn.com
AIM: zacsartori
00:37:09 05/14/03

To everyone who has anything to say:
I've read some things lately and have to say that it saddens me. For those of you looking to place blame, Do it elsewhere. This is not the place.
I realize that there are those of you who cannot understand what exactly happened to our dear friend Justin, and I offer you this bit of information. As much laughter and smiles you may have seen on the outside, as much comfort he might have been able to give, he was not a happy kid. Happy people don't do this.
There is no one to blame for this, not a thing anyone person could have done to stop it. Most of you believe this, and all of you know this. I don't ever want to see anyone place blame ever again. I also don't want to see anyone tear into those who do. Let it be, brush it off. It is no ones fault.

I can't express the the pain that I feel whenever I hear your name. I miss you terribly. I know we didn't get to see eachother much in these past few years, but you were My best friend and will remain close to my heart for the rest of my days and on. You got me through some hard times when we were younger. I know you don't know it, but you where there when I needed you most. I thank you for that.
Jay, not a day goes by that I don't think of you, and not a day goes by that I don't regret stopping by one last time to say hello. I've fallen into the trap of thinking what if, what if I had stopped by? Would things be different? I don't really know, but It makes me cry everytime I think about it. I thought you had moved, I'm sooo sorry, I should have stopped by. I....I'm sorry.
Jay, you taught me something when you passed. You toaught me never to lose touch, never to leave. I'm so sorry I lost touch, I'm sorry I wasn't around more. I just wish I could have seen you one last time......

To Friends of Justin:
I know alot of you don't know me. Me and Jay were friends back in Jr. High. Best Friends. Back when Jay and Me and Joey Ducci, and a bunch of other guys played soccer for the renegades. It was a blast. Its just sooo hard to let go. I mean, I lost touch, but I wasn't gone. I'd stop by every few months to see how things were. Just before Jay passed, I meant to stop bye and say hi, but when I drove by the house, I didn't recognize any cars. It was Justins truck in the driveway, I just didn't know it. I figured they had moved to the farm in Pennsilvania. I'll never regret anything more than not walking up to that door.
Anyways, I'm rambling. I just wanted to let you all know that I feel for you. My heart goes out. We all lost a good friend in this and we are all hurting. I've been through this before though and my only advice is to stick together. It helps it really does. I know that there are people to that are dealing with this on their own, and I say to them, reach out. It will help, it will help you greive. We all have the right to greive. Jay was a great kid. We all miss him. Don't be angry though, nothing could have been done.

Larry and Wendy:
I'm sorry I haven't posted here earlier. I just couldn't do it. I have been dealing with this on my own for all this time, and It's been eating me up inside. I met Becky today though, we ate food and talked and I feel one hundred times better, but at the same time one hudred times worse. It's been easy not to think about things with all that I have had going on. You guys have been so strong, and It means alot to me that you guys still keep your doors open for me when I need someplace to go. I love you guys, you can expect to see me within the next couple days.

Later on.

Name: Lex
01:27:01 05/13/03

hun, not a day goes by that i dont (of course) over analyze all of our many times spent together and our special memories. if there was one person that i thought that knew me on a deeper level than anyone else, it would be you and it always has been (always will be). you are amazing and that will never change.
i miss everytime i have ever spent with you and if i could go back to any of those days alone, you know i would in a second--but more importantly i would make sure that the day never ended. that our time spent together would of never had any good-bye's...i always get these horrible chills when i think of about 4 months ago. i hate the thought of it, but it all crosses my mind everyday.
ya know the big birthday is coming up soon...which also means our "anniversary" is coming up soon! ha, this birthday just isnt going to be the same without you...i guarantee the whole night i will be replaying you saying "baramu" to me, like last year. i cut off all my hair, and i know that you are proud of me...you were the push-over into cutting it off anyways. =0D
all i keep saying over and over in my head is that i just want to see you and give you a big hug...(of course i mean i hope you remember that me and you were always the perfect 'huggers').
ya know, i have been waiting for your help in my school work Just. :) even though you never thought you were helping, you always had some way of inspiring me. it was usually by the little sexy things you would say to me...hell, i even miss helping you with your damn school work.
lately, if you havent noticed, things have been hard for me and the family and friends thing. all this shit with molly and such...it makes me depressed which leads into more thinking and analyzing with how things were between us. i need you here to tell me what to do-to help guide me and keep me stable. you were always the one convincing me that my decisions were the RIGHT thing to do. and that made me feel so secure and so good. i never really realized all the little things and feelings that you gave me and now that i have been without theses feelings for about 4 months now, i realize where some of the goodness in me really came from,...which was of course, you.
honestly, one of the best days of our lives was definetly great america. and speaking of which-remember those booth pics we took together there? yea well remember how i stole one of yours (bc you got two and i got two), and i hid it in my room somewhere? well as surprising as it is, i was cleaning my room pretty good the other day and i found it. bc after i hid it, i searched all over for it a month or so after and i could never find it. until the other day, i was so flippin happy! its such a cute pic even tho me and you both look like we have been through hell--being that we woke our ass' up so damn early to leave! oh well, it was all well well well worth it...especially because i passed out cold asleep the whole way home. until we got to your house and you woke me up telling me that you rented one of my favorite movies to watch with me in your basement.
ya know there has been a lot of talk lately about going back to wisconsin and partying and such over the summer. but as much fun as that sounds like, it is going to be so hard. hah, i mean of course i BIGGEST secret ever was held in gregs cabin in wisconsin. i want to go, but the whole time i know i will be having flash backs of last year there with you. and ESPECIALLY whenever i go in that damn bathroom, all i will hear is your voice and all i will see is you sitting on the floor in there talking to me and saying some of the nicest things that i have ever heard to me. brandon knows exactly what i am talking about. =0D
justin, basically i didnt think this message was going to turn out as long as it did--its just one of those nights i guess you could say. ya gotta keep looking out for all of us Just--we all need and miss youre laughs and love so much. keep an eye out for ricky too because he has been real good to me lately-helping me anytime i need it.
Justin, you were the most real friend i have ever had. sometimes i just wish i could go back for a second-but i am starting to understand the fact that you are happy now. hell you better be sweet thang! ill always be your manhattan girl. i love you hun and miss you more than words could describe. BARAMU!!
Mr. and Mrs. Dodge, take care-I will make a point to stop by sometime soon. I hope you guys had a good Mother's Day. Youre always in my thoughts.
x0x0 Lexi

Name: Tiff
23:11:14 05/12/03

Hey babes i hope your dominating in cs up there i havent posted in a while but i think about u 24/7. Of course im still sad and angry its only because i miss you more then anything. Things are def. wierd down here(im sure your seeing it) but i guess i have to get through it.Grrr i wish u were here to stabalize everything. Just like ricky said you were always a comfort zone, just someone who was always a pleasure to be around and always there to cheer ya up no matter what was going on. Well i just want to reasure u you are not forgotten and always loved by everyone i miss you and love you!
Happy Mothers Day Mrs. Dodge~

Name: **~~
20:54:44 05/12/03

"Don't remake me
Turning the clock I find
You are not at fault for what you did"

- Dispatch

Name: D
20:50:52 05/12/03

"Don't remake me, sometimes its hard, you are not at fault for what you did."


Name: Just a Mom
05:27:36 05/11/03

Dear Justin,
I was thinking about your Mom today and really can't imagine the pain she feels on her day- Mother's Day. My heart goes out to her and all Mothers who have to go through such a tragedy. It still hurts to know you were in such pain. I know you truly loved your Mom. Rest in peace Justin, we all love you and miss you.

Name: adrienne
E-Mail: rienne_99@hotmail.com
11:22:47 05/10/03

i dont know you but all these comments i read about you made me fell upset and i know how it feels to loose a best friend and it sucks.i just want to say RIP and may god be with you!!!and to your friends "your good people"
these stories and commments have touched me and i will always remember them now!!

~you sounded like a good person justin! :'(

Name: Ryan Bryant aka Phr0s7
E-Mail: viashino_cutthroat@hotmail.com
AIM: RyPhr0s7an
23:40:44 05/07/03

Hey Justin,

I was thinking of you today. Someone had said your name when we were playing cs, and it just overwhelmed me.

I hope that you are watching over everyone, because it seems that a lot of people are having troubles these days, myself included :(.

I remember when we used to talk all night long, even though we had school ( or work ) the next morning. You helped me though a lot man, and I'll never forget all the times we went through. Through snow and rain, you were still my friend. That's a pretty powerful relationship for over the internet eh friend?

miss you a lot monk,
Your friend forever, Phr0s7

Name: ~!~!~
21:43:47 05/07/03

hey justin!
i just wanted to let u know that i still think about u and i will never 4get about you! u were and are the greatest ever!!!!!!!!! god bless and RIP!
l love you
just wanted to let u know i think about u everyday

Name: ~!~!~
21:43:33 05/07/03

hey justin!
i just wanted to let u know that i still think about u and i will never 4get about you! u were and are the greatest ever!!!!!!!!! god bless and RIP!
l love you
just wanted to let u know i think about u everyday

Name: Carrie Smith
E-Mail: smitty268@attbi.com
AIM: IrishHcky8
18:30:55 05/06/03

Well Justin, lots have been going on lately and I just wanted to let you know how much everyone still thinks about you. You have some great friends who really care for you, and you would be so proud. RIP-God Bless

Carrie Smith

Name: Ricky
02:23:28 05/06/03

Well justin......i miss you.....it's unbelievable. I need you here with me jay. I've had a rough time lately because of people. i wish you'd be here to comfort me like you use to when i'd fight with her. I've been getting crashed left and right lately. I hear that friends don't like me any more. They think i've become a total asshole......I never even harmed anyone! i just don't get it. So much has been going on lately that's been crashing me. I've tried keeping my head up, All i wanna do is talk to people and get comfort. Talk out all the problems. And i do, i really do. But still i can't stay happy. There's always depression. I don't want people to worry about me. I could never do what you did. I've seen too much of it already. I see the outcome, i know there are other ways around it. I wish you could have seen it too. We could both be in the same boat together...sittin at your house, ignoring the world and playing counter strike. Me you and brandon together enjoyin the care and comfort felt between us. best friends.........

I know you're having a great time now budl, i hope you're watching over me. I'm trying to get myself back on track and starting all over. The motivation to get going is slowly coming back. I'm tryin to move up in my working field, gettin a membership to start workin out again, making plans to get into ITT tech so i can make something of myself. I need to. I know a lot of people doubt me that i can achieve, but i'll show 'em all. I might be slacking now but no one understands what i'm experiencing. it'll pass. I know you're helping me get through it. Thank you for being my best friend for all the years.

I still remember the first time you came over...playing in my room, jumping around from the bunk beds to the dresser to the floor and back up again. Then hiding on the side of my garage while my brother came looking for us to play with him. You were always the joker. Even when it was suppose to be serious you'd come out with some wise crack, or some crazy plan to make it more interesting.

To jay's parents, I hope you're hanging in there. I wish it could all just be better instantly...Mrs. Dodge i hope you have a lovely mothers day. I'll do what i can to help. Mr. Dodge i hope you can join us out at the track on tuesday may 13th. We'll be seein some pretty nice races!

I will love you forever jay, You are in my thoughts and memories all day long. We'll see each other again soon =) But not soon enough.

Name: Jerald
AIM: to justin dodge
23:54:06 05/03/03

I have not known you at all, just find you when browsing the internet..am sorry dude...

May you rest in peace with GOD
now and forever his kingdom...

so long

18:46:03 05/03/03

I have yet to find the words to say to you. It seems as if nothing can be said for how great of a person you were. Always smiling, always the life of the party-you knew when Justin Dodge walked into the room because it just lit up. I don't know what you were thinking man. I had just seen you that night and you seemed so happy like nothing was wrong at all. Why didn't you just reach out to one of us I'm so happy I was able to see you one more time though, since we hadnt hung out in awhile. It was like old times. When you left that night I said "Damn, I've missed that kid" Everybody else agreed..Why, Justin?? I don't know what else to say, I get all choked up just writing this. Peace..I'll see you when my time comes.
I love you man!

Becky- Ive wanted to tell this since the day this all happened but I just haven't been able to get the words out and wasnt even sure were to contact you. Remember when we were giving you a hard time about not drinking and stuff that night? Well when we were outside I asked him how you 2 got along so well since you guys seemed different. He just looked at me and said "You don't understand-she's smart, she's funny, she's the most innocent thing ever, she's beautiful, she's just perfect. She makes me want to be a better person and nobody has ever done that for me." I don't know if those words are completely exact, but they are pretty close. I just said wow and then he started talking about how we was going to miss you when you went back for school-he walked away right after that and I could tell that upset him. But then he went back into the room with you and his face lit up-you really meant a lot to him. Sorry I haven't told you that until now, but I really just wanted you to know-maybe that will help you when you have a bad day.

Rest In Peace Justin Dodge-
You were a real friend

Name: Jenny K
23:41:58 05/01/03

Hey Justin. I haven't written anything on here yet. I don't really know why. I've knew you all through high school and I'm not sure if I ever left a good impression on you, but I hope I left something. I mean how many people can you say were with you when you got kicked out of Michigan? If I never said it, I'm glad you went to that. Hot dogs were good, pizza in pie irons were better. I'm sorry for everything. And to Ricky and everyone else that was close to you, i hope they all know they have my condolences. I do miss you. and i hope everything is better. now.

Name: Kelly--the Loyola one
E-Mail: dmb8224@aol.com
AIM: dmb8224
22:38:24 05/01/03

Hey J,
It't pathetic that it's taken me so long to write to you, i tried once and then something happened before i finished and i was so worn out emotionally that i couldn't do it again...and then as always the days just kept going by and i never wrote, so tonight is the night. Where to start...
I met you my first weekend at school, and man J, no weekend after that even came close. That one night made my whole Loyola experience. We should have gotten in so much trouble, but we totally pulled it off. Honestly, thinking about it, you, Ricky, and Jen(of course) are the only things i really miss about being at Loyola...and we can't forget about Brandon(haha). 4 months isn't really that long to know someone, but it is long enough for someone to change your life. I looked forward to the weekends you guys came up. The weeks were way too long and the weekends were boring without you. You were my date every weekend too, since it was always the 4 of us hanging out.
There are a few things that ill remember the most. One, the night in Jen's room w/u, Ricky, Brandon, Jen and i when we were playing some game and it was your turn to make up a rule...which was "Keep your hands to yourself, or else you have to take a piece of clothing off"...yeah, remember who lost that one first?? Thanks for looking out for me J, i couldn't handle him on my own:-) Then there was the last weekend, the wonderful night we drove for hours to go to those parties we never ended up at. Everyone was crabby and hungry and fighting. But, you sat in the back with me and got your chili dogs (even though u supposidely dont even like chili dogs) and were cuddling with me. You made that night hilarious and unforgettable J, just like everytime i hung out with you. I'll also always remember that on-line card that you called me into Jen's room to tell me was "for me" and it was that little girl running through the grass...and it was pretty lame, but definitely cute. You always were my "computer nerd" friend.
I went to a Dave concert a few weeks ago...it was Dave and Tim actually...you were supposed to burn that CD for me remember?? That's alright, i fogive you. I'm going to see him again in June, you can come with me if you're not busy and we can chill together and enjoy it...your the only person i know who is almost as big of a Dave fan as i am.
What still gets me is the last thing i ever said to you. It was the night after the drive and you were laying on the top bunk and i came to say good night to you guys. You were already sleeping and i wanted to wake you up and what i said was, "Bye Justin...i'm never going to see you again." Never, ever, ever did i think it would be b/c you would be leaving. I was the one going away and i didnt know if i would make it to Chicago again. It still amazes me that you're gone. I guess being 6 hours away and not being used to seeing u everyday makes it easy to pretend as if nothing happened. But everytime i look through pictures or look at your site, i realize all over again that i never will see again on this earth. But one day, i will.
Thank you for all the good times you shared with me. Thank you for giving me some happiness during such a hard time in my life. Thank you for letting me spend time with you and get to know you. Thank you for who you were and who you will forever be. I'm sorry you were hurting and that no one saw it. But, your happiness is most important. Talk to you later J. I miss you!
~Kelly Welsh~

Name: ~~
10:28:46 05/01/03

still cant believe your gone!! i just dont believe it at all. well just saying hi. love ya

Name: Lauren
23:52:23 04/30/03

I believe that everything happens for a reason and even though the reasons are not very apparent at this time....its important to keep on believing* I have encountered quite a few lame nicknames throughout the years, but I gotta hand it to ya, you had some of the cheesiest. You always could get a smile to appear on my face though. I was angry and hurt by the "little inncident" that happened that really ended us being friends...but I figured that you were happier in your decision...so I learned to let it go. All I want to tell you is I forgive you and I wish that there was something I could have done to help. God Bless you Justin. You will be missed*

Name: old friend
16:27:43 04/30/03

Hey, when I heard I was in shock. i thought no not Justin as i'm sure everyone else did. I'll Always Remember you. You made me laugh so much. You are missed. RIP

Name: *****
14:39:35 04/30/03

hey justin~
just saying hello to you hope your having a good day. keep looking down on everyone love you lots.

Name: Beth
23:50:28 04/29/03

Just wanted to talk......At least once a day I catch myself daydreaming of some part of a conversation I had with u. You said some things to me that I will never forget, and now that you're gone i always have to sit alone inside when everyone else is outside smoking,,,,usually when u were there u stayed in with me. I will never forget the last good conversation I had with u...for once I felt like someone was understanding me. and u told me things about u i wont soon forget, and i wont tell either. we really connected that night. I'm so glad. You would have looked great with long hair (haha)
Everyone misses u lots....
See you in the clouds on the next clear day....
Love Beth
P.S. Sorry for not wearing my glasses so much anymore ;)

Name: Beth
23:27:59 04/29/03

Hey Justin........how are u? I'm sure you're happy as can be. I can see it now, you on your cloud with all the angels around you ;)

Name: ~!~!~!~!~
19:21:52 04/29/03

hey justin!!!!!!
im chillin rite now, just thinking about how u would always make me laugh and laugh even more! i really miss u, and i will never 4get you! rite now is getting to a point where i just dont know anymore, ive been feeling really down cuz of all thats happened! i wish u were still here so i can talk to you!
luv ya and i really miss you! :*(

Name: natalie
AIM: hottxokiss
18:36:51 04/29/03

Man life is a wonder... there really arent enough words to describe what i'm thinking or how i'm feeling about all this...its just very very sad and my heart is just drenched in why!~ why you suh a great person..and now w/ eric ...two great, hilarious guys that i always had fun w/ that put a smile on my face or even tears of laughter... now its a different story..tears of pain and i just miss u guys..its so hard to come to reakity that i cant see around...i will see u two someday up there...We all LOVE u..and miss you sooooo soo much..luv nat..justin u will always be my hottie ;)

Name: ~Krystle~
E-Mail: Kryst2@hotmail.com
11:58:33 04/29/03

im missing you babe.....espcially since we are all gettin reminded again....there are bad days. the days you feel like you dont want to live nemore, but there are also the good days, the days you smile, those are the days worth living for.... dont take life, its a beautiful thing and its the only one you have.....RIP i love you baby

Name: Whitey
18:38:16 04/28/03

Hey hun,

I haven't written in a LONG time. I am sure that you have found out about Eric. Please take care of him up there, and let him know that everything is will be ok with his friends. He has all of us to make sure that they will get through it. Take care Dodger. I LOVE AND MISS YA BABE!!!


Name: Malerie
E-Mail: IkaidensmamaI@aol.com
AIM: ikaidensmamai
10:08:08 04/28/03

hey hunny! how ya doin up there? i havent written ya in awhile ( it seems like thats the first sentence i say on every post), but im keepin in touch like i should have done the past year..im a lil too late huh? and that i DO regret because now i miss you more than i EVER did..i was driving yesterday and i looked in my rearview mirror and i saw a guy in a black truck behind me..and as real as it is that your gone in my head i still said aww thats justin behind me i havent seen him in awhile..and then reality set in a LITTLE bit too slow and then the tears came..it looked just like you, i saw your eyes..those eyes that ive never seen on anyone..and it was just too weird for me to even keep thinking about..and everytime i think to myself and write on these posts i pray to god that you see it when i say im sorry for not keepin touch, and for maybe not being the best friend that i could have been when that was all and more that you ever were to me....... a couple days ago krystle told me that eric had done the same thing..i went to grade school with him and maybe talked to him a few times but that was it... i had gotten over the initial shock that you were gone and for some reason now its back again and for the life of me i cant get rid of it..and every time im scared and everytime something goes wrong in my life its YOU that i ask to help me through it and its YOU that i talk to before i go to sleep..maybe its my way or makin up for those couple years of lost time..who knows, i never ill.. and saturday night when i thought i was gonna die, on the back of a motorcycle passin up some stupid slow ass car goin 95 miles an hour and saw a car comin our way it was YOU that i was talkin to in my head tellin to save my life..for some reason i still trust you with my life like i did before haha .. and im still here so maybe i have you to thank or just the timing... im still unpackin boxes from moving, althought its been a few months..but im slow as you know..and i keep finding stupid little things that you gave me or things that i stole from you haha..yea i still have your yellow abercrombie shirt that i took 4 years ago :)..but sadly it doesnt smell like you anymore..it smells like a cardboard box haha..thats allright, i still got the shirt :), but im gonna get goin and go on a walk :)..im trying to lose soem of my tank ass that ive gotten in the past year haha :) WISH ME LUCK :P..im sure i wont make it far haha :)i miss ya hunny :P love, malibu

Name: Becky
E-Mail: pookah84@aol.com
AIM: pookah84
01:09:27 04/27/03

Hey Babe-
I hate these nights, J. Nights where everything is fine, and then all of a sudden I'm just overcome with this incredible sadness, and I miss you so much. I was just sitting here doing homework, and out of nowhere I just started crying, and thinking about everything. I can't stop crying right now, and I don't even think I can explain what I'm feeling. It's so weird because I've been doing fine..granted I think about you all the time, and miss you like crazy every minute of the day, but I've been doing so much better.
Everytime I cry over this, I think of the one night on the way back to my house when I just cried to you about everything that was going on. I barely said anything, I just cried. And when we got back to my house we just sat in my driveway and you hugged me and wouldn't let go. I need that right now, and I wish I could have held you that night when you needed to be held most. I miss you so much. I'm going to go lay down and talk to you until I fall asleep.
Love and Miss You Tons...
always and forever,
your lil devil

there are no words
nothing can ever be said
to make sense of the exit that you made
or this sadness forced on our lap
left us stuck with these haunting questions
where are all the beautiful answers
where is the button to push that takes it all back
i should have been there
crossed burning bridges to meet you
where was i when you ran out of walls to punch
and i know that you wouldn’t want us to blame ourselves or anything
but the world and that your actions
well they were never tender
but still nothing prevails like the emptiness of a world forever without you
i can still see the way that your teeth showed when you smiled
hear the sound of your guitar
i think of the things that should have given you the strength to go on
with the horror of our last words still ringing in my ears
anything we would’ve done anything to keep you around sometimes you just can’t hold the madness at bay alone we have all been there before no one makes it here alone

Name: An old classmate
20:00:07 04/26/03

To the friends and family of Justin Dodge-
I can't imagine the pain that is in your hearts. I can only say that he is thought of everyday day by many loved ones, friends, and old classmates. He was a remarkable guy to be around. God bless him and all of you.

Name: x0x0
18:32:57 04/26/03

I am still so torn up about you, and Eric's death only makes it worse. It really brought back all the feelings I have been trying to supress. I hope everyone who knew you and saw the devastation your death caused realizes that there are always people in your life who love you unconditionally, no matter how alone or lost you feel. Love you and miss you, and please watch out for Eric.

Name: Ash
E-Mail: jrtpeach28@hotmail.com
AIM: crash2620
01:44:50 04/26/03

Jay... Well someone real close to us just died... exactly how you did... Justin it's killing me and I can't deal with it. It reminds me so much of what we all went through with you... and even thought I wasn't as close with Eric as i was with you... It hurts so much to see my friends hurting like I did and still do... I dunno Jay, I guess I just wanna tell you once again that I love you, and I miss you so much, watch over Graf up there ok? I'm positive you two will party reaaaal hard up there <3Ash

Name: ~!~!
22:54:17 04/25/03

hey justin!!!!
oh i really miss you! :*( you are a great person and will always be, no matter where u are! i will always remember u! we had some great times in school. you would have a new nick-name for me everyday and i would just laugh cuz i knew u were joking! you were the happiest kid ever when i would see u, with a great big smile. And u were the one who told me not to blow off my senior, live life as it comes, and dont have any regrets! and till this day im doing that! i will never 4get u!!!!!!!!!! i hope ur looking down on everyone cuz were all looking up at you! your a GREAT friend and we had some great conversations that no one else will ever know about! love you

Name: ~*~
13:18:48 04/25/03

Every now and then soft as breath upon my skin
I feel you come back again
And it’s like you haven’t been gone a moment from my side
Like the tears were never cried
Like the hands of time are holding you and me
And with all my heart I’m sure we’re closer than we ever were
I don’t have to hear or see, I’ve got all the proof I need
There are more than angels watching over me
I believe, I believe

That when you die your life goes on
It doesn’t end here when you’re gone
Every soul is filled with light
It never ends and if I’m right
Our love can even reach across eternity
I believe, I believe

Forever, you’re a part of me
Forever, in the heart of me
And I’ll hold you even longer if I can
The people who don’t see the most
Say that I believe in ghosts
And if that makes me crazy, then I am
‘Cause I believe

There are more than angels watching over me
I believe, I believe

Name: Jen
E-Mail: jmedvid@luc.edu
AIM: gabs0705
10:41:33 04/25/03

How is it that one feels so alone,
That they're willing to wander so far from home?
Not knowing if it's really better on the other side,
Not allowing those who loved, To even say goodbye.
Why is it that they feel so lost in space,
Why couldn't we see the pain and agony on their face?
They say it's always the good that die young,
But why, WHY, did it have to be this one?
All the tears that are shed, all the moments that we cry,
Will never satisfy the unanswerable question of WHY.
Many hearts are broken; it will never be the same,
For we will wake up every day, and only memories remain.
You were far too young to leave us for good,
Because you had that *smile*, you were misunderstood.
May God bless your soul and take you into His arms,
And lead you away from any potential harm.

Jay, I miss you more and more every day. A whole lot has changed since you left us, bud. Like I said, nothing will ever be the same; I wish you would have said something to someone. You won't be forgotten. As always, you're in my prayers every day.

Love always,

Name: *~*
16:01:50 04/23/03

There's holes in the floor of heaven,
And his tears are pouring down.
That's how you know he's watchin,
Wishin he could be here now.
And sometimes when I'm lonely,
I remember he can see.
Cuz there's holes in the floor of heaven.
And he's watchin over you and me.

Name: *~*
15:58:56 04/23/03

There's holes in the floor of heaven
And his tears are pouring down.
That's how you know he's watching,
Wishin he could be here now.
And sometimes when I'm lonely,
I remember he can see.
Cuz there's holes in the floor of heaven,
And hes watching over you and me.

Name: Matt
E-Mail: grandmamatt@yahoo.com
AIM: funkyluvsauce
00:56:51 04/23/03

This collection of people's prayers and thoughts makes me realize that maybe we should be doing this for people that are still here with us as well as for people who have left us. Even though I only met you once, you make me realize that everybody is worth the most attention we can give them. I feel like I could have said something to you... I've been down that same road as you, I just never took it to that level. When I saw you that night, it must have been a week before it happen, I noticed something switched in you. It was the first sign of depression, now that I look back on it. That sudden shift in personality, none of us could get you to snap out of it. Since it was the first night I met you, I didn't know how you normally acted. I mean, I'm supposed to be the guy that makes everybody smile. So, I guess I'm sorry I didn't make you smile that night I met you, I should have been more compassionate. If only we talked more, then maybe this shit wouldn't have happened... I mean, I've been there and got out of it, I know I could have helped you through this. I'm sorry I missed out on such a good person, I never once heard a bad thing about you. A great person like yourself will live in the hearts of people you didn't even realize you touched as well as many others, this didn't need to happen. We all should have done something like this for you when you were here. Sorry.

Name: Dana
19:09:55 04/18/03

Jay BaBeS~
How are u sweet<3. I know you saw what just happened frisbee golfing, but I'lltell you bout it anyways:) Eric came up there to meet us and we didn't think he would, well since I still haven't bought my own frisbee, he let me choose between 2 of his extra ones. ANd I picked that white one ya know... well, I for some reason turned it upside down and read it. It was ur disc jay. It said "justin dodge" It really put me into shock. NO wonder I was doin so good though. =) Sorry I didn't keep it or keep usin it. U probably would've wanted me to, but i was so like stunned I couldn't even say anything. Haha I can just imagine ur reaction when you lost it~ and now today I used it. It's crazy!~ I miss you a lot. I can't wait til the day we meet up. I think bout you everday~as you probably know, and I dunno... I jus wish I could've helped you, that way u would be here, n u'd be happy... the happy that u used to make me think u were. I'm so sorry. Well, since I've been an insomniac the past week haha, I've thought about a lot of stuff. I just can't wait to meet up with you again. I heard our song again and it brought back so many memories. I love you

Name: inspired...
16:21:24 04/18/03

justin... i didnt and still dont know you... the only things i know about you are from what my friend and her sister have to say about. trust me none of the things are bad... i read your site and it took me a while to think of what to say but i felt like i should say something... i am astonished at the fact that you would do that to yourself and maybe if you would have known that so many people here care about you then maybe, just maybe you would still be here... i know you cant change the past but if there is one time... im sure that everyone would change what happened that night... as i read about the night and what people feel i was so overcome with fear,sadness,shock and happyness... im scared for my friends who i would miss so much. i am sad because so many people miss you. i am shocked that such a great person would do this and im am happy knowing that you are free from pain. you were such a great person and its so amazing to read what everyone has to say about you... so many people love you and they all still do... R.i.P. Justin... you will ALWAYS be remebered... you are an inspiration to keep living... i love youboy... thanks for everything.

Name: x0x0
14:15:13 04/17/03

Hey Justin,
Just want you to know that I am still thinking of you everyday. I miss you so much. I keep looking forward to the summer when everyone is out of school, and all the awesome times that lie ahead, but the fact that you won't be there really leaves me feeling so damn sad. I love you, and I cherish all the memories you made for all of us.

Name: Krystle
E-Mail: Kryst2@hotmail.com
11:10:59 04/17/03

im in class and everyday 4th hour almost i come check this if im not doing my homework haha...which mostly im not...i read what your grampa said and becky and that and its sad...its all so sad...i just want to say i love you and i want you to f#%@ing come back!!!! your loved so damn much its ridiculous you lil stud...just live it up in heaven and we all cant wait to see you ya lil shit i miss you and i love you!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox ~Krystle

Name: Relations
11:07:49 04/17/03

Hey Justin,

How ya doing buddy?? Miss ya! Just thought I would stop and say hey. Well gotta run!
Lova ya

Name: Ryan Bryant aka Phr0s7
E-Mail: viashino_cutthroat@hotmail.com
AIM: RyPhr0s7an
01:49:36 04/15/03

Hey Justin,

I thought I'd drop you a line and fill you in on all the stuff going on these days, although you can probably see us :P. We may remake f2x, and see if we can keep it going for a while, it just won't be the same without you :(. I'm going to get a job soon, doing some webdesign stuff, and hopefully I'll be able to learn a lot from it.

I miss ya so much man :(

Love ya, Ryan

Name: Michelle
19:38:36 04/11/03

Hey Justin.. i never thought that losing someone i knew from a friendship with my sister and just from meeting you the like 5 times we were introduced , that this would make me look at things so differently and change my life in so many ways.. like just knowing you and the kind of person you are makes me smile.. recently i lost someone else that i looked up to greatly.. i wish that this wouldn't have been the way i learned but you're passing away changed my life, and i thank you each day for it.. please continue to watch over Nikol cause i know she misses you like you wouldn't believe.. and i know that everyone else misses your great attitude towards life as well.. keep rockin heaven..

Name: Nick Carlson
E-Mail: NickCarlson@msn.com
22:54:12 04/10/03

Hey I know this has been so long but I've been holding back for so long to say what I want to say. I've been through some really hard times and I have done some really stupid things I wish I had never have done. The only reason I'm still here is God.

I wasn't to close to you man, but you were still a friend none the less and after reading all of this I can't help but cry. You were an incredible person man and the world will have this big void becasue you are gone. I have to ask the question man. I can't help but ask it. Why? You always had a smile on your face. I wasn't close to you but I can truly say you were a very incredible person and you seemed to never let anything get you down. Til this day I can't forget the great smile you always had man. I will forever miss you and I know I'll see you when I get there..........

Name: Nick d
E-Mail: frustrated_kid_21@hotmail.com
AIM: aikiaiki21
00:16:34 04/10/03

justin, it seems like just yesterday was the day we met, and now i have to say goodbye, it has been awhile now since all of this has happened but i have been puting this off for all too long, we have so many memories together that i will just never forget. It was the greatest ever when i found another cs gamer in a rare place on that day in art class at lw, lol I talked such a big game to you and you were so casual about it "yah im pretty good" so we set down a date to play a game against each other....and wow did i get rocked. when do you ever see the jumping deagle hs long distance..lol.. at that very moment i knew instantly i was in some serious trouble...i got owned, but you were so nice not to rub it in to bad. but anyway i play all the time ever since you got me back into it after i had quit before we met, you always taught me all you always helped. i miss all crazy parties and all your mean burnouts, i will never forget how you always taught me to never take life so seriously, and to just live life and enjoy it... i miss you man.. and not a day goes by when i dont think of you not a minute when i am just by myself do i not think of the crazy times we had together and how you could always cheer me up. how you let me play cs when i was wasted lol and we went in rotation first to die 5 times, good thing i went first because i really didnt get to play after my 5 deaths cuz you would just own round after round. and the only 5 deaths you had on the map were mine. and i also will never forget the last time you played with me on the night b4 i would never get to see you again and you told me you would be playing cal-i and i wasnt really sure what you meant.... i do now and i am really proud of you.. i will miss that we can never play again but i will always remember you and i will carry on the name 4 you doin my name to best represent it even tho i know that i can never be as good as you were. i will play cal-i. and you can watch me from above laughin about how you could still own me and tell me everytime we talked about cs that you jump hs d owned me. and i will represent as [R^] jo0 monk3y as best as i know how. i love you justin. i will never forget you man. i own jo0! (it hurts evertime i play, and it always sux that i cant call up you to come tear it up for me if i am gettin owned by some guy. but i will make it so the only guy i know who could own me is you just)

Name: Becky
E-Mail: pookah84@aol.com
AIM: pookah84
18:58:16 04/09/03

Hey Babe-
Last night I had a dream about January 8th, 2003..it was a total reflection of what we did that night, how we said goodbye, and then how we talked minutes before everything happened. I woke up a lot earlier than I wanted to this morning, and I couldn't fall back asleep. I just kept thinking about the boys coming over to tell me that morning, and how when they walked through the door I could have never prepared myself for the words that would come out of their mouths. I still remember every single detail of that morning..my sister waking me up, Ricky, Brandon, Bob, Mike, and Buss coming in and telling me we needed to talk. I remember exactly where all of us sat, and the exact words that Ricky spoke when he told me. I remember how I just sat there in shock, no words, no tears, and as they asked me what we did the night before, I couldn't even remember..I just shook. I remember looking around and seeing the sadness in their faces, and not feeling like it was real. I remember them leaving, and how for the rest of the day I couldn't sit down. I just paced back and forth. I often think of that night..how much fun we had, the things we talked about. I wish I could go back to that night..especially to 12:30 when you asked me if I would come over for a few more minutes. If I could do anything in life over, that would be it. I wish you would have told me, or anybody that it was this bad. Anybody would have done everything they possibly could for you, Jay.
Anyways, this morning I went outside and watched the sun come up by the lake. It was beautiful..I haven't taken time to enjoy things like that lately. The clouds were perfect, the sky orange, the waves crashing, and all of a sudden I saw two birds flying right in front of me. I started crying. Today is the one year anniversary of my brother's girlfriend's little brother, Ben's, death..he took his own life, too. As I saw the birds flying around, I thought of you and him as the birds..free from your pain now. It was really powerful.. I just pray that you are happy and peaceful. You deserve happiness..I just wish it could have been here with us. I can't believe its been three months..I've definitely learned a lot these past three months. You taught me so much while you were here, and I've learned so many lessons since you've been gone. I miss you more than words, Justin. Words can't even describe the way any of us feel. Keep watching over everybody..we feel it, and we need it. And if you get a chance, give little Ben a hug for Nick and I. He's a little cutie, too.
Love always..and forever,
"Your lil devil"

P.S. A little while ago Ricky found the second website you started for me..its beautiful..I only wish you could still be here to finish it..but I won't "grr" at you like it says..

"..It's like the wind. I can't see it, but I can feel it.." - A Walk To Remember

Name: Jen
E-Mail: jmedvid@luc.edu
AIM: gabs0705
17:54:30 04/09/03

I can't believe it's already been 3 months. I get up every morning, and you're one of the first thoughts on my mind. Throughout the day, nothing changes..it still consumes much of my time. I think about the morning that Ricky came over to tell me, and my heart falls into my lap over and over again. I wonder what one could have done to prevent this, and then I constantly ask what I, myself, could have done to help. Justin, we started talking a lot a little less than a month before this happened, and you started opening up to me. Things I never expected that would come out of your mouth-we talked all night about. I saw a side of you that I'd never seen before. I felt so privileged that you were talking to me about everything and that we had become so close. You had become one of my best friends, especially since I saw you almost every weekend. I looked back to my calendar, and there were only a few weekends first semester that I didn't see your smiling face here with Ricky or back at home. For some reason or another you two managed to make it up here. I know Loyola doesn't offer much, but the times we had here, I wouldn't give up for anything in the world; it was a blast. So now my question to you...since you let me in to see a side of Justin Dodge that I had never seen before, why didn't you say anything, bud? To me or to anyone else. We were all here for you and have so much love for you, it's unbelievable. I can promise if you would have told ANYONE what you were thinking, we would have been there in no time. No one would have wanted you to feel any pain. I'm so sorry that you felt you were in a position where you had no other escape. We're all here missing you, and all we can do is pray.
I must say we did a little partying this weekend, and it sure was unique, but I missed ya. No party or any other event will ever be the same without you. You brought smiles to people's faces as you walked in the room. You brightened people's day all the time. You sure as hell made me feel better about things. I want to sincerely thank you for everything you did for me and everyone else. You are irreplaceable, and you will not be forgotten. Our love for you will never end nor will the constant stories about you. We all have wonderful memories with you, Jay. Thank you for letting me be a part of your life; I wish I could have done more. May God bless your soul and relieve all the pain.
When it's time, I'll see you again, and I'll watch you and the boys goof off like old times and watch you attract all the fine hunnies. You were always good at both. Until then, I hope you're doing alright, babe. As always, you're in my prayers. I love and miss you, kiddo.

Love always,

P.S. Papa Glenn, I'm always reading the posts...thank you very much. That means a lot to me. I want you to know that I also think about you often, and you and the rest of Justin's family are in my prayers. Take care, talk to you soon...

Name: Papa Glenn
11:38:03 04/09/03

Dear Wendy: I woke very early this morning---almost to the minute of your devastating and emotion filled phone call, of exactly three months ago today. Your words have continued to ring clear so many times through my head, and you will never know the helpless feeling it still brings to me. After all, Dads are suppose to fix things and make them right--No? I'm so sorry I couldn't help in this one, to "right" this needless loss to you and so many others in Justin's life. It will always upset me that there was nothing I could do. Though Jay and I hadn't seen much of each other since his 13th and 14th summers here in Florida--we had some really great quality time in Grandpa / Grandson bonding. He made it easy to develop that kind of relationship--and testimony contained on this web site from others, only emphasizes that commendable trait. We did some neat things those summers, and had poolside chats most evenings when the sun went down, along with swimming and messing around until bedtime. It was at one of those times, that I told him that if at any time in his life he had something troubling him, or needed to talk about something he wasn't comfortable discussing with you or Larry, or even his best friend--he could count on me to listen, be concerned, and even advise if asked. All he had to do was call. And as I've told you before--"I never got his call". Because of that, it will always remain a question in my mind of "what if"--what if we had talked things through--what if I might have been able to make a difference because of it--would this action on his part of January 9th ever have occured? Once again I say, will we ever know why this had to happen?
I am so happy to have gotten to see Jay for the last time, if ever so briefly, back in September of 02, while passing through New Lenox, near our vacations end. He had stopped off at home you may recall, to let you know he was going to be meeting friends, and would be back later that night. He of course was in a hurry running a little late--but did have time for a hug and loving embrace--and proudly showed me his S-10.
Smiling and happy, and burning rubber(it must be in the genes)is my last memory of him. How he'd grown up since I last saw him!
One of these days I'll add some of the things that stand out in our memories of Jay, for they mostly put a smile on our face. That's the way he'd want it---wouldn't he? We miss him, and he's in our thoughts every day in one way or another.
I love you Wendy, Dad & Papa Glenn

P.S. Jen, if you are reading this, you're thought of often, and hope all's going well.

Name: Beverly
AIM: sweetiebee83
00:36:41 04/09/03

Jusin Baby!!!
We all miss you sooo much!!! You are very loved by everyone, and although we only hung out a couple of times, you made me laugh so hard!!! I really hope that you are doing awesome, and as you can see, we all love you and miss you so much!!! Take care sweetie, and look down at us all, cuz you know that we look up to you, and think about you! You will forever be in all of our hearts.
Love ya,

Name: Tiff
23:08:47 04/08/03

Hey Justin~ I miss u more and more everytime i wake up....Nothing can fill your shoes buddy i wish u were still here to make fun off me:)Love u more then anything @-->-- Tiffy (Po0py of course)

Name: Ricky
22:39:32 04/08/03

I Love you Jay.....I miss you so much........These have been the hardest 3 months of my life......I'm sure this won't stop.

Name: Buss
E-Mail: bbussier@bradley.edu
AIM: LBspring8
13:51:49 04/07/03

Hey Jay,

Well it seems like yesterday that everything happened and I still can't get over it.. All the days and sleepless nights are starting to build up... Every aspect of my life is still affected by you.. There hasn't been a night that I've tossed and turned thinking of you... It seems like nothing can ever take you off my mind.. It doesn't matter who I'm with, you just constantly are there... I still catch myself talking to other people and saying well Jay would love that and as soon as I start whether I get it out or not I'm stunned and yet again every single memory of that night comes back to me.. The conversation.... The phone call from ricky... the ride over... turning the corner and seeing all the cops and ambulence.... all the lights flashing right then my heart dropped... me and Delimata just looked at each other and I knew at the same time my heart stopped his did too... Then walking up to your door and in your house and seeing everyone running around lost in the whole thing... None of us knew what to do... I wanted to run down stairs just so I could see you sitting up with the EMT's and laughing because you played a big joke on everyone... That you were ok... The whole way there I sat in silence with Brandon... The only thing I could mutter up is when I see that kid I'm gonna kick his ass so bad for this.... But I can't even do that, let alone I realize now I wouldn't of done that anyways I would've grabbed you and never let you go.... How I wish I would've rushed over to your house when you said goodbye to me.... I always wonder if I could've got to you before anything happened, if I could've stopped you... I know I shouldn't think of those things but I can't help it... You said goodbye to me Jay, you said goodbye I love you... since then I can't say bye to anyone... It just doesn't seem right now because goodbye if for a long time... and I should've known that that's why you said that to me.... I really don't know where I'm going with any of this... I just wish I could've helped you in some way.... I guess I'll just end it here and say that I miss you a ton and I love you and I can't wait to see you again....


Name: Krystle
E-Mail: Kryst2@hotmail.com
AIM: suprSNL
11:35:39 04/07/03

i really should kick myself in the ass, cuz i dont deal with things like this and i really should, i more try to forget cuz i hate the feeling of hurt and i dont mean to forget you and ignore memories. you do pop into my head all the time i just try not to think to much cuz i dont know what to do. i wish i could have been online that night i feel if i would have been maybe youd stil be here or sumtin...you made that impact on me that you make on everyone else and im glad to have been your freind for some years and even like a sister to you and you a brother to me. im just not good with this stuff. but i miss you and when i do think of our memories i cant help but smile cuz thats what you gave me and everyone else i just wish you would have realized that. i have this craveing for you to just come back somtimes but i pass it off, i think of what if's and all that but life is just life and this is the tole it took and i guess we have to accept it eventhough its bullshit to accept. i love you justin. i will forever. thank you for just being who you were and that you made that impact on so many people. your amazing... rest in peace baby...all my love ~Krystle

Name: *******************
00:15:57 04/07/03

Just wanted to tell you that I miss you...and I'm sorry for everything I did and everything I couldve done. I love you Justin. RIP.

Name: 3 3 3
04:11:15 04/06/03

Its been 3 months now. I still can't get passed it. There's this feeling inside me that will never go away. Like a hole that can't be filled. Everyday I hope that things can get easier but they don't. They never will. I just hope that your up there looking down on me and everyone else, because I know we all need u lookin out for us.

Listening and disbelieving,
I don't want to hear the truth.
Confused and lost,
I don't know how to deal with this feeling.
Looking and searching,
for an answer I will never find.
Talking and remembering,
all the good times and bad.
Hoping and wishing,
to see you just once more.
Knowing and realizing,
that you are really gone.
Antcipating and waiting,
until the day we can be together again.

<3 I miss you Jay <3

Name: umm...
00:13:42 04/06/03

okay just,
i am going to tell you those wishes of mine from my wish book that you WERE always trying to read everytime you came over....*i wish me and just could just "be". be us and have everyone be okay with that, but it seems it wont be that way for a while(may 25). *i wish i wasnt so confused with things and just and everything in general. i wish i could just be with my just....(april 18)
geeeeeez, i miss you a lot bud-i cant get used to it. baramu x0x

Name: Just a friend
14:54:16 04/05/03

Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say
And now it's too late to hold you
'Cause you've flown away
So far away

Never had I imagined
Living without your smile
Feeling and knowing you hear me
It keeps me alive

And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day

Darling, I never showed you
Assumed you'd always be there
I took your presence for granted
But I always cared
And I miss the love we shared

And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day

Although the sun will never shine the same
I'll always look to a brighter day
Lord I know when I lay me down to sleep
You will always listen as I pray

And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day

And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day

Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say

One Sweet Day- Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men

Name: Norm
05:10:30 04/05/03

Hey Dodge...What up buddy, just checkin in on ya and makin sure you are doing alright...I'm actually trying to make something of myself now, I am doing what I want to do and I feel good about it...I'm glad that I have your guidance becaue I don't know what I would do without it...Thanks buddy and I'll never forget it...Hey, make sure you keep an eye on BooBoo, because I know she misses you just as much as I do and I know that she takes things to heart alot and it would be good if you helped her out and comforted her...Thanks alot buddy and I am thankful for a person like you...Peace out man...ps. Tidal Waves soccer sucks....haha later man

Name: Em
11:28:07 04/04/03

Hi Jay,
Can't belive its almost been 3 months without you. Down here at school, I'm away from everyone back at home so it doesn't seem real even still. Just wanted to say I miss you and keep watching out for us! Love you, Jay!


Name: ***
AIM: *****
10:11:59 04/03/03

Hey You!
I was just wondering how you doing?
He is having a hard time with this but I am sure you know that. He misses you, he just doesn't show to anyone. Well I just wanted to say "Hi" and that we miss you and love you very much Justin.
Love Always

Name: ***
10:05:59 04/03/03

just thinking about you!! miss you and love you justin

Name: giorgi
E-Mail: giorgij@citadel.edu
AIM: hazedaddy
12:03:33 04/01/03

hey jay,
im sorry i havent been able to write you in awhile. things have been pretty crazy down here the past few months. i just got back from spring break and jess and i went to mal's house and we talked about you for awhile. the stories about the house, late nights at mal's house, and you remember "7 minutes in heaven" with jess. haah that was funny. you were sooo mad. i think that i heard you scream a couple of times. here at The Citadel we just lost two people...one was a Lt. in the Marines who was killed in Iraq on 21 March and the other one died at his house after going for a run on 25 March. i was just wondering if you can keep an eye out for them and tell me how they are both doing. its never good to see someone go like that, especially you. you were a good man jay...just ask anyone around you. all they have to say is good things about you. i dont understand.
well im gonna get going. take care....your still in our prayers.

Name: giorgi
E-Mail: giorgij@citadel.edu
AIM: hazedaddy
12:00:33 04/01/03

hey jay,
im sorry i havent been able to write you in awhile. things have been pretty crazy down here the past few months. i just got back from spring break and jess and i went to mal's house and we talked about you for awhile. the stories about the house, late nights at mal's house, and you remember "7 minutes in heaven" with jess. haah that was funny. you were sooo mad. i think that i heard you scream a couple of times. here at The Citadel we just lost two people...one was a Lt. in the Marines who was killed in Ira

Name: corbett
E-Mail: Ashley443@aol.com
AIM: Ashley443
02:03:50 04/01/03

Hey J...so its been a few months now and I am still in shock that you are gone. Noone understands it. You came up at dinner the other night and my sister was telling me more funny stories about you that I never even knew. We both miss you and your sense of humor alot!! I think about you everyday and I know everyone else does too. You have affected so many people in a positive way that is is ridiculous. I can't even imagine it. I love you and miss you...keep it real

Name: Ricky
00:11:38 04/01/03

I miss you like crazy jay, there isn't anything more to say right now. I still can't help but to think about you everyday. Everytime I go frisbee golf I think about when you, brandon, and me use to go. We both still use your discs with your name written all over 'em. I still go out to the little "burial site" that hans, kevin, alfonso, dave, brandon, andy, and me all made for you that day. It'll be there forever, down there by the creek in the frisbee golf course where you use to just relax and do your thing.

Up until this day still, I have people constantly asking me about you. All of your Counter Strike buddies and even friends that are all just finding out. They are all astonished that a great guy like you could just pass on so quickly. No matter how long they knew you...you impacted them. I really wish it didn't have to be this way..we had so many great times and so many stupid stories that we can't experience any more. i miss you jay. I can't wait till we meet up again when the time comes. Take it easy justin.


Name: Matt Rossmeisl
E-Mail: sales@exahertz.com
AIM: Krayzie145
15:12:13 03/31/03

I just got wind of the bad news, even though it's months later. I found it on http://www.fraggin2x.com I was about to take the site down. I didn't know j00monk3y personally, but I talked to him frequently online. He seemed like a really nice guy, and everything was running smooth for him. I recently lost my brother in law to suicide from drugs, so I know what your going through. Your welcome to continue using http://www.fraggin2x.com for a memorial site. I'll go ahead and leave it up.


Name: Ashley
E-Mail: acsarto@ilstu.edu
23:51:32 03/30/03

Just thinking about you again, like i do all the time. I was home from ISU this weekend and was with my parents and you came up. You brought so much happiness to my whole family. You were an addition to it by far and we all miss you, especially me and Zac! You are such a terrific person and it kills me to see how much so many people miss you. You were greatly loved and as much as i read these messages, so do you. And now you can see how much you meant to people. I love you Mr. and Mrs. Dodge and kids, i pray for you guys all the time. See you when my time comes, until then SMILE down on ALL of us as we smile up at you!!

Name: Jeremy
01:06:31 03/29/03

Justin, sometimes I can't even read what people write about you. I hate to see someone so loved leave this world. I can't help but think about you everyday and that is tough sometimes. I'll see you again, when its my time. I just wanted to say hello and have fun.


Name: dana
10:29:25 03/26/03

hey babe :) i just wanted to say i'm going frisbee golfing again today, i'm gonna be thinkin about you again... as usual =) hope you're doing good up there buddy. i miss you a lot
love u always

Name: Malerie
09:45:45 03/26/03

heyy hunny :) havent written ya in awhile..as you ALREADY know, they burnt down the house at the end of our road..i was on the phone with jess and she said "omg mal the house is on fire and and the fire trucks are there..im assuming it was on purpose, it was only a matter of time before they burnt it down..i went past it the other day for the first time since it was burnt down n it was weird cuz i felt my heart hit the ground..i was like wow..soo many memories in that house... i miss ya lots, and you pop into my head at the weirdest times..just thought id let ya know haha :)..i hope your havin fun n being careful :)..right right we all know you are..mm hmm im sure you sense the sarcasm in my voice :)..ill write back later bye hunny :)
love, malibu

Name: brad
18:45:30 03/25/03

im sorry

Name: Dana
10:18:51 03/24/03

Hey babe, I havent written on this in a while. Things have been so weird lately. I think about you everyday, and I ALWAYS think i see you. Then i have to remind myself, wait no... and the other day i was driving on laraway... jay NO ONE walks on laraway really, especially alone. and there was this kid who looked JUST like you, and i was like omg!! and then as soon as i passed, he just stopped and turned around and stood there. it was the weirdest thing. Last night thanks for visiting me in my dreams. :) That hug was great, and when i said i miss you, it was the truth. Im iss you soo much. i think about you all the time still. =) I wish you were here!!!!! i cant wait til i see you again for real. Well~ i've gotta get goin to classes and stuff, well... maybe i won't go to class haha. but, i will write more later. and just remember i love you, and i miss you.. and please stop having all these look-alikes fool me!! =)
love you hun

Name: Ash
E-Mail: jrtpeach28@hotmail.com
AIM: jrtpeach426
15:18:07 03/21/03

Hey babe... just wanted to say hi... we had a speaker today about 9/11 and he said how we should always go home and give extra hugs to our family or friends, basically because you never know if tomorrow won't come. So that got me thinking and it hit pretty hard... I dunno I guess I just pretend like you aren't really gone and somehow it's easier, but then I think about it and relaize you're not, and you're not ever coming back... I guess this probably runs thru eveyron's minds but still... I just wanted to let you know I love you and I wish I could give you that "extra hug"... miss you hunny <3 Ash

Name: !
E-Mail: bkooper84@aol.com
18:15:20 03/20/03

hey man,
hope life up there is treatin you well. i ran into one of yur brothers the other day. seems like hes still a little bothered but lookin a lot better from the last time i seen him at a party not to long ago..were all still missin you..theres a friend of mine that was shot and killed this past weekend. Vince Martin.. lead him around up their. hes an AWESOME dude and it was all so sudden that this is all a suprise even to him so make him feel comfortable up their. i hope your enjoying yurself as much as you can,...take care j .

Name: corbett
E-Mail: ashley443@aol.com
AIM: ashley443
22:25:34 03/19/03

justin, i just wanted to say i love you and i miss you !! Im goin out right now and i was just thinking of you, i miss you so much...ill drink one for you tonight, hahah...peace out dawg, tell steve i said hi!!

Name: lexi
00:40:18 03/19/03

i am sorry it has been a long while since i have written but you have im sure seen all the other things i do in rememberance of you...but yea i just wanted to let you know that i miss you more than anything. all the millions of things i have to say to you are just gonna be kept to myself this time...but you are always in my thoughts every second of the day. i can never lose that feeling of love that you gave me. and that is the one thing that keeps me holding on. i love you babe---BARAMU always and forever....x0x0-your lex

Name: Ryan Olejnik
E-Mail: ryanolejnik@hotmail.com
AIM: prestonmichaels1
23:22:26 03/16/03

It's been a little over two months and things are going back to normal, the only thing that is going to remain the same is that we don't have you anymore. We all loved you buddy. Maybe it wasn't said enough, but we were there for you. All the times we went to Hooters are priceless. The best was trying to get Derek to stand when it was his "birthday". You were always good for a laugh, and you will always be something that we all look back upon and remember that you touched each and everyone of our lives. Rest well my friend, God is with you now.

Name: *^*SpArKiE*^*
16:52:55 03/15/03

Oh man Just. I haven't written on here since this happened. I can't even find the words. I can't believe we'll never hang out. I can't believe we will never hang out like we used to do, back in the day. I can't believe you left. I can't believe I didn't get to see you before then. I can't believe I didn't get the chance to hate this "becky", for being the new girl in your life to have your attention. You know I always had a crush on you. You always just shrugged it off. I miss you so much Just. Well thats it. Much peace little buddy.
^*^ S ^*^

Name: *^*SpArKiE*^*
14:12:59 03/15/03

Just- I haven't written on here yet. I couldn't get the words. I still don't know the perfect things to say. I just miss you. I hate that we don't get to hang out anymore. I hate that I'll never get the chance to hang out with you again, like we used to do back in the day. I hate that I didn't get the chance to hate hate "becky" for being the new girl in your life. Haha. You know I always had that crush on you. You always brushed it off. Ok. Well, I miss you Just. I miss everything about you. Much Peace, buddy.

Name: oooo
21:29:39 03/14/03

Wow, I wish you were here. I know that I would not feel this way. People would be home, you would be with everyone and you would make me smile. I miss you. I talked to someone about you the other day, about WI, how much fun you were. Miss you and love you lots.

Name: Mari
22:29:07 03/13/03

Hey, I hope you are doing well. Everyone still misses you so much. I hope you like the project I am doing. It's very important to me. I'm sure you know that. I still wish you were here to share things with, I wish all that has happened didn't have to happen this way, I wish you were still here to be a part of it. Love and miss you tons.

Name: ***
AIM: ***
12:17:46 03/13/03

Hey hun,
I just wanted you to know I have been thinking about you. This week was pretty rough, I know if you were here you would put me back in a good mood. Love you and Miss you lots!

Name: Kellie
23:13:30 03/12/03

Hey babe! Just thinking about alot lately. As you probably know prom is coming up. I was just talking to Tiff and we were remembering prom night. When Bin Ladin was our limo driver! Haha, or when the whole night you wanted to beat up Andy. Or when we went to Joe's cousins place in Kankakee and ended up leaving at like 5. And me not being able to walk bc my dress was so big and you carried it for me on our way to the boat. God Jay I miss you so much.... I can't even describe the feeling to you. Just that night alone, even though alot of things went wrong that night, you made the night so much better. A great quality that i miss about you. I love you
