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Name: Jen Medvid
E-Mail: jmedvid@luc.edu
AIM: gabs0705
12:10:52 03/10/03

Hey Jay,
It's me again...I find myself at this site almost every day, reading what people write and seeing all the love that we have for you. You have impacted more people than you ever thought you would or could.
I am having such a hard time with this. I think about you all the time, pray for you every day and night, I just don't know where to go from here. I know that I'm not the only one who's feeling this, but it has hit me harder than anything else in my life. I find myself thinking about all the good times we had...and just imagining seeing you do all the goofy things people write about. You definitely were one of the funniest people I've ever met, and no one will ever forget you, bud.
I'm not trying to be selfish at all, but I've been lost since you left. I can't get my head back on straight, and I'm really emotional all the time; I need some guidance.
Everyone's outlook on life has changed drastically. We are all still going through the motions wishing that this is all a big nightmare and that you'll come walking through the door with a big smile on ur face..the one we all knew. The parties sure are not the same, but then again, nothing is. We love and miss you more than you could ever imagine, sweetheart. Keep watching over us, you're in our prayers as always. God bless your soul, kid, 1 l0v3 jo0!!!!!

Love always,

Name: corbett
E-Mail: ashley443@aol.com
22:13:44 03/09/03

What up Dodge?! Its me again. I was just reading your website again and it astonishes me. I can sit here for hours reading what everyone writes about you. I laugh at all of the funny stories that people talk about because I can just picture you doing those crazy things. You're freakin hysterical. You better be pullin those crazy antics and makin people up in heaven laugh. You never failed to put a smile on people's face and you can still do it even though you aren't here and that is more than a lot of us can say. I miss you so much and so does everyone. I will talk to you soon, I gotta go do homework. xoxo

Name: Larry Dodge
E-Mail: ldodge86@juno.com
20:23:21 03/06/03

Hey Jay. I like your friends. They have alot of nice things to say about you............ miss you.
Your bro

Name: Ashley Sartori
E-Mail: acsarto@ilstu.edu
AIM: ashley41011
14:54:28 03/06/03

Hey there kiddo,
So i had a dream about you the other night. It was so real. We were hanging out at my house like we use to a long time. I woke up confused about if you were alive or dead. I was hoping in reality that i would see you and goof around with you again but shortly after coming to my senses I realized I can not see you anymore through my eyes, now its only in my memories!!! I realized so much these past 2 months how much i miss you. I think about you alot, probably more then you would think. I am not going to cry for you. I know you are happier now and wouldnt want me to feel sorry for you. Everyday I miss you and always will. I hope your family is getting by. I love you J and will be with you again one day.

Name: Becky
E-Mail: pookah84@aol.com
AIM: pookah84
23:32:11 03/03/03

Hey Babe-
I'm writing just because tonight was one of those nights. One of those nights where everything seems to be going ok, and then every thought I have turns to you. Don't get me wrong, I think about you all the time, but you know what I mean. I'm missing you so much. Spring break is this week, and as exciting as it is to be home and away from school, it makes me sad. I can't help but think that we should be together this week, spending every moment of it with each other, just like we'd planned and just like my winter break went. I'm watching *A Walk To Remember* right now, and with tears streaming down my cheeks, I think of one of our favorite quotes from this movie and how perfect it explains how I feel right now:

*Our love is like the wind..I can't see it, but I can feel it*

Thats just it. I still feel you in everything that I do. It is an awesome feeling, and it keeps me going throughout the day. This weekend at my brother's game when I saw your initials on his shoes, I just broke down. I wish you knew how many people you made a difference to. However, as your parents said, I believe that you were meant for a bigger, better journey. I can't help but to think that part of that new journey was looking out for my dad, and seeing what the latest results have been from the hospital, I really believe you had something to do with it. Thank you. I miss you more than words, but tonight I just had to write a little bit about what was on my mind. Keep shining down on us, J. I miss you babe.

Love always...
and forever,
"your lil devil"

"...and as the stars fall I will lie awake..You're my shooting star."

Name: Kellie
E-Mail: LWESweety16@aol.com
19:09:55 03/03/03

Hey babe! Man its been a long time since I have visited this site. Its just too hard sometimes for me to read everyones messages. I think about you all the time. Each day everything gets a little better but then somedays I just don't know how I can get through the day. I just wish u could have seen the people that were there for you and that loved you. But, I'm trying real hard to be strong. I'll try to write back more often now and I hope that some way u are reading these messages. Remember Will? Well, he wrote you a song after he found out. I think its awesome and I hope u like it to.

For Justin:

I cried so hard it hurt
hearing everything
but I never said a word

Waiting to wake up
maybe this is just a bad dream
and every tear we cried
stood for another reason why we loved you
and why cry
because we never say goodbye

we will miss you-ou

your life is like a book that will never end
and with every new word
you will redefine
what it is to miss a friend

and on the third day
we cried ourselves to sleep
reading the letters
that your friends wrote to you

saying the saddest things
and remembering the best times of our lives
we spent them all with you
and if you would have known the love you had
you have taken a different path
and we wouldnt have to miss you so bad

we will miss you-ou

your memory will be
like a candle in the window
always surviving the strongest winds
and as we break out from the darkness
our new day begins

we whisper your name in the wind
hoping to hear your words again
and we will miss you

Name: Becca
23:04:04 03/02/03

Hey Honey. I have not written to in a long time. I was doing homework, sat back in my chair and typed in the address to this page. I miss you Justin. I don't really have a story to remind you of or something to tell you, I just got sad tonight thinking that you are not here. Dan has a picture on his wall of you from 8th grade, I love it... you look so young hon.
I miss everyone who is at home too, I know you are watching over them and I can't wait to go on Spring Break and be at home with them. I miss you Just. Have sweet dreams tonight.

Name: malerie
E-Mail: IkaidensmamaI@aol.com
16:44:26 03/01/03

hey hunny :) i was over at adams house last night because it was jess' birthday and they played dave almost all night n you KNOW how much i used to hate it..you got me able to listen to it without bitchin bout it and when "crash" came on i couldnt help but remember that was the first song you ever made me listen to.. me and jess looked at eachother n ALSO couldnt help gettin a lil teary eyed, BUT i didnt have a problem hearin him for the rest of the night cuz it reminds me of you SO much :)its been awhile since ive been ABLE to get out so that was my first party in awhile where i basically knew just bout everyone, n some part of me KNOWING that you wouldnt walk through the door, expected you to..it just seemed normal for me to look for you at the parties n wait for you to be there..it was just so UNREAL, but at the same time i knew you werent comin..i dont know, i guess the parties just arent the same if your not there haha :)i miss ya sweetie :)
love, malibu

Name: ***
AIM: ***
18:10:13 02/28/03

Hey Justin,
I never posted anything on your site before, but I visit it daily, just to read all the awesome things people have to say about you. I am sure you know that now. I think about you a lot, which might surprise you because we were friends, but not super close. There re so many stories about you, believe it or not you were like a legend in a sense. I put some pictures up of me and you by my bed at school along with the prayer card we got at the service. I told all my friends at school about you, even they agree - without even meeting you- that you are an awesome person. I am going to get one of the sweatshirts; too, Kelli told me they are ready. That way when more people ask about the shirt, I can spread the word even more about you. God, I miss you a lot, I still cry sometimes, for you, your family, and all your friends who share this pain, but as soon as I start, I get ashamed because I know you would rather see me be strong and happy.
Ha, one of the stories that always makes me smile, (that nobody really knows about - our secret) was from prom weekend at Greg’s cottage, when a few of us were playing cards inside, and the rest of everyone was outside….you totally knew what was going on across the table, but you didn’t say anything, you just gave me a look and a smart ass smile because, well, I know you remember. Haha I was sooo embarrassed, but you kept it a secret. And from then on, when that small group of us was together, I would see that look, and that smile, and I knew you were silently teasing me. But I didn’t mind because it was our private little bond. That’s the memory I like to think of when you come to mind. I love you, miss you, and pray for you and everyone else who loved you too, and I thank God everyday that he blessed me with having an opportunity to have someone like you in my life to call a friend.

Name: ***Shae******
AIM: ***********
21:53:46 02/27/03

Dear Justin,
I don't know you but I have heard so much about you. You seem like you didn't like life thats how it is but if there was some past machine you could of found another way and found love and trueness. I 'm sorry that you felt you had to die. I don't know you but I wish I did. You seem very nice. Well I miss you and about 20,000,000 miss you to even though you don't know like 3 fourths of them. I herd it was near your b-day so HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN!!! now you get hevan and God in your hands and love and no proplems for the rest of your life. Someday Life will be like hevan because hevand is with our family and friends and people you don't even know.
Well best wishes,

Name: Marc Necro Lafreniere
E-Mail: necro16@cyberbeach.net
AIM: NsivelAirAsia
18:48:15 02/27/03

I do not know what to say... I talked to this young man quite rarely about 1 year ago, we were in a clan together for Counter-Strike. We got along great, I think he was a great guy from what I have experienced with him. This is hard to take, I only knew this today, which was shocking because i am not going through a good year at my school, i lost two friends, one from suicide and the other cancer. I wish his family the best.

Name: Tiff
22:58:56 02/26/03

Hey Justin...Rough night...Im still with out words, i guess it takes a night like this for me to get the guts to write on here.Things r really different, u know im lost w/out me calling u all the time and just hanging out everynight when i get off dance. I guess i should be used to it but christmas break screwed me up.GRRRR i wish it never happened.The Ring is coming out on dvd and i thought to myself omg i should buy it...but i cant watch it w/ out u and what would i do when i was scared after it and your not here to drive over to my house and eat pretzels and ranch w/ me.Well i miss u more then anything and i just keep thinking everytime i wake up means im getting closer and closer to seeing u...i dont need to say it cuz i know u know but...I LOVE U!
love Po0py

Name: Sarah
21:01:48 02/22/03

Hey sweetheart. I just wanted to say Hi and to see how you are doing. I have had a lot on my mind lately. Last night I had a dream about you. That just means that you are there looking over me. Everyone was in it. Just like the old days. It was at one of your parties actually. But I hope that everything is going well.

Love you hunnie,


Name: ***
20:52:47 02/22/03

hey...again...i have been thinking a lot about highshchool...and my friends sister once again was talking about justin...and i really hope that a guy like justin is around for me when i enter highschoo...fromt he wat that it looks not many people were like him...and i know that he will be in everyone's hearts forever.

Name: Ash
AIM: jrtpeach426
20:22:43 02/22/03

Hey hunny, just wanted to let u know I'm thinkin about u always. Uhhh we all know ur way too big of a person to pay attention to that message and ur prolly laughin with me at the immaturity of whoever that was hahahha yep i love u Jay.... miss you!!

Name: Emmie
19:49:25 02/22/03

I didn't know Justin at all. But I want to say that he has touched everyone that enters this site. I'm sure he was an important, loveing person to so many. Wish the family the best of luck. Always remember Justin will be in our hearts!

Name: malerie
16:16:47 02/22/03

im quite tempted to leave something after that last post..but since i am much more mature than to leave nasty, ignorant, selfish and immature things on a website without leaving my name..i will just say hi again to justin :)..i luv ya hunny :)

Name: Jay-D (Sam)
E-Mail: salmon1987@yahoo.com
16:42:16 02/19/03

Hey Bud!
Im at a net cafe up in Sweden, I really miss you man.
Its late night and I remember the days when we played C-Strike til late late 5 Am where I would say on mIRC : ''Yo Justin man im tired imma go take a sleep'' and you would say ''shut up fatty one more scrim'' and I would go ''sure man one more only one more'' . Good times good times man

I hope your having it good up there and watching down on me.
Ill post soon again
Peace Man

Name: T. Eddy
E-Mail: bhowny@YAHOO.COM
AIM: EddyT11
04:00:08 02/18/03

Hey man, it's me again and I just wanted to say what's up. Man I've been going through some tough times right now, and I hope you help me through them, no I know you will. I just wanted to check on ya and see what you have been up to. I miss ya kid and my mom found some pictures of us from soccer when we were little and even when we would put on our soccer socks and pretend we were speed skaters in my dinner room. Man we were dorks...alright man I'm off to do some paper writing....I'll be talking to you soon....later buddy


Name: **
21:14:03 02/16/03

Hey Justin, I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday, I know it's a little late, but I am still thinkin about you!! I hope your doing really well up there, I'm sure you are. I miss you!!! I hope your looking over everyone..I will write again soon.xoxox

Name: Ryan Bryant
AIM: RyPhr0s7an
14:36:17 02/16/03

Hey Justin,

Just checkin up on ya man. How are things going up there? Anywayz, I did what you told me, I'm taking some extra computer classes, so now I goto school from 8-6:30 everyday. Thanx for gettin me back on track bud

Love ya, Phr0s7

Name: Mari
00:57:38 02/16/03

Hey buddy!! We went down town tonight to the dirtbike show. You would of had fun. There were a lot of "hotties" there. I also got into a fight~~ You were probably laughing. But just thought i'd say hi and let you know i am always thinking of you.


Name: giorgi
AIM: hazedaddy
23:21:52 02/15/03

hey bro,
whats goin on?? how was your valentines day. mine sucked. i had to sit guard for 14 hours. i hope you had fun. it really sucks without you here. i was telling my friend down here all about you. i told him about the time when i was spending the night at your house and we put the construction horse in the middle of the road by your house and the guy with the camaro almost hit it and he came after us. then we had to jump in the ditch and he came out of his car. that was funny shit. or how about when we were out till 3 in the morning and the cop stopped us and asked us where we were going, and we said to "our" house and we walked up to someones house and then he left. that was some funny shit. man, some good times. things down here are getting pretty crazy. my one friend just lost his friend in a car accident and the girl is in critical condition. i told him about you and hope you guys are looking down upon us and are keeping that girl safe. i just wanted to see how you are doing and ill talk to you later.

Name: Amber
22:43:55 02/15/03

Hey Jay!Im Jen Medvids cousin. Inow from my heart that alot of people miss you, escpessisly Jen. I guess it was the right thing to do for you but not for the sake of everyone else. We all miss you! We love you Jay!

Name: Mal
11:54:57 02/15/03

heyy hunny i hope you had a good valentines day :)..im sure ya did :P..i was on the couch all day cuz i did somethin to my back haha..but thats allright, i gotta nice necklace :P..well ill write again later sometime :) i hope you had a good one :)
love, malibu

Name: Becky
E-Mail: rvacco@luc.edu
AIM: Pookah84
19:09:36 02/14/03

Hey Babe-
I miss you so much sweetheart. I hope you had a great day...not too great! Just kidding! I miss you tons.
Keep smiling!
1 10v3 jo0!

Love always..and forever,
"Your lil devil"

*It's like the wind..I can't see it, but I can feel it..* -A Walk To Remember

Name: *Lindsay*
E-Mail: Heavnscutie@hotmail.com
AIM: Heavnscutie
18:55:22 02/14/03

Dear Justin,

Well I dont even really know where to start! Its to bad that we didnt get to know each other better...its really sad to think that your gone and we never got to really even meet except the one time when we were younger. Its werid thinking I was out there this past summer for a few days and we didnt even see each other once. I wish we could have now more then ever but for some reason which im not sure of we didnt. By the looks of it you are missed by many many people. Your friends seem like wonderful people who care about you a whole lot and I know your family does. I got this website from our Grandpa and I felt in my heart that I should write you something. I dont know very much about you but I do know that your birthday just passed and I want to wish you a happy 20th birthday and I hope it was wonderful. Well I really dont know what else to say but that you missed terribly and loved by everyone. God Bless you and I hope one day i'll see you in heaven and we can form the relationship we never got to while you were here with us. I love you!

<3Love Always<3

To Justins Friends and the Family:
I want all of you to know how sorry I am for what has happened. I can only imagine how much you are hurting. I wish that I had a chance to know him better then I did but I am learning more about him and how wonderful he was through all of your letters to him. God Bless you all! Your in my prayers! <3

Name: Dad
E-Mail: Dodgengine@ hotmail.com
16:52:31 02/14/03

What's up bud ?????
J Bear and I are sitting here in your chair listening to Allison like you used to do. As you know this is Valentine's Day and lots of thoughts are going on in my mind. I suppose it is a little strange for a Dad to want his son to have a wonderful day BUT since there is a tremendous amount of LOVE floating around, and so much of it directed at you, I think it will be ok to wish you the very best.
Brandon and Ricky came over the night of your birthday and brought the very wonderful picture book !!!!! The book is such a tribute to you and all the things that everyone wants to remember. We will treasure it forever.
I came across a list of words that might help everyone understand what made Jay the guy that everyone loves:
dreamer ......
just to list a few. I think it covers a great deal of what made you Justin Dodge.
Happy Valentine's Day son ..... love Dad

Name: Mari
16:04:00 02/14/03

Happy Valentines Day. I just wanted to say hi and to let you know how very missed you are. We all love you, and are in all of our thoughts. I keep a picture of you with me at all times and whenever I feel the need I take it out and remember all the good times when you could make any one of us smile :)
Love always,

Name: Whitey
E-Mail: SarahW066@aol.com
AIM: SarahW066
14:36:39 02/14/03


Happy Valentine's Day Sweetheart!!!! I hope you are living it up up there. Showing them what you are made of. I am sorry that I haven't written, but I really didn't know what to say. I know I want to thank you for intoducing me to one of my best friends, JEN MEDVID!!!! There were soo many good memories that we have had. I just wish I got the chance to know you like the rest of them did. You touched a lot of people while you were here, and you always knew how to party. And bye the way.....Happy Belated Birthday. Take care of yourself, and the rest of us down here who love and miss you.


Name: ****
19:43:33 02/13/03

Hey man,
I just wanted to say I hope you had a great B-Day yesterday. It is still hard to believe that you are gone. I have a little note that says your name and has a R.I.P notice and says "You'll never be forgotten" just to remind me that your still alive in spirits. I know that everyone loves you and misses you dearly. You were a good man. Take care.
El Cid

Name: *Jill*
15:30:21 02/12/03

Jay~I'm just writing you to say that i hope you had a great day yesterday on your birthday...i havent been able to write in awhile maybe its a loss of words or maybe its that i have so much to say but cant find the right words to say everything as perfectly as you and everyone reading this deserves it. I love you and miss you more everyday. There isnt a day that goes by that you arent in my thoughts. You have taught me more lessons that i come to learn everyday. When i lose sight of my motivation here away from home, just one thought of you and am reminded of what is important.
I started laughing when i read tiff's posting about how when we were in baskin robbins and i looked at the ring and asked "where did justn get the money for that ring?" In that instant one happy thought of you washed away our tears with laughter as we thought of crazy ways justin dodge could have or would have done to come up with that money...the possibilities are endless. Yea tiff who does buy their girlfriend after 1 month?? oh wait Justin Dodge does AKA the "perfect boyfriend."
I saw that new bitch drink the other day...i forgot what it was called but i instantly thought of you brandon telling me and tiff about it as we lay on your bed and i was telling you that you should get mirrors to put above your bed...you said that your parents probably wouldnt like that idea so much...
or how bout that one time i went over to your house one weekend i was home and met up with you guys and erin and tiff and we were playing drinking games and me tiff and dom went out for a smoke but then misteriously when we returned (ice cold and freezing)what were you doing jay?????? yea you know i dont have to say it....alright hun i have to get to class...i love you and miss you everyday....xoxoxo
love, Jill

Name: Jessi
00:18:55 02/12/03

Justin, i didnt really know you well but you and my brother were good friends. you were always so nice to me, i remember you and greg would always help me with my math homework cuz i would never get it and you guys would make fun of me cuz it was so easy. we use to always sit at the kitchen table and joke around well my brother was getting ready. the night before this happened you were at my house and although i wasnt there i wish i would have been cuz you were always teasing me and my sister and making us laugh! seriously you could make anyone feel better when you talked to them. when i came home from school that day there was like 2o cars at my house and i walked in the door yelling at my brother that it smelled like smoke and everything and then my brother told me and i couldnt believe it. it hurt me so much seeing everybody cry and i just could not believe you did that...you were such a happy person, and i never thought you would do that, but ever since then im constantly worrying about my friends friends cuz i realized people can hide it really well. i have cryed so many times and everytime i look at this page i cry even more even though i think this is really sweet. well happy birthday...it sucks you couldnt be here for your 20th birthday cuz im sure you would have had fun but i love you and keep watching out for everyone...i will never forget you Justin Dodge, i dont think any will. you have touched many peoples hearts and you dont understand how many people miss you. have fun in heaven...i know all yoru friends are excited to see you again including my brother cuz he really misses you and this has been a hard time for him! Love Jessi

Name: Brooke
00:08:56 02/12/03

hey justin
i just wanted to stop in a say hello and wish you a happy 20th birthday. You are really missed around here . I hope you had a good birthday.
love ya brooke

Name: Kellie
E-Mail: lwesweety16@aol.com
21:48:43 02/11/03

Happy Birthday! Remember last year? When me, you, Dom and Brett went to Olive Garden? That was the best. And the Osama hat and the blow up rat! Haha! Its been awhile since I have gotten the courage to come back here and write. Everytime i just start reading the messages and I just cry and never get a chance to write. But its your special day so I wanted to make sure that i told you happy 20th! I hope you hearing me when i say goodnight and good morning. This Valentines day is gonna be tough. I remember last year, i was in my computer room, and you opened the door with flowers and a bear for me. I was sooo excited and so happy! No one had ever given me anything for valentines day. It was the best day of my life you made me feel so special. The card too, haha u know which one Im talkin about! The past couple days have been so hard, all I do is think about you. If i could I would go back in time and tell u everything that i never got to say. Even we werent together I still loved you. I always have. I wish i could tell u that one more time how much i love you! I wish there was something i could have done. Its just so hard to get on with life now that you are gone. I always have the memories in my heart. I was looking through my pictures today and saw the one of us at centrals prom. I didn't even notice but in the group pic u were giving me a kiss on the cheek. You were always so sweet like that. It was the best night ever, I'm so glad that u decided to go. I wish i could go back to that night, and every other night that i was with you. You mean so much to me Jay and always knew how to put a smile on my face. I hope your up there lookin down on me and doing something funny to make me laugh when i am sad. There's a letter that i wrote u a long time ago, after we broke up, i just wish i would of had the courage to give it to u, but i hope u can see it and read it, and see how much u mean to me. I love you so much and have a great birthday bc u deserve it!

Love always and forever,

Name: jayme medvid
E-Mail: angelface412@exite.com
AIM: <3
21:23:40 02/11/03

I dont really know you but i wish i did it was my b-day yesterday but i wanted to wish you a happy 20th b day i am only 10.Im sorry you felt you had to do what you did but thats the way life is sorry i have never written but i just never could find how to get to it.You have kept us all safe which i thank you for . I am also mad at you because you hurt a huge population of people, you even hurt me and i only kinda remember you.But you still rest in my soul i was crying the night I heard about it. You make the sun shine on top of us . Alot of people believe your their gaurdian angel. You probaly are . Well i miss you and i wont forget you . Once again Happy Birthday

Name: Dana
19:13:32 02/11/03

Dear Jay,
Happy Birthday Buddy!!! :) I know that you are having fun doing whateve y ou're doing up there.... I really have been thinking a lot about you. Everyday the littlest things will trigger my thoughts and I'll catch myself 20 mins. later daydreaming abotu you: about memories, about how you are this very second, about everything pertaining to you. Please keep watching over us. I know you've been there for me.. like when that sprite truck pulledout RIGHT in front of me and i had to slam on my breaks... and somehow didnt even hit it. and when that car blew the stop sign 5 feet in front of me the same day, and again.. i miraculously didnt hit it. i nkow you're takin care of me. I love you so much hunnie. hope you're bday is going great!!
I'll talk to u later =)

Name: Michelle
18:42:32 02/11/03

hey j! i wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and just say hi..i haven't typed to you in quite a bit..thanks again for watching me..i can feel it every day! i honestly can...people think i'm/it's crazy but i totally believe you're always around me..thank you for it all..and thank you for Nikol...you've made her into the BEST person EVER! i can't thank you enough for that..but i have to go..i'll write the next time i get a chance..bye bye Gardian Angel!

Name: Jen
E-Mail: jmedvid@luc.edu
AIM: gabs0705
15:58:47 02/11/03

Dear Justin,
Once again, I don't even know how to begin. It's been a while since I posted last, and I'm so sorry. We've all had such a rough month now trying to cope with everything, but we're sticking together.
I guess, first off..HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUDDY! This really isn't the way that I want to do it, but I don't have much of a choice. You're definitely missed, I can tell you that much. I know that you're partying hard today and dancing with all the hotties. ;) As everyone already said, you're still the life of the party, that's never questionable when it comes to Justin Dodge. Waking up to that bright sunshine sure was a nice treat. Your huge smile that we all know was shining down on all of us bright and early. Was that the start of the 24 hour long birthday celebration for you? Be good, you little flirt. Hehehe...I'm sure you're getting all the chinks you want. WOOOOOOO!
Becky did an amazing job getting those roses together for you. They were beautiful, and we had fun passing them out. You're still touching people's lives more than you know. I've still got the rose in my room here from when you and Ricky bought them at Dominick's. It's definitely a keeper. Thanks, Jay.
Ricky and Brandon are really doing a great job with the picture book for your parents. Everyone put in awesome pictures of you because we love you so much, hun. Also, I hear that Jay Bear's watching over your house. I thought that was an excellent idea. Ricky's mom knows how intrigued you were after seeing a piece of cloth turn into a stuffed bear. It's all yours now, Justin.
Well babe, I hope you're having a great time today. We all wish u were here, but you're in our thoughts and prayers and the many wonderful memories that we have with you. Keep watching out for all of us, we miss you like crazy. What your parents said was perfect. You've got a bigger mission to go on to, good luck, Dodger! God bless your soul, sweetheart. Can't wait to see you again. 1 l0v3 jo0!

Love always,

To Jay's family and friends, you're all in my prayers every day. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to go through, so it's been extremely hard for me. I know that Justin is constantly watching over all of us and watching as we keep his spirit going.
Mr. and Mr. Dodge, you're especially in my prayers. Jay Bear is there now, and it's just a token of Justin's love for you. We're all here for you guys.
Papa Glenn, it was an honor and privelege to get to meet you. I'm glad that my words were an inspiration to you. Justin was an inspiration to all of us, and we'll never forget him. The love for Justin will never end. I'll never forget you, either. Thank you for your love and support that day, you're in my prayers.

Name: Mari
15:45:20 02/11/03

Happy Birthday!! It's weird saying it to you in this way. I hope you are happy and having a great one. We all still miss you so much. Last friday really scared me but it also brings back memories that I will always cherish. Please keep an eye on him and make sure you share your day with him. I love and miss you Jay!!
Love always,

Name: Dan
14:56:48 02/11/03

Hey Justin,
Just wanted to wish you happy b-day. Hope you're having a good time. Keep looking out for everyone.

Name: Becky
E-Mail: rvacco@luc.edu
AIM: pookah84
13:25:43 02/11/03

Hey Babe-
Happy birthday!!!! Jen and I handed out the roses this morning, like we had planned. They were yellow ones. The people looked happy when we gave it to them, some look kind of scared of us..but oh well. I'm sure once they read the note we tied onto them, they smiled. We wanted to make people smile, just like you always could. We still have a dozen left to give out! And I just got back from getting my haircut~I wish you would have been there with me like you were supposed to..then you could have yelled at the lady when she said she wanted to cut off all my hair! no way!!
Anyways, I miss you babe. I hope you are having a great birthday. I can tell you are..the sun is shining SOO bright today..its amazing! Well thats it for now. Oh yeah, do me a favor please..look out for nick for me? thanks =)
Love always and forever,
"your lil devil"

Heres what the notes said that were tied to roses we handed out in memory of Justin today:

At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.
At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
You mean the world to someone.
If not for you, someone may not be living.
You are special and unique.
Someone that you don't even know exists, loves you.
When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.
When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.
Always remember the compliments you received, forget about the rude remarks.
Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.
If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.

Name: Brian Bussiere (Buss)
E-Mail: bbussier@bradley.edu
AIM: GreyDevil84
12:34:03 02/11/03

Well I know I haven't written in a very long time.... It's hard for me to do this because I still have haunting memories of that night.... the call from ricky, then turning the corner onto your street... I remember every single little bit of that night and I can't get it out of my mind... well today is your birthday along with Brandon and last night a little after 12 I called Brandon to wish him a happy birthday and I wanted to call you too so bad but I know I can't... I don't want to settle for saying happy birthday on this post either but I realize that I have to... Remember when I took you to hooters for your birthday... I told the hooters girls it was your birthday too and they wanted you to get up and dance with them.. but you didn't... haha I now have the only memory alive of you not taking the chance to be known by every person in the room... hahaha... but you know what it was so much fun because I really do think I'm the one of the only people you were that layed back with sometimes and not afraid to be shy or quiet around.. although you hardly ever where shy or quiet haha.. Well I wanted to say Happy Birthday to you and that I'm sorry I haven't written in so long... I just been real busy with school, the frat, the parties of course... One other thing before I go... I'm in the process of writing something for you and granted I don't think it's that good or finished for that matter... but consider it your present and I'm sure you've heard me playing it time and time again.. I guess it just helps me cope with you not being around anymore... I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU!!! I'll see you buddy..

You’ll find me here
While you’re away
Taking care of things
Just like old days
This is my salvation
My own initiation
Heaven’s holding my hand
And I’m awaiting your command

Another day now another way
I wish you could’ve stayed
Oh just for another day
We could’ve found another way
You took yourself away
But now I know you’ve stayed
Just in another way
To guide me day by day

Not a day goes by
I haven’t remembered that day
But this heart o’ this mind
Cries for a new way
Now slowly day by day
I’m learning to find my way
But I’ll always know this heart
Will be buried for a day

Another day now another way
I wish you could’ve stayed
Oh just for another day
We could’ve found another way
You took yourself away
But now I know you’ve stayed
Just in another way
To guide me day by day

I'll see you later Jay,

Name: Ricky
12:20:19 02/11/03

Hey bud!
Well the day has come! February 11th 2003, you're finally 20! We had such big plans originally for this day.......Remember you told you're parents you would move out by this date, cuz You me and Brandon would all have our house together by today? We'd always throw a big bash for you and brandon on this day. And of course you'd be the life of the party!

The picture book is finally done. Brandon and I will be presenting it to your parents on behalf or EVERYONE that gave pictures. It's our gift to your parents on your birthday. I really miss you jay. There's no other way to put it. I hope you're partyin up there with the best of them. Have a great birthday bud! This will be a memorible date with me for the rest of my life. I can't wait for us to meet up again. Take it easy jay.



Name: Just a Mom
12:06:18 02/11/03

Dear Justin,
Just wanted to wish you a very Happy 20th Birthday! Thinking of you and missing your prescence.

Name: **
11:08:08 02/11/03

Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say
And now it's too late to hold you
'Cause you've flown away
So far away

Never had I imagined
Living without your smile
Feeling and knowing you hear me
It keeps me alive

And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day

Darling, I never showed you
Assumed you'd always be there
I took your presence for granted
But I always cared
And I miss the love we shared

And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day

Although the sun will never shine the same
I'll always look to a brighter day
Lord I know when I lay me down to sleep
You will always listen as I pray

And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day

And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day

Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say

Name: mal
11:02:45 02/11/03

well here there hunny..its your birthday! :) i hope your havin fun..be careful n dont do nothin stupid :)of course justin dodge wouldnt do anything stupid now would he? NO :) haha... remember couple years ago for your birthday i gave you that damn brittney spears poster..you were IN LOVE with that girl haha..you probably still got it up in your messy room :P..i hope your havin fun :)..love, malibu

Name: Tiffy
08:40:37 02/11/03

Hey Justin ~ happy birthday buddy i havent got a chance to post in a while because i cant really find the right things to say...i miss u so much justin u have no idea u know how it is things r getting back to there boring normal ways down here and im lost w/ out u. Christmas break is over and everyone one is back to school and then theres me waiting to get off work so i can comeover and keep u company for the night , i drive home from work everynight and just wish i could call u and see what your doing even though everytime i knew exactly>>CS!I hate it Justin Im so lost.Things are too diffrent around here i dont like it at all , i just miss u and how u were always there...one memory b4 i go ...remember when we went shopping for jeans for cali when u were going to visit brandon and the bottle of claiborne sport broke (well i broke it ) and i had to hold it upright the hole way home and then when we got to your house i put on your jeans u had just bought and was dancing around in them .... same day i made u buy those awesome pimp shoes!!!It only took u like 5 hours to decide between 2 pairs of plain white shoes..lol. I dunno Justin I miss ya and happy b-day...ps if fri was ligit ...ill be fine :) Love poopybutt tiffany

Name: Mom
E-Mail: wdodge@hotmail.com
07:16:24 02/11/03

Hi Jay,
Had our little talk already this morning but wanted to wish you a Happy B-day here also. Doesn't seem that long ago that we were bringing you home.....
I really miss our talks when you'd call me at work to let me know what you had planned for the day and when I'd come home and you were on the computer and I'd lift your headset and say "Hi" and give you a kiss. You'd smile and say "Hi mom". That's what I miss most is your smile. I know in my heart that you have gone on to do something bigger and better then you could have done here but it is still very hard.
Love and miss you bunches and Have a Great B-Day. Give Nana a hug for us.
Love, Mom

Name: Dad
E-Mail: dodgengine@hotmail.com.
03:52:08 02/11/03

Hi Jay
This is a strange way to wish you a Happy Birthday but I know you are getting the message. I miss not seeing you when I would get ready for work in the morning, so this note will have to do.
As so many people have written and shared their thoughts,I think it is fair to say that you were well loved in our life time and did so many wonderful things to help people. It is an incredible tribute to you and I know that our loss was created so you could go on to a bigger and more important mission than any of us can imagine.
You know how I feel and I am proud that you know our love will always be with you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAY!!!!!Love Dad

Name: bobby olson
AIM: vbbb31
01:32:46 02/11/03

just givin you a little happy birthday. i hope you are watchin above all of us, i know you are. everyone misses and loves u so much. im sure ill talk to you soon.

Name: Kayla
E-Mail: kikidoc31@aol.com
AIM: kikidoc31
00:15:58 02/11/03

Hey Justin!
Well first off i must say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I know you're up in Heaven havin the best bash ever!! This is my first time writing on your page its taken me awhile bcuz i just never knew what to say about everything. I miss you sooo much J. I'm so glad that i got to spend the new year with you at that gay ass party in lockport! We were the only sober ones there and we made fun of most everyone!:) I got to have a great talk with you in the lazy-boy b4 we got yelled at for being in that room! I can still see your smiling face and hear your laugh when i was talkin about that guys tight jeans, your laugh was enough to make anyone smile :)I also got to drive you home that night and hear talk about how you couldnt wait to get your life straightened out, you had such wonderful plans to make something of yourself and I wish that you could have seen it the way me and so many other people did, I was so proud of you, just listening to everything you wanted to do! You got out of my car and said Happy New Year and i said the same back to you and said good luck with everything J i know you can do it! And that was it. I'm really thankful for getting to drive you home to spend that time with you, even though i didnt know it would be the last time I would ever see you. You know everyone misses you and loves you sooo much Justin. I met you freshman year in earth science class and we became friends pretty fast due to a little incident that you pulled in class! (a certain little lady you were tryin to impress!) Well I look back on it smile cuz it made me laugh so hard! You were always such a ladies man! I want to thank you for letting me be your friend and always being there for me. You were a very special person to me and i'm sure many others would agree that you were special to them too! All of us miss and love you so much. We know you are in a happy and beautiful place called Heaven. I hope you have the most AMAZING Birthday ever up there sweetie! I will forever remember you in my heart Justin. You were The GREATEST and always will be, bcuz everyone has a special story with you in it. YOU have touched so many people and that makes you the most AMAZING and WONDERFUL PERSON THAT I HAVE EVER MET! Much LOVE to Justins family I pray for all of you every night. Happy Birthday J!!! :) I love you!

Name: Ash
AIM: jrtpeach426
21:07:55 02/10/03

Jay... Hey hunny... well tomorrow is your birthday and I wonder what things would be like if you weren't gone. I mean we all know you're watching over us and that is something that can never be taken away. I guess I just wanna say Happy Birthday babe and I hope you're celebrating to the fullest haha you're 20!!! Wow! Well I'm gonna go but HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jay! Love you babe...always...Ash

Name: erin
15:06:28 02/10/03

i'm writing again bc it took me a while to find the last song's words for ya but i did. Everytime i hear these two songs, they really effect me and i can't help but think about you. Actually, i think about you alot but you already know that. Tomorrow's your b-day...Happy Birthday. Remember senior year, since me, you and lauren's birthdays are all so close, i had all of u guys who i drove everday and whoever else parked at my house over for breakfast. We did it on Valentines day actually, bc i made pancakes in the shape of hearts. Lauren and i both can't celebrate this year with out thinking of you.
Peace and enjoy the music

True Reflections--DMB
when you look into a mirror
do you like what's looking at you
now that you've seen your true reflections
what on earth are you gonna do

find some inspiration
it's down deep inside of you
amend your situation
your whole life is ahead of you
your whole life is ahead of you

remember the time you hung out with the boys now
remember the things you used to say
i thought by now you'd be the president
but after all that was yesterday
you've had time to go out in the world now
but you chose to run away
people ask you what your doin' now
you don't even know what to say

you think life is like a movie
where it all works out in the end
i think life is like a dessert
where does it go where does it begin
do you like what's looking at you
now that you've seen your true reflections
what on earth are you gonna do

find some inspiration
it's down deep inside of you

Best of What's Around--DMB
hey my friend
it seems your eyes are troubled
care to share your time with me
would you say you're feeling low and so
a good idea would be to get it off your mind

see, you and me
have a better time than most can dream
have it better than the best
so can pull on through
whatever tears at us
whatever holds us down
and if nothing can be done
we'll make the best of what's around

turns out not where but who you're with
that really matters
and hurts not much when you're around
and if you hold on tight
to what you think is your thing
you may find you're missing all the rest
well she run up into the light suprised
her arms are open
her mind's eye is

seeing things from a
better side than most can dream
on a clearer road i feel
oh you could say she's safe
whatever tears at her
whatever holds her down
and if nothing can be done
she'll make the best of what's around

Name: Dana
E-Mail: sweetzd41@aol.com
13:52:08 02/10/03

hey hunnie, tomorrow is your birthday!!! =) i'm sure up in heaven you'll celebrate it and it will be just awesome. i have a lot to say, but i've been talkin to you about it, so i guess i dont need to type it right now. haha. Happy early birthday sweetie. Things are weird with you not around. I love you.

Name: Dad
E-Mail: dodgengine@hotmail.com
06:17:07 02/09/03

Hi Jay
As you probably know, Spring is around the corner and this time every year, I have been busy building race engines so lots of people can go fast. Well, this year it is going to be a lot different, because Dad and J Bear are going drag racing with your truck!!! I've decided that you and I can find out what's up with da truck --- drag slicks on my rims , maybe a set of headers,suspension mods, who knows, but you'll be with us.
I have some ideas for small graphics but I am sure you have some ideas too. So send me a sign or two ok!!
So much love Jay I sure hope you know it. I miss you so much ---- Love Dad

Name: Becky
E-Mail: rvacco@luc.edu
AIM: pookah84
01:15:15 02/09/03

Hey Babe-
As I sit here right now, two very different thoughts are running through my mind. I keep thinking "Wow, I can't belive he's been gone for a month." And then, I keeping thinking about how this has been the longest month of my life. I miss you more and more every day. Everyone says this gets easier with time, and I think to some extent thats true, but some days its a hard thing to believe.
It's 1:00am. It has been exactly a month since we said good-bye for what I thought would be a few hours before I saw you the next day, but what would eventually be forever. I keep re-playing that whole night over and over in my head. We had fun that night. Thats what keeps me going a lot of the times, is remembering that the last time I saw you, you were smiling. It makes this whole thing harder to understand, I know, but it also makes me happy that we shared your last moments on earth having a good time. God, I miss you J. There are still so many questions we all still have, but you took all the answers with you. I trust that you're watching over me, and everybody. Remember, I always did trust you...you better not ruin it now..hehe!
I went out and bought *Serendipity* and watched it for the first time, a couple weeks ago. I'm sorry we never watched it together. You had explained every part of that movie to me though, so within the first five minutes I was laughing so hard because it felt like I had already seen it. You always said that the movie would "explain a lot of things" regarding us. Haha, it definitely did.."serendipity" is one of my new favorite words =)
Well thats it for now. I love and miss you, Justin. Keep smiling down on us from heaven..it keeps us strong!!
Love always..and forever.
"Your lil devil"

P.S. I'm still getting my haircut on Tuesday like we'd planned!!

The life that you lead made you a leader
and us your followers.
Your laughter lit up the room
like candles in the dark.
You were hopes, dreams, miracles, laughter,
and love all at the same time.
You always had something to give
rather than take.
Through hardships and grief
you were strong.
You shined in the rain
and glowed in our hearts.
You gave happiness with your presence,
love with your touch,
and joy with your smile.
You gave us emptiness when you left,
but I know you will give us the strength
to go on in your memory.
We'll never forget you.

Name: *
14:23:05 02/08/03

i didn't know you well, but i know what your friends and family are going through...i just wanted to tell them to stay strong, as each day passes it gets easier, but they will never forget you, justin. you will live on in everyones thoughts and dreams and most importantly, their hearts. rest in peace kid...

Name: mal
10:53:00 02/08/03

hey hunny bunny! well guess what im doin today? remember ive wanted a tattoo for like EVER and you always said ive never do it cuz imma wuss..well im gettin one today..so you can kiss my butt, y ou just watch im gonna do it..im probably gonan bawl my eyes out but thats ok..im gonna get it on my right shoulder blade n its gonna be an angel and at the top its gonna say mommys angel n then at the bottom its gonna say kaiden mitchell..i hope it doesnt hurt :(...
me an my mom were talkin bout you the other night..brian was online and i was talkin to him and my mom was in the room and EVERYTIMe i talk to him i think of you and EVERYTIME he says tell your mom "hi mom" i always think of you cuz you always called my mom that and you were always made a good impression on parents haha..you were one of the only guy friends that my dad liked..you know how big of an ass he was to most of em..he liked you tho, thank GOD...he didnt even care that you spent the night all them times..i think he pretended like he didnt know but i think he did..hed come down in the basement at like 530 in the mornin and you be like omg malerie whys he up so early..n then wed stumble up the stairs away from the lights (probably still drunk) haha and fall back asleep on the couches upstairs...you an dana would sleep in my sisters old room after she left for school n remember we'd call it "the spider room" cuz there was ALWAYS spiders in it..but even then we'd till sleep in it haha..she would come home sometimes and know id be in there n get soo pissed off..n then you suck up to her like you always did and then shed be ok..she hated it tho, i dono..shes a lil brat haha..my sister, my mom and me were talkin yesterday about people driving with suspended licenses and i said yea joe does it all the time and my sister was like yea justin does it all the time too..and my mom without thinkin goes "justin dodge" ..and i was like oh god.n we all kinda stopped talkin..it was really weird..like she heard the word justin and automatically thought of you even tho she knew it was my sisters friend..i dont think you knew exactly HOW many lives you affected and how many people thought of you on a daily basis..even my sister who saw you a few times and talked to you a few times talked about you "was he the one that always smiled at me n hit on me ?" and i was like yea that would def. be justin dodge haha :) we all miss ya down here but you already know that, i dont need to tell ya ;p..welp imma get goin, wish me luck today k?! :) n dont make fun of me when i start freakin out haha..bye sweetheart ... love, me

Name: Josh
E-Mail: jbussier@bradley.edu
AIM: JoshBuss83
00:38:22 02/08/03

Well... its been a few weeks now since I last talked to ya. I can't say it has become much easier, but I know now that my brother is coming to terms with it better. I just want to thank you for being a good friend to Brian, especially when he needed it so much. I still have a hard time whenever I hear Say Goodbye... it just sparks a picture of you in my mind and while for a second it makes me smile I still think of how unbelievable it is that you aren't here anymore. I know you are watching Brian now and I hope you steer him in the right direction... he always listened to you. Well, I guess all I can say now is thank you for the time I had with you and the time you had with Brian, it meant so much to both of us. You will be kept in my heart and mind forever. Try not to back into any cars up there... Later kid. I love ya.


Name: James
04:26:47 02/07/03

jo0m0nk3y (as i knew that name better)
Whenever i asked you for help, you were there.
just a day b4 u made a pic 4 me. not even thinking of anything in return.
you didn't sahow any sign of unhappieness,
not even a hit of dispare.
We will miss you, It's just not fair.

Name: John aka NiPBoi
E-Mail: immasexynip@aol.com
19:51:20 02/06/03

nooo!!!!!!!...go joO....we were BreaD N BuTTa...now i'm just BuTTa....who likes BuTTa without bread...imma miss ya foo

Name: Just Some1
06:56:53 02/06/03

Actually i didn't know justin, but i do remember hearing his name from my brother, he sounded like a great guy and i read some of the other post he seemed like he had a lot of people that cared and to get people to care for you you have to care for them so that shows me he had to be a Great person to all his friends i wish you all the best of luck, and to justin You obviously loved making people smile and so do i, so i will dedicate every person i make smile to you! -just a person- RIP Justin

Name: Just a Friend
00:57:09 02/06/03




Name: Just a Friend
00:14:55 02/06/03

Hey Justin,

It feels so weird having to write you instead of being able just to talk to you. I miss you bunches and you will forever be on my mind. I can remember 7th grade when we had shop class together and I had the biggest crush on you and you would always make fun of me for it. As we got older we grew closer and their wasn't a year that went by that I didn't have a class with you. Junior year I got my first innerschool because we got into a fight about something stupid and started laughing about it and Ms. Markert didn't like it. You were always there to make me laugh and if I was having a rough day you cheered me up. You were and are loved by some many and my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone. Justin may be physically gone but he will be in our hearts FOREVER!!!! I love you J and i miss you.

Rest in Peace my little stud!

Name: Mike
E-Mail: kx80ridr@netscape.net
AIM: kx80ridr
23:57:35 02/05/03

never forget justin..


21:51:03 02/05/03

21:47:20 02/05/03


21:47:20 02/05/03


Name: Lindsey
21:29:16 02/05/03

We weren't friends but you were sure close to my brother back in the day. I remember always seeing you around back when i was in about 5th grade... with April, Joel, Tony and all.. you really had an impact on a lot of people's lives... whether you knew it or not. Seeing you in my Health class my freshman year made me laugh. I never thought I'd see you there. But it was good to see you, always coming into class with a smile on your face, joking around with every one. "J Dodge"... stickin up for me when Carlos would harass me. It was fun. I miss you, even if I never knew you, you changed me. Love you, Justin, I'll never forget.

Name: h3yw00d
20:59:20 02/05/03

*On behalf of all the CS community*
Justin, you pwned. Everyone liked you.
Nippi is just comming back to us, he allmost had a fit when he heard. This has been one crazy rollercoaster ride for you, and i hope it came to a good end.
I felt like it was a sick joke when i furst heard, thinkging 'how could someone play this shit on me?"
then as the day moved on, i never heard from you.

We even have our own memorial in out profile...

Name: **BROOKE**
14:19:01 02/05/03

hey justin
im just saying hi and let you know i miss you tons!!! keep looking down
love ya brooke

Name: Mal
08:58:11 02/05/03

wow hunny bunny its been a LONGG time since ive wrote to you..doesnt mean i dont care, i think that for that time i didnt write i felt good about it but now im feelin kinda icky about it..i mean people die and thats a part of life but ive never had anyone close to me die n im not quite sure how to deal with it..we werent that close junior year but, you were always one that i could go to, and one that i knew i could call after not talkin for a few weeks and just say hi n it wouldnt be a big thing..im past the whole "i hope your happy phase"..cuz i know damn well ya are..cuz as you told me in your dream "everyone is up here mal"..and that dream i think is whats keepin me OK with the whole thing..now its just the part of gettin over the fact that YOU'RE NOT HERE...and altho i didnt talk to you as much as i should have after high school and the last year..i feel horrible about it..i guess you dont know what you have till its gone altho that quote isnt exactly true..I KNEW you were the best friend anyone could ask for and KNEw youd be there every and anytime i asked and DIDNt even ask..and i KNEW taht any time id call you and say "justin i havent talked to you in like 2 months..come over im bored ".i knew youd be there in 2 mins..TOPS the way you drove..i think it eases everyones mind and kinda helps with the whole "closure" ~(altho none of us will EVER get that, becuz of all the whys and hows )if we think of all the good times and just to remember that HES HAPPY>.happier than he ever was and probably happier then he would have ever been here on earth...at least now, justin, you can watch over all of us instead of HELPIN us get in trouble :)you were always good at that ;)..welp imma get goin, got kaidens dr's appt..hes gotta get shots again :(...i hate that, cant STAND needles on him or me for that matter..but blah blah blah im outta here..i luv ya hunny bunny :P love, malibu

RICKY, BRANDON, BRIAN AND FAMILY..~ i dont know how your feelin and im not gonna tell you i understand cuz that would be a lie..BUT...im here for anyone that needs me..i know ricky, n brandon that i havent talked to you two in a LONG time besides 3 weeks ago, but i know how it feels to feel like theres no one to talk to..believe me ive been there :)..so if you need anyone im here 723-1969 :P..<~~ use it :)

Name: an old friend
23:41:41 02/04/03

Hey buddy, how's it going up there?? I hope you are having a great time and i hope you are happy. I will never forget your parties and the flower power games, you were crazy. So many people miss you so much!! I really regret not hangin out as much the last year of high school. Whenever i was in a bad mood, i couldn't wait to see you in class or in the hallways, because you would make me laugh. College is so different, I was in a bad mood today and there was no one in any of my classes that could make me laugh like you. I hope you are up there looking down on all of your friends. WE all know you were friends with just about everyone. It has taken me a while to write again, because it didn't seem real before, but reality is setting in. WEll i was thinking about you today and i wanted to say hi. You're a great guy, I bet your getting all the girls up in heaven. I miss you so much, Ms. Malone's class was one of the best classes ever with you in it, you got yelled at just about everyday, it was so funny!!! Well your birthday is coming up real soon, I hope there's a big party up there for you. I will be thinking about you, I hope you will always remember me and look after me. I can't wait to see you again in Heaven.

Name: lexi
AIM: lexiqt2590@aol
22:36:01 02/04/03

Dear Just,
Dont think I have forgotten about you-it has just been kind of hard to write lately. I miss you more than anything and you are always on my mind. I made my mom buy me your cologne the other day--and I spray it in my car and think of you--"DAMN DAT SHIT SMELLS GOOD". Playing counter stike at night with the guys makes me wish you were sitting right next to me playing and telling me how awesome I am just for playing. You are the best and most importantly IRREPLACABLE. Everynight before I fall asleep I run through some of our memories that we had together and smile. I wish you were here so that I could tell you everything going on in my life...because you were always the one person who would care no matter what and listen with open ears. =0D But I talk to you everynight and I hope you are just listening to me. You are the best Just---and everyone misses you sooo much. Wish you were here****

~~~***oh great here i go again im stuck in this rut and im not sure how to begin-should i tell you everything? im feeling out of luck so i wont see you soon cause i know its too soon for you to see me-if this is the last thing you do just tell me that its ok for me to have these feelings for you and that its normal to want to call you. oh im dialing the phone and im letting it ring for hours and im pretending to hear your voice-why does my heart always beat before yours does? after a while you can make yourself believe in almost anything, so im making myself believe in you.***~~~ -std justin babe i love you so much. BARAMU always and forever your lex x0x0

Name: Danny (Denero, LiL)
E-Mail: dm3k1@hotmail.com
AIM: playaztoyz
17:42:16 02/04/03

hey justin, its me. although we didnt spend as much time in the last few months as we had before and have not personally met, i still feel a deep sadness inside. you where always up and eager to make others feel good, or put down thoughs that deserved it. as tears start to swell in my eyes i think of the ole days a few years back when we first knew eachother, your brought more light into thoughs days then any single person could have. i feel so much unexplaned sadness and its drives worse into me that i didnt even get the chance to meet you and shake your hand. you will always be missed, and like so many of your friends i also wish you a good afterlife in heaven.
We started a post in our forums and im sure it reached a record amount of posts filled with everyones sympathy toward you. we all knew you as the "l337 guy" but i knew you as my friend justin.
on behalf of the WiseGuys we wish you peace and happyness in your departure from this earth onto a better one.

even more, i myself wish you to rest in peace.

Love Your Friend,

Name: Virginia
E-Mail: virgy01@aol.com
AIM: virgy01
15:36:24 02/04/03

Hey Justin,
I only met you once but just wanted to say hello and I hope you feel better where ever you are...MEMORIES
If we could have a lifetime wish
A dream that would come true,
We'd pray to God with all our hearts
For yesterday and You.
A thousand words can't bring you back
We know because we've tried...
Neither will a thousand tears
We know because we've cried...
You left behind our broken hearts
And happy memories too...
But we never wanted memories
We only wanted You.

Name: someone who misses you
15:21:24 02/04/03

Hey Jay,
I hope you are feeling better now. I hope the pain is gone. Take care lil guy.

Everyone misses you!
xoxo =)

Name: Brandon
01:38:33 02/04/03

To my bestfriend~

Justin there is so much that I just want to tell you I do not know where to start. I miss you so much that the only real person who knows how I feel is you. You have been a part of my life for so long and now I just dont know what to do. I went over to your house saterday night and talked to your parents with ricky and dom. The next day we went to the car show with your dad and it just was not the same. I would look at a car and just want to talk to you about it and you are not there to talk to it about. Everything in life has changed for me in the past few months and I just need someone to talk to about it. With my dad and not knowing what is goin to happen. With the Marine Corps and everything you were the person to talk to about everything and you would always tell me things are going to be ok. Right now I just need to hear that from you so much. I need you to tell me that everything will be ok.

Im sure that you know that ricky and jen broke up. Also that erin and I are going out. How much everything is changing around here now I'm with someone that means alot to me and ricky is a free man. With everything changing I just dont know what to do it is not the same around here. I drive past your house looking for you and you are not there. I go online looking for someone to talk to late at night about everything and no one is on. It is not the same.

I just can not tell you how much you mean to me. Are birthday is coming up soon. And it will not be the same I can not have a party b/c my birthday is not the same b/c you and not here to share it with me. We were going to have a big party since we share the same birthdate and know I can not think about being happy that it is my birthday b/c I dont have you to share it with.

I find myself thinking about you all the time. Thinking of what you are doing and how you are doing. Thinking and hoping that you are watching over me and guiding me in my way. I hope that you are having a good time with what you are doing. But in the good time I hope that u remember that Im down here thinking of you.

I miss you so much and cant wait to see you soon
your bestfriend

Name: dustin (drob)
AIM: drob7825
00:15:30 02/04/03


hey man, listen i know we werent as close as some other people but i knew u well enough to know that u are and will always be a great guy, its unbeilievable how missed u are and how much of a hole there is without u but i know you're still looking out for everyone cuz nomatter wut u always did care about everyone else, well i guess ill be thinkin of ya, you were a true friend man so thanx for all the memories cuz u are irreplaceable!!!!!!!


Name: Ricky
01:07:01 02/03/03

Thank you all for posting these memories and your feelings to and from Justin. He was a great person that impacted everyone in a way. The support from everyone helps day by day. Thank you all and please keep posting any memories you had of him. It helps us all to laugh at how much fun we had with him.

Hey Bud,
It's been a while here since I posted for you. You know I've been talking to you quite often. I miss you like crazy, it has been weeks now and this all seems like the first day. I still have my good and bad days thinking of you, missing you. Brandon, Dominic and me went to the car show today with your dad. Let me tell ya......there were some phatty typhoons. Everytime I saw a car that really caught my eye, I pictured you there. You'd be jumping around with excitement pointing out the turbo's and the intakes, just like you were a pro. I won't forget the times we went looking for cars up in Countryside and we beat on the cars up there. Especially when that cobra caught your eye! You immediately popped the hood and started pointing out painted fenders, and after market parts. I'll admit that you did know your stuff. I could use your help preparing my car for next years car show =)

I've been having a tough time finding someone to talk to everyday like I did with you. Brandon got his girlfriend now so He's got responsiblilty with her. I can't see him all day everyday like we could. There isn't a chance in the world that someone could fill the place I had for you in my life. I am single now and I can't talk to jen any more. I feel alone....it's not the same without you telling me to just stick with it and to go visit her where we can work it out face to face. We had some great talks on our trips up to loyola. Thank you for always going with me. I know you didn't always want to, but as a friend you didn't mind. I know everyone there misses the roses you would bring them as a sign of a new single guy showing up. I know some people still have it. I hope they keep it forever.

I still think of you 98% of my day Jay. I think of you the moment I get up in the morning and I fall asleep thinking about our memories. I hope you are keeping yourself busy where ever you are. You are living on through all of us in separate ways and we all appreciate it. Thank you for establishing an enormous impact on my life. You are in my prayers bud! I will be loving and missing you always and forever.....

To Jay's family,
Hang in there. I hope you can find some sleep and rest soon in all of this. As Jay's best friends we are trying to comfort you in every way possible. Jay bear is watching over your house now, you can rest at ease. If you ever need anything; such as answers to any questions or just to talk I am always willing and able. I want to help and to be there for you all. You are in my prayers as well. Thank you for you support.

Name: HeadLice[Raymon]
AIM: cF HeadLice
20:46:15 02/02/03

Man...Don't know what to say...It was a pleasure knowing you.. sorry about everything that happened I'm sure your somewhere happy and watching...

Name: Corbett
E-Mail: Ashley443@aol.com
19:29:50 02/02/03

I am at a loss for words j. I've read over all the messages people have posted and it makes me feel sick inside to come to realize that you actually are gone. I will never ever forget you. I remember how freshmen year I always heard so much about you and then I finally got to meet you when we worked at classy FTP together. I was so shy back in that day and you were one of the only ones I felt half way comfortable with talking to. I will never forget how much fun we all had at FTP and then how pissed off I was when you quit, even though it was damn funny. Ha. Mr. P sucks right? Anyways, I am really upset that we grew apart at the end of high school, but I will never forget the memories we had and how much I really cared for you. You were the most welcoming, funny kid ever. You could make anyone in the world smile because you just had such a presence about you and I loved that. It is a rarity and I am heartbroken that that is gone, but it does live on in our memories and our hearts. I know this is starting to sound really corny so Im just gonna stop, but we love ya and miss ya j. Make sure you hang out w/ steve up there. Tell him I miss him too.

Name: Glenn Coburn, Justin's Grandpa
17:25:12 02/02/03

I would like to begin by thanking Rick, whome unfortunately I never got to meet, for setting up this web page for Justin's family and friends. Another thanks to all of you that took charge, and so quickly gathered and assembled the items for Jay's memorial...and to those of you that gave me a shoulder to cry on...a hug and a kiss to soften my sorrow...and the co-mingling of our tears, in response to loosing one greatly loved guy. A special thanks too to Jen, for your extra comforting words and embrace upon writing your "good bye" in the memorial service guest register. It really helped me a lot in the conclusion of the evening, and I will never forget you, or the expression of love for Jay on your face. The shock of this loss to our family has been devasating, however the feelings and love all of you have demonstrated for Justin, has been overwhelming and a great help to all of us. Unfortunately, it makes the "why" this had to happen...all the more evasive. Will any of us ever know the answer to that question? I've been slow in posting to this page because of the emotion involved in doing so. Since January 9th, I have become emotionally drained and just now slowly recovering my normal composure. Like so many of you reading this...Jay seems to enter into our thoughts throughout the day in one way or another...and sometimes even moreso when we should be asleep. Some of those sleepness nights have been the hardest...but are times when so many fond memories of years past come to life. Now that I've taken the 1st step, I'll find it easier to write and talk about jay...so next time I add to this page, I'll reminisce about times we spent together, and the fun and memories that will be with Joan (his "other" Grandma) and me forever. Again, thanks to all of you for your love and compassion, and for just being Justin"s friend.
I Love You Justin, Papa Glenn