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Name: Glenn Coburn, Justin's Grandpa
16:58:20 02/02/03

I would like to begin by thanking Rick, whome unfortunatly I never got to meet,for setting up this web page for Justin's family and many friends. Another thanks to all of you that took charge, and so quickly gathered and assembled the items for jay's memorial....and to those of you that gave me a shoulder to cry on....a hug and kiss to soften my sorrow...and the co-mingling of our tears, in response to loosing one greatly loved guy. A special thanks too to Jen, for your extra comforting words and embrace, upon writing your "good bye" in the memorial attendance register. It really helped me a lot in the conclusion of the evening, and I will never forget you, or the expression of love for Jay on your face.

Name: Jeremy
13:40:01 02/02/03

I not even sure what to say. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I feel almost trapped when I think about what you did. It's something that probably everyone wishes they could have helped you with. All I know is, I just want you to be happy, so you better be having a good time or when I see you, whenever it is, I'll make you have a good time. It's so hard to think about all the fun times in the past because I just wish that those days were in the present and future. I know you didn't mean to hurt all of your family and friends like this, but you did. Some of us have a harder time getting over things like this, but you know that we will all be back together someday. I look forward to that day. The first thing I want to do is kick your ass though for being so dumb, then I'll give you a big hug and we can go party again. I miss your big smile, it was something I looked forward to seeing everyday in highschool. You always had the best additude towards things and you are one of the most sincere people I have ever met in my life. I've never met anyone else like you; you were truly special. My world isn't whole anymore without you. Oh and Justin I quit cs now for good... it doesn't feel right at all anymore trying to play it without you. You left so much behind and had so much ahead of you. I miss you so much, and no matter what you were running from, I'm going to find you one day because you ran from everyone in your life and I don't think you intended to leave everyone behind.

Name: Dana
AIM: sweetzd41; xobabygirl641ox
13:20:57 02/02/03

hey jay,
haha it's me again. Yesterday when I was driving to John's conference thingy, I drove past the park. Honestly, I think I had chills for 5 mins straight. I almost went off the road just staring at it and i got lost in a flashback of me and you. We were standin on that bridge, it was a lil windy and it was dark out. ANd you held my hand and led me up there and after talkin for a lil about things, y ou looked me in the eyes and told me you love me. We were so young and crazy =) But I must admit, you were the first i ever said i love you to, the first person to ever love me and make me feel lke i was worth someting... the first to give me confidence and a lil self-esteem. You told me all the time i need to learn how to accept compliments. Thanks Jay. That gets me far :) I'll never forget you tellig me I'm your "lil hostess cupcake", and your space angel. haha :) Last year, I went to see the counselor at school cuz i was real upset.. and remember what i told you she gave me to cheer me up? yeah thats right.. a hostess cupcake:) My brother was in canada when y ou made this awful decision jay. My mom didn't want to tell him until after he got back cuz he broke his foot when he got up there,and she knew he would just be more upset. But he talked to me about it the other day. He told me about the time you came here over the summer and helped him beat 007. hmm i never knew this :P and he told me how u took us to the mall that one day in ur van haha.. he told me how much fun he had that day. thanks for playin that song that i requested from ya the other day =) that was def. weird. I guess I'm starting to learn that although you physically aren't here... spiritually you are. I know you are. I hope you don't get sick of me talkin to u with mixed emotions. Just know that I love you so much, and you will be missed by me for eternity~ by everyone. Sorry I keep writing a bunch of stupid shit, it's just what is on my mind and i feel bettr when i talk to you.. I feel like I'm no longer drowning in the ocean of sorrow, but floating in the shallow rivers of peace and tranquility. I miss you babe.

Name: Dad
16:34:11 02/01/03

Dear Jay
Hey Bud --- sure do miss you!It has taken a long time to find the words to write.You were such a big part of our life, a void was created when you left. Between your friends and family, everyone has bonded together to help us and help each other. So much love everywhere, I sure hope you can feel it.
We know from your friends that you would help anyone in need and went out of your way to try and make people's problems go away. Your desire for happiness was incredible and I can only hope and pray that you are now at peace doing God's work.
Everytime I hear Allison,I think of you[daily]. Somehow you bonded with that music as you always did with Dave. His music will always be with us too!!!!!
I have so many thoughts, I just can't find the right words to express myself , but as time goes by,I promise to share those thoughts with you --- yes, I will try to be brief.
Your friends have been very close and provided so much comfort to us -------- it just helps a lot and I want to thank all them for doing so. Later J, Love Dad

Name: Ash
AIM: jrtpeach426
22:40:48 01/31/03

Jay... Hey hunny... Well I just got home and was reading the new messages like I do every day and I decided to write to you again. I dunno, I mean it's only been like 3 weeks since you've been gone and it feels like yesterday and five years ago all at the same time. I guess you could say it's gotten easier, but that doesn't sound right, because it will never be "easy". Me n' Cat always play Grey Street, I know you watch us jam to it for you! Haha... guess what I found like a week ago? My school pic from last year that I wrote on for Mike but forgot to give him. It said that I was so glad you introduced us and I couldn't wait for HC and to party afterwards at ur house. Me and him had a plan to sit on ur futon in the basement and drink all nite bc we knew everyone and their dates would be getting it on haha! It kinda shocked me to read that... it seems like so long ago. Jay, I can't even begin to tell you how much you are missed. I see it in everyone who knew you, there's just something missing now. And I hope you know, I'm sure you do, that no one is EVER going to forget about you or how you have affected them in some way. Thanks hunny for everything you've given me, and continue to give even when you're gone. Cuz I guess we all know you're not really gone... I know you're with us all every day... thank you for that also, I need it and so do a lot of people... we miss you babe, and I love you... Ash

Name: Tom Eddy
E-Mail: Bhowny@yahoo.com
AIM: EddyT11
15:41:14 01/31/03

Hey man,
It's me again and I am finally starting to cope with this all. When I went back to school after your memorial, I felt empty inside. Being at the service and seeing the pictures, I couldn't go into the part of the room where your parents were or where the people were. I couldn't physically bring myself to do it. I looked at Rj Stillwell and he knew what I was going through. He grabbed my shoulder and led me outside where I broke down. I couldn't even mutter a word just tears and gasps for air. After I gained my senses and looked up at Stilly, I realized you were actually gone. The Justin Dodge who dated every fine lady from here to Mexico, the Justin Dodge who could, "Kick it waaaaaaaaaay harder than me," the Justin Dodge who could beat you up on roller blades but when it was on foot, he was ready to run. Hahaha, I even remember the time freshman year that you and I convinced Trisha Pelley to show us her boobs in your garage and the smile on your face after she showed us was priceless. I couldn't tell if you were happy, or just dumbfounded that you saw them. Haha oh man, you were the funniest kid alive. I think you and you alone could pull off those pink shorts you used to trounce around in at the Flower Power games. Rodie and I have talked about you alot at school and he has been there for me as I am for him. YOu are cool man, and hey, try not to let me do to many stupid things down at Eastern.....Later man I'll talk to ya later


Name: Dana
15:19:19 01/31/03

Well... First i want to start off by apologizing for not coming on for awhile. It doesn't mean i haven't been thinking about you. I have been, 24/7. I want to thank you for visiting me the other night... you gave me the best advice in my dream.. i just wish you didn't disappear so fast. I know you said what you had to say, and you gave me another one of your awesome hugs~ but i'm just scared. Scared that that might be the last time you come to me in my dreams. and i wanan thank you for letting me see my first shooting star, and for listening to me everytime i pray. and hmm... all the crazy stuff that's been happening, I KNOW you know about it and see it.. haha it freaks me out jay. really it does :) you know i'm a baby as it is too. I was just lookin thru one of my yearbooks, you told me that God sent us to each other again for a reason, and it was b/c we were meant to be. and you told me that we'd be the cutest couple forever in your heart, and in school. and i wanted to thank you very very much for that last real long convo we had online. When you told me you'll always love me, and tehre's this thing between us that you'll never forget about. and you brought up all those memories. God hunnie. I miss you so much. People tell me I shouldn't be sad anymore, cuz you're happy.... but I dunno. Occassionally I do. Like a lot of sadness. I know you're happy and i am soo happy for you!!!! I just wish that I could've helped you. You were such a huge part of my life. You shaped me so much and I just don't know where i'd be today without you.. without your smile, your laughs, your jokes, your company, your friendship, your advice, and most of all.. your love. We'll see eachother real soon again jay. I promise we'll be together again some day... just talkin about old times. You can sign to me again :) and we can sing it's your love together hehe. and you know what... I was listening to our other song. you know the smile one. it was all about "one day u'll smile for me.. one day i'll smile for you... and at the end it says one day i'll smile for me.. and it talks about how you're gonna rise above and be happy with urself someday. I really hope you found that happiness. You know a lot of people think about you daily adn love you and i think i'm just now starting to realize that you really are so much happier now. you are in a good place. and you know what? we'll all be there again with you, having the times of our lives. I hope i'll see you soon. I miss you. I love you

Name: ***
14:55:08 01/31/03

I didn't know justin...in fact i am only in 8th grade and preparing myself for highschool...but i just wanted to say that after reading the hundreds of messages people wrote to you...that you were loved by many people...and to have friends like that in ur life is very special. I got this site from a friend of mines sister and she told me to take a look at it. I have lost many people in my life and i just wanted to let the famly and friends of justin know that he is looking down on you...and loves you more then anything...and it looks as though justing was the person you could always talk to...and wasn't a judgemental type of person...and i hope that when i get into highschool that there will be a person like justin for me to talk to

Name: Just a Mom
07:56:02 01/30/03

Dear Justin,
You were and still are a great friend of my sons. I loved you like you were my own. It all seems so surreal and so very sad. To know you were in such pain is hard to take. When I remember you I think of your wonderful smile and always laughing. I will always remember you that way. Rest in peace, beep, beep!

Name: Dan Ewing
22:25:43 01/29/03

Hey Jay,
I just found out about this site or I would have posted earlier. I must say that I was in shock when I heard the news. I didn't want to believe it. All my memories of you just kept running through my mind like they were yesterday. I guess it has been quite a while though. We sorta lost touch over high school and I really regret that. You were probably one of my first really good friends. We hung out almost everyday in junior high. Those were great times...sitting at your house and playing goldeneye with everyone, watching WCW and we actually went once... me you and Andy. I have so many memories and I've read what other people have said and every once in a while I laugh a little cuz I remember them. You were always such a happy person. I know I've missed you over the years and now I'm going to miss you even more now that you're gone. I wish we had been closer the last couple years. You were a great friend and I'll never forget you.

Name: amy
22:09:08 01/29/03

We went to the same high school, but i did not know you very well. I am friends with people who are good friends with you and are very upset about what happened. My prays go out to them and your family. When i found out what happened I found it shocking. It is sad that this happened to a person i heard such great things about. I know you are in a better place and I wish you the best of luck. My prayers go out to you, your family, and all those who knew you. Rest In Peace

Name: gabe
E-Mail: gibes07@aol.com
21:57:47 01/29/03

Justin....wow it is so hard to talk about the loss of such a great person. I remember when we first started hanging out in 7th grade, I slept at your house after the first week we met, it was great times. You had your big cup of skittles in your room that we ate all night and played video games. We also had some fun times sophomore year when we would sleep at jim jacobsen's house, we did some crazy stuff. Ill will always remember you. Ill will see you soon in heaven, god bless to you and you family.
With much love,

Name: Jay-D (Sam)
13:28:56 01/29/03

Id like to add one more thing...
I was probably the person that least knew Justin but still I cared about him as he was my brother...

All of you that write posts here for him thinking he doesnt know you love him...He does know...And he knew it before you even wrote the post...He is with us right now and forever...I will never forget the tips of life and the tips that you gave to me about getting the girls. Thank you...My Friend...

Ill see soon Justin...Ill see you soon...

Name: Mom
07:02:35 01/29/03

Hi Jay,
Sorry it has taken me so long to get this on the site but its been tough. But you know we have been having our talks since day one---probably wishing I'd run out of things to say:)
Still am having a hard time dealing with all this but feel you have been close to me through it all. Sorry that I did not know how bad you were feeling. Not that I could have fixed it all for you but I would have sure tried if I had know how desperate you were feeling.
I guess God has a different path for you that Dad and I have not been able to understand. We are just very thankful for the short time we had you in our physical lives. It does help to know that you are at peace and free from the pain you were in.
I'm sure Nana was there waiting for you with open arms. That brings a smile to my face.
To everyone that has posted to this site---You will never know how nuch it has meant to Jay's dad and I the outpouring of love and stories you have shared with us. We have met a side of Jay that we only had a glimpse of in life. We knew he was a sensitive and caring and a little on the "wild-side" kid, but your messages have shown us a lot more then we could ever imagine. He was (and is) a good person and he will go on to do something else that will leave another mark somewhere. Thank you again to you all.
Jay, We love and miss you more then you will ever know. Talk to you soon!

Name: Jay-D (Sam Alvand)
AIM: Ever
16:11:22 01/28/03

You know what...
I am so sad right now that the things that im thinking about to write to you just diminish...
The post below mine here...is a very good friend of mine Supaf1y (Rob), if you dont remember we all had the same hobby once man...we would come home and get on the computer and play a game together, and have conversations of life together...I remember when we were up late during summer, weekends ,winter break...
And we talked about everything,and you know what I mean. When I was mad about things that was going on in my life I had someone to talk to that was comforting...And sometimes you had things to talk about and we just talked about why they happen. Your probably couldnt give a penny about me but I give one about you...no matter how many times I see posts that say "you have impacted my life" I still believe thats true because whoever you talk and know for about 2 FULL years...remain in your heart and brain,and if I ever hear the name "Justin" anywhere...which means someones name , in a book , letter , out in the street, my brain will quickly scan thru the people I know that name is Justin, and it will stop at you. I will think about who you are and what you have done considering impacting my life...and the way I see it , its a lot. I have a brother, yeah hes cool and all that but he isnt a person I cant talk to about my girlfriend, or personal things to, This sounds still silly to people that I talked to a random person on the Internet about MY PERSONAL life...But to me it isnt. I remember we talked with each other a couple weeks or a month before you left to heaven, I really dont remember what we talked about but I do remember you told me about this Trance song called Da Rude - Blade Techno Opener , I downloaded this song and I listened to it and before I got the chance to tell you how awesome the song was you logged off...You can read this I know you can , and yeah the song was awesome.

I bet all the people that might of read my post think im some kind of a weirdo that had communication with Justin for 2 years not knowing really who he was in person...I dont care really all I have to say is that hes one of the nicest people I have ever talked to. I have so many things but I just cant get it out.

I also remember the times we had fun playing a game on the net , and you would say "Guys lets get a scrim" and I would fast reply "Im down" and then you would finally reply by saying "Of course your down fatty" and then we all laughed together :)

Good Times

Rest In Piece Young Justin

Sam (Jay-D)
Peace , Ill see you soon...Ill see you soon

Name: SuPaF1y ( Rob Sweeney )
E-Mail: V-TeC@wi.rr.com
15:38:58 01/28/03

wow.. i really dont know what to say but i feel that i should say somthing because you have made quite an impact in my life. i know this wont compare to anything everyone else has written but you were apart of my life and i will miss you alot bro :( I knew you through a small little game called counter-strike, we stuck with eachother for about a year and a half and made all diffrent teams. we were like family togeather and i felt like i could trust you with anything. we talked about family friends school the counter-strike clan and you gave me tips to help me when i needed somone to talk to but was to nevous to call them so i went online and you helped me through the tough times in my life and i helped you out with times in your life. You were the only person i really felt of as a genuine friend online buddy and because we only live 1 hour and 1/2 away it made me feel closer, you were with me through the tough times in my life. what i remember most about you was that you were the best person in cs i ever actually had the privilage to play with. Fraggin 2 Xtreme was the best clan by far i was ever in. and the ironic thing was i just found out what happened when i was asking blaze for your e-mail / new AIM name and i thought u switched aim names cause u wernt on in a while :( .. i was going to ask you if you wanted to start up the f2x clan again with the origional members. i guess you wont be here to read this or see how everyone feels but because you were apart of my life over 3++ hours a day every day after school and during the summer and stuff, i feel that i should post because you ment a lot to me in the short time i knew you. also, im sorry i never chipped in to pay for the server dude if i knew that you didnt have as much money as you said you did i would have been more then happy to get a job and help pay for it. as i am writing this i feel like i am posting on the old f2x website fourms or somthing only this is the only and final post i will get to make kind of like the clan died but its you this time :( i remember the good times in the clan when we finally got on the Cal league after all that hard practice and we won our first match, you were so happy and excited that we won i remember your voice shouting your strict orders that pulled off :P to bad the clan died..mabey if we were still around you would have had somone to tell your feelings to like i did and we could have helped you out like you helped all of us out when you lead the clan. You even offered to drive up to my house and help me put my computer togeather when i didnt know how and you hunted around for the lowest prices for me :) i will miss you a lot dude,
Rest in Peace Justin ( m0nk3y ) ( santa )
and im sorry for his family friends and reletives because im feeling real bad for him the past couple of days i cant even Imagine what you are going through
i dont know if this even makes sence because i just have so much feelings right now and i cant get them all out on this page but ill miss you and you will be rememberd.

f2x.SuPaF1y ( Rob Sweeney )

Name: Mike
15:25:30 01/28/03

hey justin i did not meet u in person but i met u online playing counter-strike. you were a really cool person from being online. when ever you would play counter-strike i always thought that you cheated but i knew that you never did. i could never beat you in that game. i would always play good in a server until you got there u would always own me.

well RIP justin and i hope that u are owning them up there.

Mike AKA Neo

Name: Mari
00:13:41 01/28/03

I wanted to tell you thanks, you know what I am talking about. I was looking over all the messages, and so many people care about and miss you Jay. I hope to God you know that. I was thinking today about the time when you let me drive your truck, you had just put those tires on and you told me they were touchy, I didn't realize they were that touchy!! But you just laughed, I think it made Brandon a little nervous though. Oh, and me and Katie tryed the "trick" I'm sure you saw. It went alright though. But I'm gonna go, I'll write again soon. Love and miss you always Jay!!


Name: Someone
23:35:16 01/26/03

I go to school with someone who knew Justin. She was telling me what happened the day after, and even though I never met him or heard of Justin, I wanted to cry. I don't really have words to say that can make this all easier, I know what the days are like. You think about it non stop. When you go to bed, you lay there and think what if. Or you replay events in your mind. Eventually that all will go away, and you can go on thinking of the good times you had with Justin. From the stories i've read on this website, and heard from my friend, I wish i could've met him, cuz he sounds like he was a good person. Stay strong.

Name: LEXI
00:32:47 01/26/03

I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU. AND THAT I WISH I COULD ONLY GO BACK IN TIME FOR ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE ONLY ONE SECOND!BUT ITS NOT POSSIBLE..WAIT ISNT THERE SUCH THING AS A 'TIME MACHINE'? =0D well i hope you were watching me and BF taking drinks for you last night--it was pretty hardcore :) hah sorry. i had to say it. but i love you and i wish you were here bc you are LIKE ALWAYS the only person who understands me completely. we all miss you and think of you always. i love you. BARAMU BABE always and forever x0x0~your lex

Name: Ryan
E-Mail: Gilbs721@aol.com
16:30:00 01/25/03

Hey Jay

Sorry its taken me so long to post somethin, i just found out about this site today. I dont even know where to start we had so many great times together. i was just goin through some pictures the other day and found one of us from 2nd or 3rd grade in cub scouts and it really made me think of all the how much time we had gotten to spend together. Ill never forget goin down to the frisbie golf course everyday from 5th grade to 8th grade and then goin to the creek to look for discs. Playin roller hockey at haines was the best, Ill never forget it. You were always such a great person to be around and it semmed as though you were always laughing and having a good time. ill always remember that night in 8th grade when you wanted to shave your head so u cut cut all your hair off with a pair of scissors and had to go to school the next day. Jay you were always a great guy and ill never forget the memories i have of you. im going to miss you jay.

Name: malerie
13:43:38 01/25/03

heyyy hunny :) i havent written in awhile i know..its been hectic over here but i finally got to go out last night so i went with jess to chucks house...it was kinda boring but oh well i got outta my house right :).. n then i went home n was cleaning out my closet cuz i had to switch rooms with kaiden cuz mine was warmer and i was throwing away old cd's and i came across the usher one..lol remember you used to sing that whole damn cd to me n jess..of course at seperate times ..what would be the point at the same time huh? :) i didnt throw it away..i was going to but then i realized i couldnt do it :) ~a penny for your thoughts, a nickle for your kiss~.. :0 i luv ya hunny, love malibu

Name: Dustin DuBois - ZythriX
E-Mail: upa_zythrix@yahoo.com
AIM: uPa ZythriX
01:41:02 01/25/03

I don't really know what to say.. Justin.. you were a cool guy.. I may not have known you for very long (never even met you in person) .. but I already miss ya like you I had known you for 10 years.. I always got along with ya great.. we had a lot in common.. I dunno what else to say.. I'll come back when my head is a lil clearer.. Mainly..

Name: ***
AIM: *****
14:52:35 01/23/03

Hey, i found this sight well writing about smone else. It is a shame that you are gone. All these people here liked you alot i can tell. i had to deal with a death and it isnt easy. Please watch over all your friends and make sure they are all ok!Rest is peace!

Name: Mari
23:57:34 01/22/03

Even now I still can't believe it.I miss you so much, everyone does. I had finals last week. It made me think of how over the summer I would come over and we would go over your stuff for your GED. (the whole time looking up the answers in the back) Jay, with everything i do and see i wish you were here. To share it with all of us. You have taught me so much without even realizing it. I realize how special life is, how nothing and no one should be taken for granite. I thank you for that. Well Jay I'm gonna go, i'll write more soon. I love and miss you.
Thinking of you always~~

Name: Dianna Garcia
23:21:23 01/22/03

I never had the pleasure of meeting you, Justin, but I know that you have been such a great friend to one of my best friends. You've touched a lot of people's lives just by being you and the wonderful person I hear about. God bless you and your family and friends through this difficult time. Peace and love and God Bless. Rest In Peace and let your love shine down on everyone.
Dianna Garcia

Name: Tammy
19:17:51 01/22/03

Hello! I am Tammy Dodge (Justin's sister in law - married to his older brother) and I just want to tell you all that the letters you are writing are so encouraging. Its nice to see that he had so many good friends who he had some nice times with. I didn't get to know Justin a whole lot like you all did and its nice reading about how he really was. What a fun-loving guy. I know Justin would want you all to go on with your life pursuing your dreams. I have a quote I thought for you - "Live a happy life of memories for there are many more to come."

Thank you!

Name: Kellie
16:52:06 01/22/03

I've been sitting here for about 20 minutes now just reading all the nice things everyone had to say about you. The first thing everyone put was how shocked they were when they heard the news. Its not like you Jay. Not something a happy person like you could or would have done. I just still don't believe it. Its taken me a couple weeks to even come back to this page and write again. Reading all the messages and how you touch each person's life in a different way just makes me miss you more. Kim was right though, you have given me so many great memories that I will hold in my heart forever. Maybe we werent together for that long, 4 months, but it was still enough time to make me fall in love with you. I remember when we went to twirp together and how much fun i had just being with you. You always made everything so much fun. I look at the pictures of us from those dances and just remember each night like it was yesterday. I have our prom pic in my car and everytime i look at it i remember us being there together looking out the window at the lake. We were holding each other and i just thought to myself, Im so lucky to be sharing this with someone i care about so much. Also the time when we drove to UIC and u climbed out the window of your truck on the highway! Ugh! I was so mad at you for that! Haha. Or all nights u came over and we stayed up watching movies together and talking til like 4 in the morning! I loved that! Just being there with you. Ahh, Justin I miss you so much and I just hope your their watching over me, because each night when I talk to you i just hope your listening and watching over me and guiding me throughout the rest of my life. You were loved by so many people and still are. We all have our good memories of you Jay and we will keep those and hang on to them forever. I still have the bear u gave me for Valentines Day too! That was the best day ever. I remember u came over and surprised me with a rose and the two teddy bears! I still sleep with that bear and hug it everynight and think of u. I miss you so much and I just hope you know how much I love u and will always love you. I will never forget u. Your in heaven now watching over us all and I know ur happy. Theres so much more I want to say and tell u but I will come back and write that later. Love you! z0rZ!

I MISS YOU - Incubus
To see you, when I wake up is a gift I didn't think could be real.
To know that you feel the same as I do is a three-fold utopian dream.
You do something to me that I can't explain.
So would I be out of line if I said, I miss you.(?)
I see your picture, I smell your skin on the empty pillow next to mine.
You have only been gone ten days, but already I'm wastin away.
I know I'll see you again whether far or soon.
But I need you to know that I care and I miss you.

R.I.P Justin! I love you and miss you!!

Name: Kellie
16:47:48 01/22/03

I've been sitting here for about 20 minutes now just reading all the nice things everyone had to say about you. The first thing everyone put was how shocked they were when they heard the news. Its not like you Jay. Not something a happy person like you could or would have done. I just still don't believe it. Its taken me a couple weeks to even come back to this page and write again. Reading all the messages and how you touch each person's life in a different way just makes me miss you more. Kim was right though, you have given me so many great memories that I will hold in my heart forever. Maybe we werent together for that long, 4 months, but it was still enough time to make me fall in love with you. I remember when we went to twirp together and how much fun i had just being with you. You always made everything so much fun. I look at the pictures of us from those dances and just remember each night like it was yesterday. I have our prom pic in my car and everytime i look at it i remember us being there together looking out the window at the lake. We were holding each other and i just thought to myself, Im so lucky to be sharing this with someone i care about so much. Also the time when we drove to UIC and u climbed out the window of your truck on the highway! Ugh! I was so mad at you for that! Haha. Or all nights u came over and we stayed up watching movies together and talking til like 4 in the morning! I loved that! Just being there with you. Ahh, Justin I miss you so much and I just hope your their watching over me, because each night when I talk to you i just hope your listening and watching over me and guiding me throughout the rest of my life. You were loved by so many people and still are. We all have our good memories of you Jay and we will keep those and hang on to them forever. I still have the bear u gave me for Valentines Day too! That was the best day ever. I remember u came over and surprised me with a rose and the two teddy bears! I still sleep with that bear and hug it everynight and think of u

Name: kim
AIM: kitkat883
16:23:33 01/22/03

I know we didnt know each other personally... but i felt like i knew u so well because of all the stories kell would tell me about you.. I just want to thank you so much for giving kellie what u have given her. She truely loves you and will never stop loving you. I have never ever seen her as happy as she was when she was with you. You have given Kellie something that can never be replaced. You have filled her with wonderful memories and experiences. Thank you so much for that. You were a great person and really are loved by everyone. RIP Justin

Name: Phr0s7 [ Ryan Bryant ]
E-Mail: viashino_cutthroat@hotmail.com
AIM: RyPhr0s7an
21:23:26 01/20/03


We go a long way back man, as far as being internet buddies eh? 2 years. I'm glad that you took me under your wing after we were reunited after about a year of not each other. You, curt, and me... Man, those were some good times. Sorry for being abnoxious / conceded @ times. I'll try to get back to the old me, the old de_GiRL that you knew / loved.

I hope everything goes well for his family and friends, even though I never met him in person, there's a huge hole in my heart... because he was so much a part of my life :(

RIP Justin, I'll never forget how good of a friend you were,
Phr0s7 de_GiRL

Name: Tony Ferraro
E-Mail: aferraro21@hotmail.com
AIM: ferrari21
21:17:44 01/20/03

I just got this link, I wanted to say that I'll always remember Justin as the guy that was nice enough to talk to me when I started working at the pool. Around that time I was really shy, and he was cool enough to approach me and say hi. I'll also remember the times we played on the same indoor team, and he would go out there wearing some weird shit sometimes, just to make people laugh. Not that his soccer skills weren't enough to laugh at, haha, I'm just kiddin bud. I really wish you could have seen a better alternative, but that can't be changed now, sorry I wasn't there to help. I wish the Dodges and friends the best, and I really hope you guys pull through this. I'll miss ya Justin, look out for us down here, I know you will. Peace, godbless.

Name: Becca
16:10:53 01/20/03

Just, I think about you a lot and especially when I lay down to go to bed and night I think of what we have done and where you are now. It is not as hard to fall asleep now, I think it is because I concentrate on all the wonderful aspects of your life. And since no one can bring you back I try not to get frustrated over what else could have been. I admit that I do think sometimes of what you would have been like at 25 or something. Maybe it is because I love kids so much that I think of what kind of father you would have been. I really don't want to get into it or make people sad with my thoughts. I know your good heart is still with us all. I can talk about you without crying now, I smile when I tell stories or when people look at my prom photo book. I will miss you always, especially when I am at home this summer. Love you.

Name: Lexi
14:26:57 01/20/03

You being my guardian angel is really going to help--I love you. So tonight I went to the Get Up Kids show, which i am pretty sure i told you about a couple weeks ago. It was awesome and I wished you could have been there with me for the show. I dunno Just, its like everyday I come online and I want to write you--but I am still like at a loss of words for all of it. I mean it honestly doesnt make sense to me still. You meant so damn much to me it was unbelievable-and to think about all that I had while you were here and then to think about all of that, is gone forever. and can never ever happen again. All that I have must be kept in my memories and in my heart. And I wish it didnt have to be like this. Every song I hear now, seems like it is related to you and I in some flippin way....its crazyness. I just got done eating my "nighttime cereal" too by the way. I miss watching you and hearing you eat your soup at your house....You were addicted to that soup. Just, I have been meaning to tell you something--about October 9th--that whole day wasnt a mistake. And I am sorry for the way things turned out that night. I am really really sorry. I feel horrible. That is why I am telling you now, that the movie and all was perfect. I hope you still have those old school pics of me in your wallet...so whenever you feel like a good laugh, you can open up your wallet and look at me =0D....gosh I remember sophomore year when you had to beat me up for that picture...well hun, I am going to go for now. But keep all of us in mind and check in from time to time....I miss you, I love you.
BARAMU always and forever x0x0- your lex

Name: a friend you never knew you had
14:07:56 01/20/03

Justin- I did not know you, but from what I hear you were a great guy! I feel for your family because I have had personal experiences with this! To Justin's family and friends-- Hang in there! Things shall get better! A friend from far away

Name: Brian Black
E-Mail: blackbooty8@yahoo.com
AIM: NoNoBall8
10:32:59 01/20/03

Justin was just an acquaintance of mine. I did not know him like Buss, Delmata and Rodie and co. did but i did know him. All the times that i did happen to be around him (mostly his bangin parties) he was nothin but a good guy. The first time i ever met him, he said i was welcome to sleep at his house. I remember bussiere just said sleep over, and i felt weird because i didnt know Justin well, and Justin said that it was fine, he didnt mind at all. I think about that now and wonder how many people would have actually let someone they barely knew, maybe just knew of them sleep over at their house? I got to be friends with a bunch of people over there, Delmata, J-Rob, Smolucka(pardon if i just butchered ur name bro), and im sure there were plenty more.

To Justin's Family and Friends:

I know these times are extremely hard for all of you. This website brings back so many bad memories for me, from my good friend Sarah. She died almost a year ago today in a car accident(Jan 25/ www.quitetheking.net/sarah). This website is such a great outlet to relieve a little bit of the stress. To me it's almost like I can talk to Sarah. The best way I feel to get through this is to get together and share all kinds of memories of the FABULOUS times you had with Justin. It certainly makes you cry, but you laugh at the time, and it makes going through these times a little more tolerable. Plus you are all going through it together, and that is very important. Trust that God will get all of you through this, and knowing Sarah she is taking him under her wing as we speak.

From what i experienced of you , and what i hear from all your great friends, you were an awesome guy, and i really wish that i would have taken the time to get to know you better. Rest in Peace man.
Brian Black

Name: CaM
E-Mail: Autisticman@hotmail.com
AIM: Autistic1010
09:53:03 01/20/03

Hey Justin,
It's been a long time man, I miss u owning me at cs. When I heard the news I wanted to puke, your were such an awesome guy. I know your up in heaven right now pwning everyone at any competative game. I can't wait to see u again, until then peace.


Name: Chrissy
00:52:12 01/20/03

well like everyone said, I was in shock when I heard it.. I kept telling myself that it wasn't true.. you know, you hear about these things all the time, but it really hits home when it happens to someone that you knew.. J, you were such a funny guy.. I'll never forget your school ID.. my gosh.. haha.. I still laugh about it when I think about it.. and of course all our good time in Western Civ with the teacher who was on speed, you remember him ?? Me, you 'n Ash.. we had so much fun in that class.. and of course, your parties.. they were so much fun.. especially when you all drew those things on Chad's face with a permanent marker and you were the culprit haha.. and of course that foreign exchange kid who was talkin' t' me 'n we were just laughin' so hard about him.. ahhh good times.. I wish I could've gotten to know you better, but what I did know about you was great.. you will be greatly missed and I hope you can see us all smiling up at you.. God will take good care of you.. you'll always be in our hearts and we'll see you soon.. love ya

Name: Michelle
19:45:57 01/19/03

J..thank you for watching over me and being my Angel..you're in a better place man..you're one of the best people i ever met..i hope you're rockin Heaven with some DMB...i also wanted to thank you for the signs like i asked..i was wondering where mine were and if i could get just one cause everyone else said that you were giving them some..well i know i didn't know you all too well but i feel so close to you..i know you hear me praying to you often..and i got so excited cause i realized that i had a story to tell people about you like everyone else..remember when me and nikol and my cousin were at McDonalds, the one off Rt 30, and i kept peeking at you through the fireplace and you were laughing at me and i was making faces and you just kept smiling at me and thought i was crazy...i'm glad that if only once, i got to make you laugh..i thought about that a few days ago so i wanted to write cause i know you're reading this page from time to time...i'm gonna go..talk to ya soon kiddo..

Name: Tim
19:34:34 01/19/03


you were a great and loving friend. You always new how to make anyone smile at any point and time. you always made everyone feel wanted or needed in some way. you always had the best parties and friends that anyone could ever have. we all now where your at and we will see ya soon.

Rest In Peace


Name: lexi
12:45:34 01/17/03

just---hey darling. i am sitting at beccas dorm in naperville....staying the night here. i am thinking of you. the car ride here was for some reason really long...thought of you the whole way and about what that girl said on your web page, and how she talked to you. i would really like to believe all of that. but i dont really know. but last night on my couch, i swear to god i felt you push my leg....you doing things like that help me understand and believe that you are okay. which is what i need to understand more than anything. i want to see your beautiful smile...i cant wait till the day i get to see it again for real. someday soon....soon....i made a shirt tonght too..it has your picture on the front and back...i messed it up there for a little bit witht he picture but i fixed it...i pictured u laughing at me...but ya know that face you used to make and i would always tell you to stop bc you looked silly...smiling really big....well that is the front of the shirt. i am listening to the cd u made me right now. there are so many things i want to tell you but i cant...i mean you know me!---im a wuse who cant take it if someone else were to read waht i have to say. you always hated that i cared about that...but babe, i cant help it. u know that. i want to tell you that i am sorry that i forgot skyler at home tonight...so i cant sleep with him...but i still hope that you come and find me in naperville and sleep with me tonight. i dont know just, i gotta go. i love you so much... BARAMU always and forever. xoxo...your lex

Name: jessie
13:17:35 01/15/03

i know we were never very close but you were always nice to me even though we hung out with very different people. You were a sweet kid and no one will ever forget you. I was talking about you with adam last night and he was telling me what a little badass you were back when you guys were in jr high and even before that. I'm sorry i never got to know you better. I wish there was something that could've been done, but as I've seen before, sometimes things just hurt too bad. But it's obvious how loved you are, and what a great friend you were to everyone. Hey, by the way....i hope they're playin dave up there (of course...how could there be heavan without dave?) if they do, maybe i'll see you by the speakers one day...take care, and keep a good watch over all those who love you so much.

cuz im digging a ditch where silence lives
digging a ditch where madness gives a bit
where all these troubles that weigh down on me will rise
run to your dreaming when you're alone
where all these dissapointments that grow angry out of me will die

To all justins family and loved ones...i can't begin to tell you how sorry i am...it's so hard to lose somebody you love in that way...i lost someone i love like this and it's so hard...there are so many questions that can never be answered, too many what ifs...but keep going, he smiling down on everyone, and watching over all of you, don;t let it bring you down...if it starts too hurt too bad, pop in some dave...im sure justin will be listening with you, tearin up the rugs in heavan

Name: Mary
11:42:26 01/15/03

I was so shocked when I heard what happened. I can't believe that Justin, the guy whose house me and Erin and Em would go and party at as often as possible our senior year, is gone. We had so many fun nights there, so many memories. And to this day your nickname for Emily (Darth) still sticks. Although I was never as close to you as Erin or Em, I always thought you were a really great person. You are missed by so many, if only you knew earlier how many people you had a positive effect on you would be amazed. I just want to say that you, and all of your friends and family are in my prays. You will be missed by all.

Name: Ryan Nelson
E-Mail: Ryannel24@hotmail.com
AIM: Nel2483
02:46:00 01/15/03

Man this was such a shock to hear. I could not believe the news when I heard it. All I could remeber is back in the day when we would go to scout camp and stay up all night playing pogs and doing stuff that could have gotten us in to trouble. We lost touch over the years, until I gained it again at the end of my jr. year. Now I am so glad I had the chance to become friend with him again. I remeber the party he had at the begining of sr. year and the cops showed up. IT was a fun night. Then playing some cards in my basement. That was funny because Ryan was dealing and cheating making him loose. After that is was just a big joke and we would always talk about it when we would get together. Well all I can say is that you will be missed. R.I.P Justin and it was an honor to be your friend
Ryan Nelson

Name: Erin White
E-Mail: ekwhite83@aol.com
01:39:43 01/15/03

Justin--This all still doesn't seem real to me. Every person i talked to i just had to ask "Is this for real". i almost half expected for you to show up at the wake, laughing at us all for falling for the joke. When Ashely called me Thurs. morn with the news, it was definetly the last thing i ever expected her to say. I remember the first time i met you, at good old FTP. We had some good times there. Ha, remember nacho cheese and ice cubes...the things i could do with that:)You and Jeno were so fun to work with altho i got picked on so much by you two. When i was working at BRDD and you were at Alsip, we used to leave each other notes on each others cars. Those were so funny and dirty! I had some good times at your parties. Licorice has a whole new meaning now.(Em and Mary know) Driving you to school everyday my senior year was always an adventure, especially fitting 12 people in my car. I still remember your favorite donuts, boston creme and apple crumb. i used to bring them for you whenever i had worked the night before, remember. And all those nicknames you and Brandon made up for emily were classic. You guys made the morning commute hilarious. If there is one thing i can say about you, it's that you were the biggest flirt ever. Even when emily and i were so mad at you, somehow we ended up being friends again because you could always charm your way back in to our good graces. You just had that kind of effect on us girls i suppose. I am so glad that i was able to see you over Christmas break, even just for that one night. I had fun hanging out with you and all the guys. And even though i was not very happy with you at the beggining of the night, by the time i left, all was forgotten. It's that Justin charm huh.
I am going to miss you alot. Everyone will. There is so much that i think about that i can't even put into words...i'm sure many people feel the same way. We all will cherish and remember every moment and conversation that was spent with you. You have no idea what a special person you really were, if only you could have known. I'm going to miss seeing you and mike crusin around in the summer time, having you visit me at the pool, flirting with you, cracking jokes and our "deep conversations" at BRDD. You really were a great person who was cared about deeply. I hope that you are happy now, up there, making jokes and keeping watch over us all. I love you Justin and will miss you deeply.
Love, erin

FTP white trash forever

Name: LEXI
00:16:11 01/15/03

i dyed my hair today babe...can you tell this time?? started making some tshirts with your picture on it... i bet you feel like a star. or atleast i hope you do. babe, i am thinking of you always and dealing the best i can....i just miss you so damn much. ill talk to u more tomorrow. i love you. BARAMU always and forever. xoxo~lex

Name: Stacey Bluemer
E-Mail: Stacesm0322@hotmail.com
AIM: StaceSM22
23:05:00 01/14/03



Name: Emily
22:21:50 01/14/03

hey justin,
i neve met you in person....saw you from a far a couple times. i know you knew my brother and all of the guys. i know your in a better place, lookin down at all your friends and family. please take care of them, they really love you. good bye.
-love, emily

Name: Brittani
E-Mail: Bkooper84@aol.com
22:00:40 01/14/03

WHO REMEMBERS Justin from 8 grade when all he would wear were those Soccer shirts???

Name: Brittani
E-Mail: Bkooper84@aol.com
21:47:16 01/14/03

Hey dude.
i got a couple fond memories of you J...i met you back in the day.. i think it had to be my 4th grade maybe...alls i know is that you and Gilby were the best of friends.... remember the night we all went to go see scream and you made us all check under the the van to make sure that there was no "killas" under it?? or how bout when we called the police because you and nichelle were in laurens closet freakin us all out....i remember the late nights we would pull staying up with all the kids playing ghost in the graveyard in everyones front yard....J, i hope you are :)happy:) in the spirit world and i hope your looking down at all of us with a smile....you had a smile everyday in summer school for some odd reason...everyones type WE MISS YOU j but FOR REAL we do!!!!!! it was weird going past yur house the other day just the fact that your not there anymore...RIP dodge....we will all meet up again. I cant wait but im goin to have too..until than Rest In Peace <3 Brittani
you never pissed in my pool did you? haha

Name: laca
21:40:47 01/14/03

I was in one of your classes in high school. I never was greatt friends with you but what I did get to know of you , you where a great person always acting crazy. To all justins friends brandon, lexi etc you guys are strong keep your head up it will get better always remember his smile when you feel down and memories of good times they are the greatest things in the world. To his family iam so sorry for your loss. Justin was a great person. To his parents you raised a GREAT GUY and his MEMORY WILL always LIVE ON because of that. RIP Justin

Name: Rachel
21:23:38 01/14/03

I really didn't no you that well. We hung out a few times and you were so funny. I wish I coulda got to no you a little better! I wish i knew that you were hurting! Now your angel lookin down on all your friends. MISS YOU!

Name: Jenna
18:56:09 01/14/03

jay i have been addicted to the internet for a while now, but now that there is this website about a wonderful frined of mine, it's like 3 times worse. i have made it a daily ritual to read people's messages when i wake up and before i go to bed. jay you were truly a blessing in my life, in All our lives. thanks for being my friend, and thanks for always being concerned with me and what was going on with my life. too bad i can't talk to jo0m0nk3y anymore online ...bugging you to come down and visit me and bob at good ole EIU. thanks for all the advice about rodie, and quite frankly I thank God that you were in both of our lives at the right time, so that YOU could bring us together. we would not be able to make it here w/o eachother. i hope you are having a good time up there, looking down on all your friends, seeing how many people really DID care about you! you are continually missed and loved everyday. I loved how you showed the fun loving, easy going Justin on the outside, but only a few people got to see past that and see the true Justin Emory Dodge, all your true feelings, emotions, and thoughts. You are quite a character, and I will never forget your crazy antics that make me laugh to this day. Just know that for all the tears we all have shed, we have had twice as many laughs with you. i hope you like my "Justin Emory Dodge" collage by my bed, i have all my pics w/ you up there. it makes me smile to see your smile. nothing can take place of the memories and good times. please watch over us all, if it's not too much to ask, take care and i do love you. i am truly sorry that i didn't tell you all this before, and it is really sad that we all have to wait till you are gone to express our true feelings. I love you, and please feel safe in Jesus' arms. You are sorely missed by all. Till next time..
I love you Jay-
Jenna Kasik

Name: Dazzo
AIM: DonDazino
17:08:39 01/14/03

I just don't know what to say anymore or how to put the pieces where they were before Thursday. I try to retrace my steps get the glue and put it all back into place, but I am so lost.
Keep your head up everyone, I will to.
Miss you J

Name: Steve Boyd
E-Mail: SRB4WHLR@aol.com
17:02:21 01/14/03

You were the funniest kid ive ever met, always wanting to please people. We had some great times together. Ill always remeber our roadtrips to michigan and Indiana, Including you punching down every mailbox (including a cops) on shack lane. Also in Wisconsin you had 15 people in the back of your truck, tires flat, and you kept saying "its fine." I miss you so much, and i was proud to be able to see you the night of our loss. I will always be telling stories about things i did with you and i hope your happier where your at. We all miss you. i even miss your hand trying to grab my ass all the time.

Name: Chandler
17:02:19 01/14/03

Back when we were--God, I think I would have to say when we were in about second grade, you invited me to your birthday party at Chucky Cheese's. I think it was still Showbiz Pizza back then. Then the system stepped in and we didn't have classes together, until this past year. We had studyhall together. It's crazy how much we can change when it seems like it flies by so fast. I can't find the words to say right now. But everyone else right here is right. You were so filled with life that even when youre gone your light still shines. And it will be a beacon of hope for all of us when we feel alone. May angels lead you in. Lots of love.

And may God's grace and love give strength to your family.

Name: Samantha
16:51:04 01/14/03

Justin - i did not know you personally but i know people who did know you. From all the things that i have been able to read and hear about you and all of your good times, you seem like such a wonderful person, there are so many people who care about you and whos lives you have made a great impact on..in many good ways than bad. The stories in here seem like you were a riot to hang out with. You seem like the person who had the perfect personality, funny, nice, sweet, caring.. and there for all different kinds of people, no matter what social ranking they were... u hung out with all different groups of people ... and being the kind of person you were attracted all these people to you, to care about you. You were the only one in some cases to be able to make everyone smile. And you will keep on doing that no matter if you are here in person or in spirit. You mean so much to so many people and always will..

RIP Justin E. Dodge you will b forever missed

To all of justins friends and family - keep your heads up as it seems you are doing already.. (seeing how he was a strong person it seems that you are all very strong within yourselves..) my mom committed suicide last year and it is a very hard thing to deal with, but just remember to ALWAYS keep the good memories in your head, and when times get tough remember that he is not far...and that he is right there with you, beside you, or watching over you. Keep your smiles big... thats the only way he would want to remember you..

Name: Just a Friend
15:29:14 01/14/03

Justin...We hung out a few times and you were a really nice kid. It is so sad to think that you were so sad inside to do this but you are in a better place now. You are gone but not forgotten. I'll see you in a while when the time comes, but until then, watch over us and see how much you are loved and missed.

Name: Val Paben
E-Mail: lwvb2102@attbi.com
AIM: vip1605
12:18:52 01/14/03

I can remember Soph. year when we had BTW together. That is what totally sticks out in my mind about you. I was so nervous to drive and you went first. Then it was my turn, and you popped in the Dave CD and started singing so loudly and I was totally relaxed. I didn't want BTW to end because I had so much fun with you, and so did the teacher because she was always using that break for some reason. And those talks that we had while we were PPS aides were fun too. I laughed all of the time! That was the quality that I love about you the most. You have such a sense of humor that could turn my worst day into the best. I will always remember you.
Love you,
RIP Justin E. Dodge

Name: leigh
E-Mail: lmangun@uiuc.edu
10:08:54 01/14/03

I really don't know what to say other than, I'm sorry. I remember you fondly as a spunky 12- and 13- year old boy, always being the first to make anyone laugh, and as lighthearted as can be. You've got wonderful friends that are so dedicated to you. You're beautiful.

Name: mal :P
08:39:03 01/14/03

ahh sorry im writin again guys but justin i was trying to find that one picture that we all took at my house like maybe i dono 1 1/2 years ago and it was me, you, dana, morgan and i THINK smolucka was in it..but i cant find it damnit and im so mad BUT i came across something else! remember that tim mcgraw cd that you burned for me and i had it n then i lost it n i could never find it and you got SOO mad at me for losin it..well guess what?! i found it HA! and i put it in my cd player and its your live came on and i thought of you n dana and how whenever that came on youd grab her n dance with her n then id give you that look like " ahh come on i dont have a bf justin..i feel left out" n youd say its ok mal n then youd find a song for me and sing it to me haha..i felt so loved :P and then i remember in the car one time i got in a fight with aris (yea shut up) and you were sittin in the back and i was puttin on makeup or something in the front and i looked in the mirror and you were lookin at my put on my makeup.. (you knew i HATED It when you did that) and i said justin quit it you shit..and you just siad in your weird lil voice..mall shut up lol...and then i gave up cuz i figured youd never quit bothering me so i tried again a few mintues later and i was puttin it on glancin back every once in awhile and i didnt see your head there anymore and i was like wtf you moron where are you and then i turned around in the seat and your face was already there with a big ole smile..GOD You were such a cutie pie. one of the most handsome boys ive ever known :P. last night joe was on teh porch and i threw a dirty diaper out there (cuz it was smelly) haha and he walked on the porch and he said you know you ghetto..when theres a diaper on teh front porch and i started laughing cuz you used to tell me all the time that i was ghetto cuz of all the "farm" animals i had n i used to say shut up justin your mom has horses leave me alone you ass lol well i dono if you knew but we had a goat lol..i dont think you ever saw her but shes at the round barn farm know if you want to :)yea yea im ghetto :P i know kiss my big butt :P .. :P ok well im finally gonna go and imm try not to right anymore for awhile..i think some people might get mad cuz im writing too many times and so much :/ but i AM home all day so i got nothing else to do but sit around n think of ya lol :P BUT i did apply at the cvs pharmacy and the animal hospital off of laGrange so wish me luck! i really need a night job cuz imma broke ass biatch :P ugh im rambling AGAIN..a,lrighty im done..ill let other people write..but dun worry..ill sitll be bothering you throughout the day..you NEVEr leave my mind...i love ya sugar pie :P muah :)

Name: malerie
07:47:13 01/14/03

welllllll....kaiden did sleep throught the night last night thanks to you!! but he did get up at the crack of dawn..thats allright tho :P ill deal..i was talkin to brian last night n hes gonna come over on fri or sat n have a few uhh drinks with my mom..she said were gonna have some for you :) dun worry not too many :P.. i feel like i keep writin on here for no reason but to tell you what i do all day everyday..well not all day but ya know what i mean..as if you cant see! :) haha brian you are gonna get sick of me callin i think i call y ou like 51648654 times a day :P..just tell me when to quit :P then ill lose the number allright hunny :) haha...guess where i went by last night?!? the "haunted house" haha ohh yes i did...and i kept thinkn all the times we went there n you scared the crap outta everyne..sucha prankster :P you n jeno n smolucka were the worst..i swear i coulda killed you guys sometimes..do you remember the time me n dana were on our way somehwere and we didnt have a ride so we walked all the way do dayum eagle and called your house..THANK GODDDDDD you had the tank otherwise we woulda have to walk all the way back to my house..that would have NOT been fun..n i was talkin to kristen the other day cuz she was babysittin for me and i came home and she said that you used to go over to brandons lookin for him and she used to babysit someone over there and youd just come on in and sit down and talk to her..you were always ready to talk, n mingle n joke around and laugh..i could always count on calling you just to hear somethin funny n laugh my butt off..even when you were mean and acted like you were slow..ya big dork :P welp imma go n get something to eat..i know i know shut up i eat all dayum day ya dont have to tell me..imma be gainin the pounds lemme tell ya! so dun make fun of me..nevermind i KNOW ya are :P later hunny bunny i miss ya :P

02:24:19 01/14/03

Hey Just! Gosh I have a picture of you facing straight up in my car on the passenger side, in case you havent seen already. It makes me feel more comfortable. Everytime I get in my car I start talking to you about my day and then of course I start singing my brains out with the music sooooo loud. With your picture there, I feel that you are always in my car with me. Its wonderful.
Today after my first day of school this semester, I almost called your house...I kept swearing to myself that you would be there, answering the phone "Hey Lex". But I stopped myself...I found myself not really accepting this at all...hmm MOST likely bc I dont want to believe it...duh...But do you remember all the times after I got out of school at JJC, and how I would come straight over to your house for like 2 hours until I had to rush to work for the night. I loved doing that and you would always tell me how much it meant to you that I would come over. blah...i cant do this anymore....i gotta go...no no...i will tell you about my day.
i went to school...horrible...im sure you saw me...and then i went to work out and then i went to work...or i atleast attempted going...i was there for an hour and left. wow, go me. then i stopped by kellies for a little. then i went to joes house and we all just jacked around, you know what im tlaking about. thats about all...i made boon walk me to my car bc i got really scared for some reason. you know how i am and like, i just ended up scaring myself for no reason..everything was fine. but hey what can i say im a weirdo!! and according to you...THE MOST COMPLICATED AND CONFUSING GIRL EVER! =0D
last night, i made my mom stay up with me as late as she could and i just wrote in my journal...and i wrote you a poem-its ya know...well im not a good writer so im sure you can expect what it is like...and i wrote down some of our song lyrics that we had together.
oh yea i wanted to tell you!~i am dying my hair tomorrow for ya babe...remember the day i dyed my hair darker??? you were the first person i called...crying bc i thought it was soo different.. you told me to just come over as soon as possible and you would tell me your thoughts. well when i got there you forgot all about it bc it was barely noticable... then i had to give you that face and then you were like "OH LEX, umm maybe lets go into the bathroom so i can get a better look at the color?" ...SO we went into the bathroom and you said "hmmm... well maybe we need some more lighting in here so i can see better.." haha so you said it looked fine but it wasnt that noticable. so tomorrow morning at 10, im getting it darker...i mean noticable. you will be looking down at me laughing...either that, or you will be right there with me the whole time. hah i hope so. im scared.
as stupid as this sounds just, i miss doing your homework. i miss the voice messages. and i miss the late night phone calls from you begging for me to just come over and then you threatening me that you were on your way to my house.. hah.. well atleast i got atleast one more of those phone calls in right before you left. that made me happy. i am glad we had that conversation that night. i just wish i would have told you all that was on my mind that night....brandon knows what i am talking about. brandon almost always knew our little secrets and things that no one else knew....there was only a couple things he didnt know. but i am pretty sure he knows now. i wish before you left, you would have gave that 200 page letter that you wrote to him while he was away. its okay tho... gosh just, i want you to come back and FINISH THIS DAMN "PUZZLE" THAT YOU STARTED!!! grr...
well i love you and i miss you a lot...i know your happy where you are.
LOVE YOU...BARAMU always and forever. xoxo- your lex

Name: Jen and Becky
01:41:53 01/14/03

Hmm, I now have a quick question for you. All nite you've been on my computer as my screen saver. I was on the phone with Ricky, talking to Becky, and Jade was also in my room. I was playing solitaire, and I was changing songs on the computer and reading what people posted on here. I looked, and around 1:17, 1:18 the picture of you DISAPPEARED and my dolphins were back. w7fz0rzzz?! That was a little awkward. Not to mention I couldn't get the thing up again till around 1:26-1:27. Hmm, was that a sign? We know you're here with us. It was just very strange.
If there's anything you need to tell us or talk to anyone about or leave any hints to, we are ALL here for you. Haha, me and Becky are waiting for that phone call...where are ya! Remember, we're here at skool now, alright, bud? 773 973-8050 is my room number. :) We love you so much, and we're here for you, sweetie pie.
Any other hints you wanna drop to us? It's actually pretty cool when the stuff happens. Keep it going, man. You fuckin' r0ckz0rzzz.
By the way, we've seen a bunch of nubs and beatoffs lately. We were playing the real version of counterstrike tonight with humpty dumpty in the hallway. Hahah...knifin' the bitch. Lol lol roflmao roflmao! We think all the girls here think we belong in the psycho ward. If we make it there, keep an eye on us, alright? :) LOL. You're the best, Justin.
The time of night that we hate the most is over, thank God. We dread it every night. We're praying for you, as always. Please take care, and God bless your soul, again. God will forgive you for everything, I know he will. Another thing...are you reading all of these posts for you? You were so amazing. As you can tell, you were an angel already just taking care of us here on earth. Now you're in heaven kicking some more ass. We love you forever and always, sweetheart.

Love, Jen and Becky

Buss...trust me, the phone calls won't stop. If they do and we get busy...you know the number!

God bless everyone, we're praying for all of you.

If anyone else needs anything, we're here, so dial the damn number. WE LOVE YOU!

IF ANYONE has any encounters w/ nubs or beatoffs, let us know. Jay's already guarding the fuckin' ice cream, he'll take care of 'em!

Name: Tiff
01:34:13 01/14/03

hey Justin,
i wanted to tell u thank you for not making fun of me when i came over in my plaid pants the other night:) lol~ you prolly heard me on the phone saying omg look at me im not going over there looking like a freak, and then i heard u say u were wearing pajama pants.. so it was all good...uggg thank you for everything. Tonight i sat downstairs and talked to my mom for hours about all the stories i have about u and me...(well not all of them)she was laughing at me so hard. She reminded me off when u came and saw my lil sister at her dance camp thing w/ me....haha u did not want to b there but u were:)i told her about how everytime i clean my ears i think about u no matter what... i retold one of our most famous stories to ricky and brandon last night it got some damn good laughs....just like we did that night..remember we just couldnt stop laughing we were practically "numb"...how about when i would sneak out of erins house just to hangout w/ u and u would have to drive me home at like 6:30 the next morning b4 anyone got up..your so awesome everyone misses u so much...i seriously cant go a minute w/ out thinking about u ...your prolly so sick of this cuz ive been saying this to u for almost a year now... your prolly so happy playing cs right now...jo0 ownz jo0...Tiffany loves jo0m0nk3y...remember when u hacked into my comp and put that in my profile..uggg i was so mad at u and u wouldnt tell me how u did it~lol what about.... "i dont keep that shit for a keepsake"....u laughed so hard that was even profile worthy for a while..haha. I dunno just thought i would try to make u laugh a lil Po0py.well its the same time u said goodbye the other night so goodnight sweetz.

Name: Buss
E-Mail: bbussier@bradley.edu
AIM: GreyDevil84
01:03:03 01/14/03

real quick Jay.... A few minutes ago I couldn't get onto this web site to read some of the new things people have been writing.. You know what it said it said page unavailable.. but I know you were reading it... You've sent me a few signs that you're still around and I just wanted to thank you for that.. I'm just gonna go watch tv now or something but I figured I'd let ya know that I'm realizing what your sending me...

Jen and Becky... I don't think I'll ever be bugged by a late night call from you 2 haha keep um coming girls cause if you don't i'll start calling you and bugging you haha...

To my boys... let's keep it going.. Jay would've wanted our lives to move on and we all know that so let's do just that...


Name: Buss
E-Mail: bbussier@bradley.edu
AIM: GreyDevil84
01:02:57 01/14/03

real quick Jay.... A few minutes ago I couldn't get onto this web site to read some of the new things people have been writing.. You know what it said it said page unavailable.. but I know you were reading it... You've sent me a few signs that you're still around and I just wanted to thank you for that.. I'm just gonna go watch tv now or something but I figured I'd let ya know that I'm realizing what your sending me...

Jen and Becky... I don't think I'll ever be bugged by a late night call from you 2 haha keep um coming girls cause if you don't i'll start calling you and bugging you haha...

To my boys... let's keep it going.. Jay would've wanted our lives to move on and we all know that so let's do just that...


Name: Mari
00:39:35 01/14/03

I don't even know where to begin. I want to start by saying i'm sorry. You know what I mean. You were a wonderful friend. After Brandon left you were always the one calling and making sure I was ok. You always made sure I wasn't just sitting around. Even if you made me sit around and watch you play counter strike you knew it was still better than sitting by myself. I just wish we all still had you hear with us. To make us all smile and laugh, like you always did. I have so many memeories with you Jay. Cruising 159th in the back of your truck, sitting around at your house and you Ricky and Brandon trying to teach me how to play frisbee golf. Then there's those memories that only you, Brandon and I will ever be able to understand and laugh at. I'm so grateful to be able to share that with you. I'll never forget the day at Haines when you dove in the mud. You were always so happy thats why i'll never understand. Jay,I am so happy I had the chance to know you. I feel sorry for the people who never did, they really missed out. I feel grateful that I was part of your "best day ever". It was the perfect day, was't it? I am so grateful for what you have brought me, you know what i'm saying. You will be with all of us in everything we do. Seeing everyone at your memorial was amazing. Jay, did you realize how many lives you touched and how many loved you? I only wish you could have realized it sooner. We all miss you so much. I didn't know that on that night when you and Lex were waiting in the truck my life would change so much. Now evertime I look at my street I think of you. They'll be there forever Jay. Looking at it all now I wish I would have realized how much a part of my life you were. I wish now you were here, more than anything. Please watch over us Jay, we still need you, more than ever. I don't know how you did it but you always knew how to make everyone smile, even on their worst day. I remeber sitting on your front porch cryingand you had me laughing before anyone else knew i was crying. You were an amazing person Jay. You always had a way with people. You had that special gift of making things better, and as you and i know, you still do. Jay, you will be forever loved by many and forgotten by none. There will always be a special place for you in my heart. I'll talk to you again soon.

Love always,

Name: Becky
AIM: pookah84
00:38:41 01/14/03

Hey Babe-
Its 11:48 and I know thats kinda early for me to start writing to ya, but Jen's on the phone with Ricky and I needed some cool down time from the fun we just had upstairs..You've gotta love watchin over me and jen in our "all girls dorm"..hehe. Today was kinda slow moving..we missed our kickboxing class like i said before..then we sat around and ate some ice cream..haha. We decided that we plan on gaining 30lbs..give or take..before we get home this weekend-hehe. Fernando said as long as we fit through the door..haha. Anyways, Jen and I sat around reliving the fun times we had with you..I'm sure you heard us..cuz even if you weren't paying attention we started getting pretty loud. Do you like what we did with her computer screen? We love you so much, J. We had a lot of laughs tonight..it was really good. I know i needed it. Most of the girls on our floor probably think we belong in a psych ward right about now..but ya know, they're mostly nubs anyways. *Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall..* You like that, J? Jen and I called some people tonight, just to see how they were doing and to say goodnight. We're going to try and make it a nightly ritual..until everyone gets sick of us and starts blocking our calls.
Thanks for the signs you've been giving a few of us..its really amazing. I heard my brother talked to you last night. So, yeah, now you know our little joke..sorry babe. You gotta admit we did pretty good, though. Haha. But shh..we might be able to keep it going-hehe.
I Miss You-Incubus
..I see your picture, I smell your skin on the empty pillow next to mine.
You have only been gone ten days, but already I'm wastin away.
I know I'll see you again whether far or soon.
But I need you to know that I care and I miss you.

I put that on my answering machine for you, J. I thought it was kinda perfect. There are so many songs that seem perfect right now. I just read the lyrics to "echo." Jen is downloading it for me right now. You told me a few weeks ago that it reminded you of me..thank you.
I'm talking to Tiff online right now. I bet you never would have imagined how much I would be talking to these people i heard so much about. Its crazy J..but they are all so awesome. I'm glad i've gotten to know them, even if it happened in a way i wish it hadn't. I'm sitting in the computer lab downstairs..its freezing down here. My hands are almost frozen..hehe but you know how that goes.
You are probably laughing at what I'm wearing right now. My yellow *banana* pants, and my *hoodie*.. Ghetto, right J? Remember the time i was going over to your house, and i was really sick? You and mike came to get me, and i was basically passed out in the back of mikes car. But before you got to my house i asked if you'd be pissed off if i wore a *hoodie* cuz of how much crap you guys gave jen..hehe. then you picked me up and said "what the hell are you wearing?! i can't believe you.." haha.. "shut it!" I was laughing when Jill and Tiff were talking about how the last time they saw you, you were sick and sniffling..haha that was all my fault. How many times did i tell you, "i dont feel like doing anything..im really sick." and you said "i dont care.." Finally the day came when my week of being sick hit ya..then it was "you got me sick!" every 5 minutes..haha.
Well, Its 12:42 and i wanna get back up to jen before one o'clock hits..if i can't sleep tonight i will definitely be talkin to ya. Goodnight babe.
Sweet dreams...
Love always
and forever...
"Your lil devil"

Ps..remember: no more wakin up my parents..im at school..

Name: mari jo
23:14:48 01/13/03

Justin~ you were so much fun, I remember civics class, where you would try to compete for participation points, and make me feel like an ass in front of the whole class,because you would make sure I didnt know the answers; it was so much fun. You were so perfect, I miss you so much , you were such a good person and you effected so many people, I wish I could talk to you right now, because we haven't really hung out since junior year. I am still in shock, I can't even believe your gone! You were a great guys, and everyone will miss you soo much!!! If neone needs to talk feel free to call me, Justin is in a better place now! RIP JUSTIN!!!
Luv Ya~
Mari Jo

Name: R. Bell
E-Mail: stonegymnast84@yahoo.com
22:55:13 01/13/03


I'm really sorry I only met you once man. I know if I woulda known you longer we coulda been good friends. I know my friends and I think about you. I'm sorry these had to be the circumstances but I know you're somewhere better now man.

Still walkin,


Name: Em
22:52:08 01/13/03

Hey, kiddo. In the past few days, I've tried explaining to my friends that didn't know you just the kind of person you are. The guy who threw the parties, the kid who coined probably every nickname I've ever had, yeah the good and the bad. The kid who made fun of my plastic car everyday on the way to school and the kid who never hesitated to ride in the trunk from Erin's to school just so we could say we fit 12 kids in one car. Our countless outburts of "TRAAAAASHHHH" in the car and the hallways. and even just a week or so ago when we sat and drank "pop" that tasted like metal @ Rickys...Its funny how I had almost forgotten about all the crazy times until you left. Now, you're a part of all of us whether you like it or not. haha. Miss you lots Jay and can't wait til the next party you throw when we all get up there.
Love you,

Name: Kristen Reitz
E-Mail: Bretsgirl1029@aol.com
AIM: Bretsgirl1029
22:49:56 01/13/03

God sometimes has His reasons which reason can't possibly understand. He sends these angels into our lives, just to make sure that we are being guided down the right path, this way of light that He has lain out before us. And sure, we have choices to make. He gave us free will too. Your broken hearts are making mine bleed. I'm just Dana's older sister, but I know a lot of you. I look out for all of you. I pray for all of you. I don't just listen to your pain, I hear it, I feel it, I know it. Justin, you were an angel sent here to earth and God chose you as a becon of light for hundreds of people. All the lives you touched, all the souls you helped to shape are now desperately seeking that love that compassion, that friend, that brother, that soulmate ... that you were, and are... You were the one that I didn't question why Dana loved you so much. I knew. I knew in the way that she looked at you... that EVERYONE who knows you looked at you. There was something about you that drew people to you... that caused them to reach out to you and hold to you as a dear friend, a dear brother, a dear love... Sweetie, all you would have had to do is reach back with your own pain, your own needs, but perhaps God had a bigger plan for you, angel... and perhaps you knew that, too. People's best friends are their best loves. Love. Who says Heaven doesn't exist? Suddenly, in the shadows of death, there seems to be a believer in all of us, and where there was already a believer, now a newly baptized beacon of light... Your friends are surrounding you with love, with comfort, with that shoulder that just never seems to leave when you need it the most. Your friends are now encircling your memory with love love love love love. And there is God, in His Heaven, Breathing His UNDYING LOVE and the light of His Precious Angels are all around us. I am humbled to my knees in prayer for all of you... for you, Justin... you guys, we're all in this together. It's gonna hurt and we're gonna cry. A lot. We're going to wake up screaming in the night... and then there will come the calm, with prayer, with love, with tears, with time... The calm that you are being held in the hands of God where you can look down upon us all and watch over all those who love you so much. For Jesus Christ will Bless and Heaven shall Keep you, and in the Hearts of all of those who carry you eternally with them, you will always remain Forever Young, Forever Beautiful, Forever Young...

Name: bec
22:32:44 01/13/03

My roomate had to force me to go to my last class today (since I slept through my first two... the weekend was so draining) and could you believe the topic? it made me sad but I went back in because I was hoping it would shed some light on all the questions I have. Her story was really something. I guess she is my teacher for a reason. I talked to Kel today about the weeks leading up to prom when we had to remind you constantly to buy tickets (finally two days after they stopped selling them....). I loved finding you sitting in my seat during lunch last year. I would smile and then say something sarcastic about you stealing my seat. you and boon were usually talking about cars or plans for the weekend. Speaking of plans... remember off roading.. the Bravada... I was so scared on that hill j, but you got us all down safely. the bravada.. later that night... well you guys had fun. ;). night justin. love you

Name: craig
AIM: onetrickarsenal
21:25:29 01/13/03

its hard to deal with things like this even for someone like me i might have seen you once before. i live in oak lawn and this effects me knowing that live is so importent and we should never forget that and always hold on to something even if its the smallist piece of thread.im so sorry for his family and freinds i wish the most of my heart towards everyone who knew him...its a certain tradgity...

Name: Just a Friend
21:09:34 01/13/03

Justin- I guess i don't really know what to say or think...I heard about you from close friends of mine and yours...you must have touched so many lives...im really sorry that you felt this was your only way out...Im sure you are in a better place now, looking down on all those friends and family who care so much about you... I guess you've touched my life too, really made me think, never let your friends go without letting them know you love them, To everyone reading Dont live in the past or save the good times for the future Live for now --RIP Justin--
From a Friend

Name: sarah schalmo
E-Mail: qtee02@siu.edu
AIM: sarabeara0504
21:07:05 01/13/03

hey, i know its been a long time since we last talked, i wish i could write down all these memories that we had together like everyone else. i always considered you a friend, justin. maybe not close or best friends, but none-the-less, friends. i remember twirp our junior year, me and charlie's first dance and you went with abbey. you were so easygoing and happy. i know you must have been having a really rough time, but why did you have to give up? don't you realize how many people you hurt? i wish you could have talked to someone. you had your whole life to straighten things out. i remember our little spot before class senior year, me, jenna, katie, tuttle, delimata and all the others. we had so much fun together. we also had lunch together senior year, you always made fun of me but it put a smile on my face. and all your awesome parties over the summer. i remember when the cops came that one time and charlie had to talk to them. i know i'm hurting because your gone, i can't even imagine how your true best friends are feeling. my love and sympathies go out to everyone who is grieving. we will remember you forever justin.
miss you, sarah schalmo

Name: Hovanes
AIM: LilHodmb03
21:05:19 01/13/03

I can't belive something like this could be real but it is. Even though I haven't talked to you for awhile I'll always remeber telling you that you are the "hostess with the mostess!" You were a great guy and will be missed by Sooo Many! Rest In Peace

To Justins friends-
To all of you that I have grown up with...to all those that i have just made ammends with...Stay strong because you know he is in a better place and smiling down on you and the best thing to do is smile back

Rest in Peace and Stay Strong

Name: kyle morris
AIM: ktm52384
20:56:06 01/13/03

I don't even know what to say man. I can't believe you're gone... I can't even imagine you doin something like this somethin so crazy and fucked up man. I just wish that this wouldn't have happened. Whenever i think of justin i can remember back to our sophomore year lunch table. I remember me and him sittin at the table and just rippin on tommy ryan and justin always messin with becky. You always had your way with the ladies man. Oh and Val us checkin out Val and her chest haha it was great man. And whenever you had a party I always felt invited and it seemed everyone was you had so many friends. so many close friends. Even though I wasn't one of your closest friends you still treated me in a way that made me feel special. I am very glad that i had the chance to meet you and be friends with you for the past four years. I hope that all is well now. Rest in peace, Justin.

Name: Brian Anderson
E-Mail: coacha48@hotmail.com
AIM: coacha48
20:43:36 01/13/03

Justin, We grew apart in recent years. I dont know why we grew apart, but i will regret it for the rest of my life. You gave my something very special. You gave me some of the best memories of my life. I still remember every day when I was in 6th grade( you were in 5th)I would ride my bike to your house and we would play fifa soccer on sega. We would ride to soccer practice and games together and you would make me laugh all the way their. I will always remember the way you made me laugh. You were always having fun. I will never forget the look on your face when we were playing Hockey and Haines. You were so happy...and you should have been after all you were the best. I always wanted to be on your team. Whenever I see a grin on someones face i will always think of you. Justin I want you to know that even though we grew apart I always considered you a great friend. Friendship has never come easy to me. There is only a select few people that I consider my friends. You are one of those people and I will never forget you. YOUR FRIEND,

Name: Tim
20:33:56 01/13/03

Hey buddy
We mey once at will merciers house and you were dating one of my friends and she was like he is a senior and I was like ah man he'll be mean to me older guy chubby red head kid I know the routine. But you man you shook my hand gave me a smile held a conversation with me. Just an all around good guy and we only talked that night and I knew you for that night but it was a good night because you were just really nice to everyone and helped a friend of mine out of a problem so I just wanted to let you know you meant something to everyone and you wont be forgotten. Thanks for being a great guy and ill c ya round someday man.

Name: Will
E-Mail: LWPlatinum3@aol.com
AIM: LWPlatinum3@aol.com
20:29:16 01/13/03

Dear Justin,
I really don't know where to start. With tears in my eyes all I can think to say is that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you felt the way you did and I hope that now you have made amends. Crying, I read all of these messages that all of these people, the people that loved you the most, wrote to you about how you touched their lives and the good times that you had together and how much we all miss you. No one is lying when they say that. To us your memory is like a book that will never close. The pages will just keep turning and with every word you will warm our hearts and redefine what it is to love & miss someone. I just wish that things were different. It's so sad that you never really know how much you mean to people and how much you are loved until you are gone. Love should be shown at "hello." We shouldn't need a reason to tell people what they mean to us. I wonder if you could have read the words that people have said about you if things would have turned out any differently. Maybe it would've given you a new found sense of happiness and let you know that there is hope in tomorrow. I wish you would've known the ways that you touched everyone's heart and you could've seen what you meant to all of us. You left an ever-lasting mark on the world with your smile and your life. No one will ever forget the day they met an angel. An angel named Justin Dodge. And these tears are tears well spent.

I remember the night I threw that party when my parents were gone and just about everyone I knew showed up and pitched in on trashing my whole house. And when the lights dimmed and the music stopped, you were still there, helping me clean up. You were there even after I left, you and Kellie, just putting back the place back together. It was like a puzzle that I could never have put back together alone, and you were there to help. You hardly even knew me at that point but you stayed anyway. That just says something about your personality and character. You were such a good kind person. I also remember the days when we would be walking home from school and you'd be on your way to Kellie's and you would never fail to stop and drive us home. I got to know you better and better as your relationship with Kellie continued, and with time came more and more respect. I had never seen Kellie as happy as she was when you were together, or when she said that she loved you. You amazed me in that way because I never thought anyone could make her as happy as she was. You were someone special Justin Dodge. You will be missed. And with every tear that the people shed, it will stand for another reason why we all loved you. And in closing I say again: To us your memory is like a book that will never close. The pages will just keep turning and with every word you will warm our hearts and redefine what it is to love & miss someone. A candle in a window that survives the strongest winds. We love you Justin Dodge. We will miss you forever.
Love & Tears,
Will Mercier

Name: Lauren
20:23:36 01/13/03

We never really hung out, but our conversations in school were always amusing. Especially in English class, when the topic of our conversations were about... Billy.."OH BILLY!" I first met you in Junior High...We so did not get along, but as we grew older, You grew on me, and I know I grew on you too. We always cracked jokes at each other...I can actually remember all of them. I hope that you are happy right now, I hope that you see all the people who loved and cared for you soo much. I must admit...You are a great person (haha, you would have ripped me apart for giving you a compliment)You will truley be missed. I know I will miss your sarcasm, and your quick, witty, sense of humer. I'll miss you. Take care... Do me one favor though... You have some really great close friends who love you very much...watch over them, help them through...In everything they would have helped you through. Love you always you PUD! I hope you are resting in peace. Bye J.

Name: *Jordan Medvid*
19:19:14 01/13/03

Justin Emory Dodge,
I’m so sorry that you felt that this was the only way out. You still had a whole life to live. You still had so much time to really fall in love. So many people loved and cared for you. There were just so many people that you didn’t know that still cared for you so much. You had so many qualities that everyone probably wishes they could have. You were such an awesome person with no bad intentions. You had such a big impact on so many people’s lives. I think you were the very last person that anyone could expect this from. But I know that everyone has learned a lot from this. I am very glad that for the time you were here with us that you lived a fun and happy life. I don’t think that anyone could ask for more. But you were perfect, Justin. I only wish that you could have known that sooner. Your memories here with us will live on forever. They will never fade. We will miss you more than anything. We love you Justin Dodge.

Love Always, Jordan Medvid

Name: malibu :)
19:12:36 01/13/03

ughh i know i know justin im writing again..i just got off the phone with dana and shes doin a lil better but not so good still so keep en eye on her k? :P cuz sumtimes she dont pick up the phone when shes with john when i call :P haha i know your readin this dana i luv ya hunny :)ya know..i find myself walkin round my house kinda lookin at the floor and all the sudden i find myself in another room and im like uhh...my mind kinda aint here lately haha..but then again you said it never was..yea yea i know...i gotta card for your mom..i sent it in the mail today..im almost pos. i got the right address but ill soon find out..if it comes back i guess i didnt huh? :) i hope she remembers me..its been like a year since shes seen me..shes gonna look at the card and say who the hell is this haha :) thats allright..ill tell her i was the short loud abnoxious one :) then she'll remember..haha :)
it still seems so unreal and everytime i write in this it feels like im sendin you an email or somethin..its just so weird..i dono if its hit me yet..i think for the most part it has..i can be so calm at times and think of it and put a smile on my face cuz i know your happy..but then sometimes i think and i just cant help but bawl my eyes out..so i dono whats goin on , but imma go cuz i gotta get kaiden to bed..hes so damn crabby as you probably know..do me a favor? can ya keep him from wakin up tonight..i havent had a good nights sleep in awhile :) thanks hunny bunny :P love, mal

Name: Becky
19:00:07 01/13/03

Hey Babe..
I got a lil question to ask you. So today my mom called and asked me if i got a phone call really early this morning..i said no, and asked why. She said early this morning..my second line rang and rang and rang. She looked at the clock and it said 1:06.I gave you the number to my second line, just in case you ever needed me in the middle of the night, because that one was more quiet and wouldn't wake up the whole house. There are only about 2 people who know that number..and you were one of them. Nobody ever calls that line..especially at 1 in the morning. When she told me that I immediately started crying..she asked me what was wrong. I told her to go online and see what time I started writing to you last night. She was amazed. Exactly 1:06.. You knew I was having a bad night last night, didn't you? Or maybe you just wanted to thank me for your first loyola *church* experience. Well, thanks for the call..sorry i wasn't home..i'm back at school..call me there from now on!
This just reminded me of the night you went out and I couldn't drive my car that night. You called me at 3:30 in the morning..after you had a couple "pops"..and you said "whats wrong? did you get into a fight?" and i was like "no, j, you woke me up." and then i told you to hang on so i could switch phones, but then i accidentally hung up on you. But not to worry cuz' you called right back..but then i heard my dad get up and i knew he was pissed so i picked up the phone and hung up on you. then took the phone off the hook so you couldn't wake anybody else up..hehe. The next day you called apolozing profously for drinking too much pop and calling that late. It was ok though, i promise =)
Did you like when i fell outside by the bookstore today? Those guys were nubs and saying shit and i knew you wouldn't like it, so i told jen to push me..and there i went..to the ground..haha. We were talking about what we we're going to do for your birthday, J. Do you like the idea about buying flowers and passing them out to people? Well, too bad if you don't cuz i'm going to do it anyways. And i will finally go get my haircut..thank God! hehe. Did you like the signs i made for mine and Jen's doors? I hope so.
I hate hearing the question, "How was your break?" It was sooooo good and i had so much fun..then thursday came. Its so hard to talk to people about it, cuz nobody understands. But Jens awesome, i am so happy we have each other.
Ok well, I'm going to get going..not sure what i'm gunna do right now, but i'll figure something out. This has been such a long day..it feels like its two in the morning, but no..its only 7:05..Jen and i missed kickboxing tonight. Don't make fun! Well, thats it. Talk to you later babe.
Love always..
and forever,
"your lil devil"

Name: Hillary
AIM: Hillo777
18:50:20 01/13/03

Hey...I didn't really know Justin aside from hanging out w/him when I hung out w/Lisa and Tiffany. But from what I have heard he is such a great person...I see Lisa and Tiff and Nikol and it amazes me how much one person can mean. These are some of my best friends and one person has done so much for them..its amazing..Justin, you're an amazing person...You have impacted so many...I know that you are in a better place...thank you for all the things you have given everyone..you're truly loved! RiP..

Name: A Friend
18:36:41 01/13/03


I knew you from English class. You sitting behind me and taunting me all the time, we would always have something to laugh about. "BILLY!!" Our favorite person in the world!. I bet you would never have imagined how many lives you have touch and effected. But it shows how much you were loved and how much you will be missed. And anyone who has met you knows what a wonderful person you were. God has a plan for all of us, and i hope one day will see you on the other side. Love and Miss you always and forever. RIP