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Name: Jen
E-Mail: jmedvid@luc.edu
AIM: gabs0705
18:15:14 01/13/03

Hey one more thing, cutie pie....
Just wondering if u've seen my buddy icon!!!! OWNED. That's all I have to say.
Hey, I wanna move my room around, any ideas? Becky and I are trying to come up with somethin.' OH yea, she said if you're gonna call her anymore, we're back at Loyola, babe...give us a ring here.
God Bless, take care of yourself up there, and keep smiling. I realized that it was the third day that u had been gone, and we had that service for you. I was always told on the third day he rose again. Since that day, every day has been perfectly SUNNY. We know you're watching us all, giving us a huge smile bc you're no longer in any pain. We all love you, Justin. God Bless your soul. We'll keep praying for you, sweetie pie.
Much love, as always,

Name: Jen
E-Mail: jmedvid@luc.edu
AIM: gabs0705
17:56:43 01/13/03

I'm writing again, and man oh man, this is reality. It's so hard to sink in. I still to this day do not understand, and I know nobody ever will. I keep praying for you all the time that God's taking good care of you, and that you're going to keep your eye on all of us. I know you will; you always knew how to make people happy.
Anyway, I just wanted to remind you of the night we had right when we got back for Christmas break. We were all chillin' in your basement, Brandon was back from the Marines, and we were having a celebration. The damn house almost went up in flames bc of the stupid fireplace, you remember that? You just sat there so calm and laughing about it for a while. It was so funny until we all almost passed out. The black smoke permeating the basement was just wonderful. I opened the basement door so we could all breathe, and it helped a little bit. I think everyone had icicles hanging from their noses after that bc it was so damn cold outside. Oh well, it was a night to remember. My clothes had to be washed a few times before the smell went away. GOOD TIMES!
That jenga game that you, me, Ricky, Brandon, and Rodie played was quite interesting. I enjoyed it. Don't worry, there were kisses involved, and I won't tell what happened. Also, in Ricky's room we had a pretty good game of Monopoly going. That was on Christmas, I believe.
I know you saw Becky and I at "church" last nite. I hope we didn't disappoint you, but there's a lot more where that came from. ;) Please keep taking care of all of your friends and family. We know you want us to be happy just as you always were in front of us. I wish I was around for more of the great times you had. Also, I babysat during the last party you had, and I regret it so much. The money I made wasn't worth it; I should have been there.
Guess what, on your birthday I think Becky's going to get her haircut for you, her belly button pierced, and we'll see what I can do. :) We're planning somethin.' I'm so excited that Becky and I have English together; it's gonna be so much easier now. We're still talking about moving in together.
I liked what Buss said about the "pop" that you always drank. I still have your "pop" bottles in my room, like I told you. Thanks for leaving them for me.
The second weekend I was here at Loyola when you came up with lots of "pop" was awesome, Jay. That's where I first hung out w/ Kelly. We became best friends, and if you guys didn't come up, it probably wouldn't have happened. Thank you so much for making that trip with Ricky. You were ALWAYS the life of the party, and you've taught me so much. I look up to you in so many ways, Justin Emory Dodge.
Please keep a watch over all of us, and help us be strong. You were always great at keeping our spirits up and showing everyone how to have a good time.
HAHAHA...Becky made signs to go on our doors. I'm sure you saw them. They talk about nubs, and all that jazz. There's a guy by a computer, and it looks just like YOU. You had something to do with that, didn't you u little shit! Haha, we all love you, Jay. Let me ride that Donkey, donkey!
Take care of everyone. Thank you for being such a great friend to everybody, sweetheart, especially my boyfriend. He needed you, just as we all did. Please keep a special eye on him, would you? I can't be there bc of school, so I'm counting on our guardian angel, YOU, to do that. God bless you, you are in all of our prayers. I love you, Justin.
Rest In Peace.

Love always, Jen

Name: Ian McPartlin
AIM: BigE93083
17:47:11 01/13/03

Justin Dodge,
God I cant remember how long its been since we where in grade school. All i can remember that you where the sweet talker that had all the girls, and i wanted to be you, but i was just the fat kid that nobody liked. But when we ended up in cubscouts together, i got to know you a little better and found out that you where just a normal kid looking for a good and i found out that i dont have to try so hard to fit in. I always saw you once awhile in the hall of school as we got older, never talked like we did when we where just little kids. However, u always took your time to say goodbye. I cant remember all that we have done, but thanks for always being good to my cousin lexi. She needed someone like you in her life, to keep her head straight. I make sure to look out for her for u.
Sincerly, Ian Mcpartlin
We will always miss you!!!!

Name: Freind
16:23:37 01/13/03

Not till recently did i even learn your name i have never really ever met you and i am sure u know that but i just wanted to say i am sorry i never did meat you it makes me cry just thinking how lonley u must of felt to do this to your self but if it brings any comfert by reading all these messages i can tell lots of ppl loved u very much. *Much love*
-just a freind

Name: dana
E-Mail: sweetzd41@aol.com
15:59:56 01/13/03

i think things are starting to really really hit me, and tell me hey it's true.. it really wasn't just a nightmare. I just can't believe it all still. It just came too fast. My sister just called me, shes really upset too... she told me that she loved when you'd come over.. even when i wasn't home and just talk to her. and i remember the time you took out my brother and me and my mom was so worried taht she yelled at you when we all got back. :*( I'm so sorry. You know she didn't mean it. I remember when we all were out on scheer road in between mals and jenos and you were hitting me with paintballs and i think i had welts for 2 weeks haha. YOu thought it was just sooo funny though. :) As I look through the posted messages by people, it is so obvious that everyone loved you and you had so many friends. I wish I could just have you here for one more day.. just one to say good bye~ to tell you that you are the one person who shaped me, who changed my life. You were my "first love" and really shaped the way i looked at relationships, and what kind of guys i dated. Without you, I would be in a completely different position, and not near as happy as I am. You taught me more life lessons than anyone I've ever known. I wish i could thank you in person. I wish that when i let you go the other day from my house, instead of just saying bye and discussing the reunion, i wish i wouldve told you i loved you. I wish I would've made it a point to prove to you that you are someone so special, so appreciated. But it is too late now. So we all have to go on.... We all have to learn that life is so short and Justin you would want the best for us. You would want us to go on and be hapy. I'm trying. Really, I am. I'm just having a hard time right now.. I try to avoid it so much and that scares me. But I will write more later. I just hope you knew how much you meant to me, how much you meant to everyone

Name: Jeff Robinson
E-Mail: JmRobin@ilstu.edu
AIM: NoFear1434
15:37:59 01/13/03

Wow, im still just absolutely shocked and in aw about what happened. You arean amasing kid, and im glad i got to met you. I have been remebering the good times that we had. Like "The first party of the year" and BABY CASUE IM A THUG! Justin you will always be in my memeories and i will never foget the good times that we will have. Justin REST IN PEACE, and we know you are in a better place

Name: mal
15:32:28 01/13/03

well heya hunny..i dono why i feel the need to keep writin n writin..people are gunna start yellin at me n tellin me to quit takin up all the room..thats allright..ill deal with em later ;)...i feel like im writing you a note and i should be passin it to you all the way across the room (becuz thats where you sat in history class..ALL the way across the room..you ALWAYS got me in trouble and out in the dayum hall..) you were always the class clown and youd walk out to the hall after he finalyl realized it was YOU that was makin all the noise and youd look at me and gimme that nasty look and id laugh at ya .. n then after class youd put your hands on your hips n gimme that look like i was in BIG trouble... i was goin through all our notes n pictures the outher night..your so damn cute haha..i dont think there was ONE girl on this planet that saw you and DIDNt have a HUGE crush on you..i think i had one on you since 5th damn grade lol..but i gave up :) we always came to the conclusion "it wouldnt work, we were too close" plus dana stole you and ohh i was so mad at her for that haha..you guys tried to keep it a secret HA..im smarter than that :P...ya know there was cops down by the "haunted" house a few weeks ago..i think theyre gonna tear it down soon, or maybe they think theres a murder investigation cuz there's "malerie die" and "its your turn malerie" all over the walls..i wonder who did that justin haha :P we were obsessed with that house..i think we went there every damn weekend even tho it never changed.. youd always have to walk in front of me so i could hold your shirt..you know me imma wuss :P...member when you and jeno used to beat up me and jess and dana..we always used to yell at you n say "justin!! damnit we arent guys you cant smash are faces in the snow like that"..i had scratches for days on my face cuz of that ..but you couldnt keep me mad at you ..youd always say in your stupid lil voice "mallll. come on mal, mal come on dont be mad and gimme a puppy face"..id still act mad at you but i wasnt :P...member the time you n jeno stole my brothers paintbull gun and shot me with it..i didnt think you had it in you, but you did..right in the leg and remember me, you, jeno, jess, nick, and brandon walked all the way from demskis house to my house and i ran into that damn wooden pole and you guys had to carry my stupid butt all the way to my house cuz i couldnt walk..but i shouldnt be surprised that you picked me up and helped me..cuz you were always ready n willin n there to help with whatever i needed ..from fights with my parents, fights with friends, school problems, bf problems, even girl problems that i had that NO guy would wanna hear you sat there n listened of course with this look on your facin sayin "mal my god you can stop any time now "..i liked to torture you tho :P member you used to make me try n name 3 good things about myself and i never said anything..you somehow managed to help me think good about myself and make me feel like i WAS someone to somebody..you had your own special way by just lookin at someone and smiling at someone that let them KNOW exactly what you meant..even the slightest hesitation from one word to the next..i could go on forever and take up more n more space but i prolly shouldnt..one more thing..my mom just walked in the room and said member "justin dodge it..dodge it"..you know her n her corny jokes ..sorry bout that lol :P..but imma get goin..ill try not to right again for awhile but if i do ill keep it short..i know your probably busy up there..tryin to get one of my animals drunk..you can get away with it now your lucky i aint up there tryin to chase you around and kick your butt for doin it :P take care of yourself..your always in my thoughts and ALWAYS in my prayers...god got lucky too early, but i know hes takin care of ya without a doubt in my mind..you were an angel on earth justin :) i love you now and forever ... love, malibu :P

Name: A friend
14:34:28 01/13/03


I didn't know you too well. I met you a couple of times, and even though you didn't know me too well, you let me party at your house. I have never met anyone that has said anything bad about you. It's a shame to see you go. People that I love are very sad about you having left them. If you could only see the people now, you would know how much you meant to them. You have changed the people around you for the better, and I just wanted to thank you for being a good person.

-Rest In Peace Justin

Name: ANDY
14:25:00 01/13/03


Name: ANDY
14:23:26 01/13/03


Name: Brian Bussiere (Buss)
E-Mail: bbussier@bradley.edu
AIM: GreyDevil84
13:51:25 01/13/03

Well it's taking me so long to think of more things to write Jay.. There's been so many good times that I just wish I could have over again... So many things that I wouldn't change for the world... But then again so many things from that night I would change... I remember you told me a story about my Dad that my Dad told you back in the day when we were younger... and you told me that you'd be that guy some day that you'd be successful and you'd have money and friends and I don't know why you changed your mind so fast.... You could've easily been that guy... Last night I was not able to sleep for awhile cause all I was thinking about was you Jay... and all the times we did some stupid shit just for fun... and anytime I was with you it was almost fun... I think I safely get to say that I was the only person to drive your jeep... haha remember we were driving back to my house from I think mal's and we were on delany and just driving along and you go hey you wanna drive a lil... at the time I didn't even have my permit but you let me drive cause i always bugged you about it... Even then we almost ran off the road and into on coming cars and you were freaking out haha but right after i pulled over and we switched we started laughing about it.... man what would we of told your parents if i would've crashed into someone haha... that would've been a story in a half... I can't begin to explain how many things i'm so grateful for from you... There's just no describing how much I miss you and Love you because Jay I do.... Many people say things just to say them but I say this because I was to late in saying in when I should've... Thank you for telling me you Loved me before you left us... now that I think about it that was prolly so hard for you, just because you never said that... after a couple.. um pops... you'd open up and tell everyone you Loved them.. haha but you know what I know that you meant it.... everyone has their first loves and their true loves and i haven't found either of mine yet in anyone.. except you Jay... you showed me what it was to Love someone and you showed me how to do something for someone else just out of the goodness of your heart... I want to see your donkey dance again just one more time because when you and Ricky ran out onto the porch doing it at your last party I laughed so hard because it was one of the funniest things i've ever seen... You were so full of life and love and I wish you could've just asked me for anything to help you because I would've... Once again Jay so many good times... Well we buried some stuff at haines park for you by your tree and the creek... Where as I hear those damn beavers were out to get you haha.. We just left some stuff there for you as a lil burial so that we can go there whenever we need to see you and talk to you.... Because everyone has this web page to talk to you but we still need our own time sometimes... There's so many things left unsaid that I wish I could put into words.. Hey how about when we would stay up and play myth 2 all night back in the day... that was our first game together but then came Diablo and then Diablo 2 in which we ownzorz in all those games... and then came CS and man you and me would stay up some times on the phone and just play that game.. haha anytime one of us would die we'd just tell the other person where all their guys were coming from... It's so hard to think that we're not gonna be able to do that sorta stuff anymore... I think we're all gonna make some hoodies for you and I'm not exactly sure what we're going to write on them but I'm sure it'll be something like JD on the front and then on the back something in Justin lingo haha... prolly jo0 ownz jo0 hahaha... man Jay I wish you could've known how many people cared for you... At your service there were so many people that came and not one argument ya know... man Jay even Haley came up to me.. I can't even begin to tell you how weird and hard that was but it was still nice... But that should just go to show you that people who never ever talked to each other because of past experiences could all come together in the same room and you know what it's all because of you we were all able to do that.... I know you were prolly flipping out when you saw how many people were there and how there wasn't a dry eye in the house at one time or another and how everyone, even the people who couldn't stand each other didn't have one argument but a hug to try and make some of this pain go away... Then there was your Dad man he was funny telling us about making your truck a racing truck and doing all this stuff to it.. haha well you know me i'm not the most car literate but what I know is from you... And I will get your Dad into the power ranger suit that he likes so much... just wait and see it's gonna happen... alright well I think i'm gonna get going here I have my Dad bugging me to get some things done and I think I've written a good amount for now... I'll write again sooner or later buddy.... You didn't let any of us help you so I hope your letting God take care of you now...

Love you JD

Name: Larry Dodge
E-Mail: ldodge86@juno.com
13:12:42 01/13/03

Hello everyone. I am Jay's oldest brother. I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who are posting these messages. There is alot of love here that should be listened too. I am reading alittle at a time. A lot to take in.... A lot of you know Jay more than I did. We grew up in different generations. Some of the last memories were when we used to play soccer in the front yard, before there were trees in the way....after that I got married, then he grew up. So much has happened in between. I get to see some of this now, here. I'm glad he had so many friends that were close to him. Don't any of you loose that special friendship that you have with him and each other. Freindships last a lifetime.... and beyond. For those of you who couldn't make it to the service but are leaving your love and comments here thank-you. The family is truly touched by your messages. I was there late last night and there was always someone going over to the computer to see alittle bit about Jay. You all are special. I prey that you always can talk to someone about yourselves the way that your talking to Justin here. I'm sure that his misses all of you dearly!!!
I miss you too bro!!!,

Name: Steph
12:59:38 01/13/03

Your meant so much to all of us
You were special and thats no lie
You brightened up the darkest day
And the cloudiest sky

Your smile alone warmed hearts
Your laugh was like music to hear
We would give absolutely anything
To have you standing near

Many tears I have seen and cried
They have all poured out like rain
I know that you are happy now
And no longer in any pain

I love this poem and it helped me when I lost my grandpa. Justin was a really great person with so many people who cared about him. It's sad to see that such an amazing friend to all of us is gone. It makes us all realize that no matter what happens we all need to stick together. Times get tough and nothing could change that, but sticking together through good times and bad will make us all grow stronger. I cherish the times I have spent with Justin, and he will be in my thoughts forever. I love you Justin. I will see you again someday.

Name: me again :)
12:29:40 01/13/03

heres another..these were my favorite..luv, mal


Last night while I was trying to sleep,
My friend’s voice I did hear
I opened my eyes and looked around
But he did not appear

He said “You’ve got to listen”
You’ve got to understand
God didn’t take me from you
He only took my hand,
And pulled my to his side

He pulled me up and saved me
From the misery and the pain
My body hurt so badly inside,
I could never be the same.

My search is really over now,
I’ve found happiness within,
All the answers to my empty dreams
And all that might have been

I love you and miss you so,
And I’ll always be nearby,
My body’s gone forever,
But my spirit will never die.

And so, you must go on now,
Live one day at a time
Just understand-
God didn’t take me from you,
He only took my hand.

Name: mal
12:27:27 01/13/03

heres a poem i brought with me sat. in case someone didnt get to read it..heres a one of them


His journey’s just begun.
Life holds many facets~
This earth is only one.
Just think of him as resting
From the sorrows and the tears
In a place of comfort
Where there are no days and years.
Think of how he must be wishing
That we could know, today,
How nothing but our sadness
Can really pass away
And think of him as living,
In the hearts of those he touched
For nothing loved is ever lost~
And he was loved so much.

Name: Becky
AIM: Pookah84
11:35:34 01/13/03

Hey Babe-
Well, I'm done with classes for the day. They went pretty well. Jen and I ended up in the same English class..which is totally weird because neither of us had any idea. We know it was you, so thanks. We were really waiting for you to take the chalk out of our teacher's hand and start writing "nub" all over the board..oh well, maybe next time.
I miss you like crazy, J. Remember one of the first nights we ever talked to each other and we were playing the question game? You had so many questions for me..so many good ones. I was really bad with coming up with them, and all mine ended up being really off the wall or repeats of the ones you had already asked. If only we could play that game now. I have about a million and a half questions that would shoot out of my mouth instantly. I guess thats part of the irony in some things. I always felt like I was talking about myself too much, but you never ever wanted to stop listening. You hung on every word I said, even if I talked for hours about something meaningless. You made me feel like nothing I said was stupid, and then continued to ask me questions about it. I loved talking to you.
I loved when you would talk to me, too. We often talked about your life, and you always told me that you wish you would have done things differently. And what did I always say, J? I would say, "you have so many more years to live your life differently, don't worry about it." And you would say, "yeah i know" Or I would say "you've obviously learned from the things you feel were mistakes..it just made you a stronger, smarter person." and you would say "yeah i know." I wish you really would have believed that stuff. Its true.
But I know you are happy now, and that is what keeps me going throughout the day. I know as much as I miss you, and as much as it tears me apart inside to know how you must have felt, I also know that you are in heaven tearin' it up, having a blast. You were probably the first person up there to ever do the donkey dance..haha. And i wonder if when i talk to you, if you hear my "____Voice"..hehe, cuz i know you gotta miss that.
I was just reading over the website you made me, just like i edn up doing every day. It makes me laugh so hard..especially the "dentist" part. Haha. It says on the bottom, "That's it for now. Look down the road for more." It drives me crazy that there won't be more, but its ok. I'll continue to use stupid phrases..and maybe even make a website about them, just for you..hehe.
Well, I'm gunna go try and take a nap. I'm sure I'll be writing you tonight. Have good day, babe.
Love always..
and forever,

Name: rae
AIM: raeban4
10:53:13 01/13/03

death came in this situation in the most untimely way imagineable-- most untimely in my mind anyhow. i wish you hadn't taken death into your corner; it would have come eventually, but this saddens me to an extent not understood. and i'm not even among those who knew you best! i have seen the tears shed over you, and it breaks my heart. you were a fortunate boy, to have the amazingly dedicated friends i have read these entries from. life is not the same right now, and i will be praying for you, your shattered family and your broken friends. may you all find some sleep soon; prayer is a powerful tool.

E-Mail: sgieffers2002@yahoo.com
10:00:27 01/13/03


Name: Drew Weems
E-Mail: drewweems@hotmail.com
09:49:25 01/13/03


You were an absolutely amazing young man in life, and you will remain an amazing young man in the fondest memories of those who knew and loved you. We did, and we always will.

It is not everyday that people touch your lives in such a lasting way. Mostly, people are reduced to nameless faces that pass you by in a hurry to get somewhere else. You Justin Dodge were as different from those people as anyone can be. In 19 years you left your mark, and a most fabulous one it was, on seemingly everone who took the time to get to know you.

I can't say how thankful my family is for your friendship with Brandon. It is without question, that you and Ricky have been there for him in his every moment of need for some time. That is what true friendship is all about, unfailing and always faithful.
You two were his strength when he had none left to give. You both helped him through Basic, I read that here on this site. That in it self is an amazing thing that is not easily done. A photo and a good memory helped lift him up. You two have continued to help Brandon deal with his fears for his Dad's health.
Both you and Ricky amaze. me you are fabulous young men

Your memory will always be with your friends, and some day when their tears have slowed (they will never be gone completely)their memories of you will brighten their days and again give them the strength to achieve their wildest dreams and desires.

Thank you Justin Dodge for being a human being of rare and true character who was and will always be a beacon of love to your friends.

Justin, keep a watchful eye on those you have left behind, they love you and miss you and they will need you forever.

Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you for being you.

May God take you in the palm of his hand and hold you close.

Drew Weems

Name: Jim
09:17:11 01/13/03

Justin, I know i just wrote about 15 min. ago. There was a lot that i didnt get to say. Thank you so much for being my friend. All the fun times we had together will be cherished forever. I'll never forget waking up at Abbeyt and Mike's house and watching Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen on TV. we sure did love those girls didnt we? I guess that will always bring a smile to my face. All the fun times we had, we never had a bad time. i wish you the best and i know you are in a happy place, we will be together again one day (with mary kate and ashley of course)


Name: Mal
08:58:10 01/13/03

hey hunny..im writin again..i guess it just eases my mind and makes it a LIL easier to accept what has happend..i was just talking to my mom and she said "remember when hed come over and id tell him how damn cute he was cuz he looked like christian slater"..you never believed her but ya did :) and then she said that if she woulda known how you felt towards the end she woulda taken you in and movbed in with us..you always loved comin over..i guess my house was a getaway for everyone..you know everyone and anyone would done anything and everything for you if we woulda known... n then i got to thinkin bout ya gain and i remembered all the times you almost killed me in your damn shaggin waggin...i think you pruposely went over all the bumps and sped round the corners just so you could see me in the back flyin round...or when me n you n dana and adam went to thomasinas all the time...i could go on and on about everything weve done and everything we had planned on doin and all the road trips we were gonna take haha..i dono with what money we were gonna go but we were gonna do it haha..speakin of money..you still owe me like 35 bucks ya mooche :P ill get it lata huh? :)..i printed out poems and brought them to the funeral home and gave em to brian to do whatever he wanted with them..i thought if people read em it would make em feel better..i think you have changed alot of people and the way they are gonna treat people and the way they are gonna look at their lives..its sad it had to take something tragic like this for it to happen..no ones ever gonna forget you justin..im glad i had the pleasure of becoming your friend and knowing that i could trust you with anything..you were the best friend that anyone could ask for and ill never EVER forget that....im sure ill be writin more later..i try not to think about it so much but you pop in my head 100 times throughout my day.. later babe love, malibu :)

Name: Jim McLaughlin
E-Mail: SEEEEEEEEK@aol.com
08:45:31 01/13/03

It has taken me so long to be able to write something on here. You always had a smile on your face. I think that is why it was so unbelievable. I hope now you can look down and see how many people really love you and care about you. I miss all the fun times we had together. I'm glad to have known you and to be your friend. You always were able to make me laugh. That was always a special gift you had. You could make anyone smile just by being in the same room with them. I will miss you.
Jim McLaughlin

Name: Becky
AIM: pookah84
01:59:23 01/13/03

Hey Babe-
As I sit here writing you tonight, I look at the clock..it says 1:06am~ This means 2 things to me..this is the usual time I would be getting home from your house and I would sign online and there you'd be waiting for me, with your cute away message on knowing that I would see it. I'll never forget the night I got home and it read "just had the most amazing night with a girl..why? because she's perfect. she's what every girl should be. i'm tired and i'm going to sleep. call me if you need something." and the best part of that was that as soon as i IMed you, you answered. I saved that one, because i felt so special when i read it. or how about the ones that read "waiting for the devil.." haha. i loved those too. i miss that already.
The second thing i think of when i look at the clock is that exactly four days ago, you asked me to come over "just for five minutes." i said no, it was too late, i was too tired. You said, "please i just want to see you for five minutes, thats it, i promise." If there were ever a time I could go back and do something over, it would be this. I would have gotten there as soon as I could. Why didn't you tell me it was this bad. You promised me we would see each other that very day..what happened? I am so sorry i didn't get there, i'm sorry i couldn't give you those five minutes. Brian and Jen keep telling me not to think about it, but I think i will forever wonder what would have happened if i would have said yes, if i would have gotten there like you wanted. In a way I feel like i let you down, but i hope you know it wasn't intentional. I would have done anything to prevent this..seriously. I hope you know that.
Anyways, I'm back at school. Yuck, i know. I haven't even finished unpacking my stuff yet..i don't really care. I'm just gunna have to pack it all up in 15 weeks anyways, right? I feel like living out of boxes and bags, sound good? Did you have a good time at *Church* with Jen and I tonight? Now you know our secret..shh don't tell anybody,ok? And thanks for following through on the favor i asked when i got home from church. That was kinda sweet. Hehe.
I left my fish at home. I almost forgot about it, then my dad reminded me. I didn't feel like packin him up, so i just said "J hated that fish anyways, it can stay here." Haha..then my brother reminded me of the first time you saw the fish and you said "This thing lives in the fucking ghetto. What if we put you into a container that big? How would you like it?" Then every time i would say something about the fish you would say "that fish is so ugly." Haha.
Well I think I'm going to head off to bed. I just wanted to say goodnight. Hopefully I will sleep tonight..your help with that one would be greatly appreciated =) Thanks. I have an 8:30 class tomorrow morning..yuck..not looking forward to that. And don't worry, i don't expect you to wake up for that one..hehe..atleast not tomorrow. Well, Goodnight Babe. Sweet Dreams.
Love always..
and forever,
"Your lil devil"

P.S. Do you see whats not on my finger anymore? Yeah, i'll talk to you about that one right before i fall asleep..its a long story =)

Name: Ashley
E-Mail: acsarto@ilstu.edu
AIM: ashley41011
23:30:43 01/12/03

Never once in my life would I have thought that you, "Jay," would be gone and never able to see your lively and smiling face again!! You are too young to be taken away from all who loves and cares about you and even for those people who you havent met yet. You have had such an impact on my life growing up. You were like my other twin brother besides Zac for so long and even though I havent see you in a while you will never be forgotten. You and your parents have been a big part of my life as I was growing up and you have helped by far shape me into the person I am today. Everyone you met in life shapes who a person is or will become and everyone you were best friends with, just friends, acquaintances, family, you have touched all of them and know that as you are know watching down on all of us. From everyone that has responded to this and the many more that will just show what a great a person you ARE, and I was going to say what a great person you WERE but you are still with all of us. Know that. I love you jay and obviously you were in a lot of pain and I hope your suffering is over now. My thoughs and love are with you Mr. and Mrs. Dodge. There will not be one night I lay down to sleep that I wont think of you...you were just simply wonderful and your presence will always be felt. Thank you for being a part of my life, you truly will be missed. See you again one day!!! Rest in peace and lots of love for you Justin Emory Dodge, I will always smile for you, I know thats how you would want it!!

Name: Lindsay
22:53:41 01/12/03

Hey justin, i know your smiling down on us right now. You were like another big brother to me (not like i needed anymore). I remember when i first met you. In the hot tub. You were always so happy. I miss you alot more than i ever thought i would miss any of Joe's friends. I now am grateful for all of the "advice" i get from you guys. Its so hard to believe that i just saw you Wen. and you were making fun of me, like you always do. I never thought this would happen. I watched some of the videos of you and all the crazy stuff you've done. I've seen many pictures of you, and in every single one of them you are smiling, and I've heard all the stories of you and I laughed and cried at every single one because of what a happy person you were, and how ill never see you smile again, and youll never beat me up again, and youll never make fun of me again, and youll never make me drink again. I just think of how many people miss you and how much you were loved and it makes me sad to know your gone. This seems like such a nightmare, that i just want to wake up from. Joe and all of them were here on Thursday, and i just listened to all of them talk, and they miss you so much, and they would have done anything for you. I wish you would have just asked for help. You could have said anything to anyone and they would have been there. I miss you, and i love you.

RIP Justin Dodge

Name: Stephanie Wolkowicz
E-Mail: stephw31@hotmail.com
AIM: stephw31
22:38:26 01/12/03

The past is what makes the future, and Justin I think we all will think of the future a little differentlty now. For the better of course. You've changed the way we all will look upon the past as well. I know you didn't want to see us cry, but give us some time. I have seen and cried so many tears, but in the end knowing that your safe and free brings a smile to my face. You were such a free spirited person who enjoyed making people smile. You loved throwing your huge parties and I think that you threw the biggest one yet. The people who were all there for you on Saturday at the wake could quite possibly never be in the same room again. And it was all for you. We all loved you Justin. And you know that I'm sure. But this shouldn't have been the answer. You have the best friends in the world. Brandon, Ricky, Brian, Bob..the list goes on forever. They are hurtin real bad but they are being so strong. You would be so proud Justin. Ever since when me and Brandon were together I felt that you guys were like brothers to me. Always there for me, always. So for you Justin I'll be there for them to see that there ok. And you know how much I care about him. I promise that he will be happy. I know that would make you happy too. The endless days you Ricky, and Brandon would come bug me at work for free food, I thought were just normal but now I cherish them forever. I think your the one and only person who has the fastest record of 110mph in my car. I'll make sure you keep that record. I'm gonna miss you babe. You will be in my everyday thoughts and prayers forever. I'll never forget you. And one day we will all be together again. Then you can have your biggest party of all time. Rest in peace my love. God will take care of you now. I love you always.


Name: Read Me !
22:06:58 01/12/03

Ecclesiastes 3:19-20 19:For the event of the men is also the event of beasts one event befalls them as one dies, so dies the other. Indeed, they all have one Breath mans has no advantage over beasts. For all is of the earth. 20 All are going to one place all came from the dust, and all return to dust.

Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know naught anything, nor do they have any more reward, for their memory is forgotton.

Ecclesiastes 9:10 All that your hand finds to do, do it with your might for there is no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where one goes.

Pslams 146:4 His spirit goes out, he returns to his earth, In that day his plans perish.

Pslams 88:10-12 10 Would you work wonders for the dead? Would the dead rise to praise you ? 11 Is your kindness declared in the grave? your trusworthiness in the place of no rememberances. 12 Are Your wonders known in the dark? and your righteousness in the land of no remembernce?

Pslams 6:5 For in death there is no remembrance of you , who gives you thanks in the Grave?

Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seems right to a man , But its end is the way of death.

Genesis 2:7 And G-d Formed the man out of dust from the Ground and breathed into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE. And the man became a living being.

Man has been given the gift of life from G-d wether they know it or not! its that breath that you are breathing right now. When it is taken the spirit goes to the being that gave it, and man rests in the dust of the earth from which he came from. He will raise at an apointed time ! Yes JUSTIN RIP MY GOOD BUDDY YOUR WHERE ALWAYS A TREASURE TO MY HEART. HE LITEALLY IS RESTING FOLK'S "SLEEPING" Love ya bro

Name: gina
AIM: gcuttie4sure@hotmail
21:15:40 01/12/03

Justin~ what I remenber was going to your work with Mari and then we all went back to your house and you & Brandon tried to make me drink the worst drink ever!....Anytime anyone would say anything I would always think about that time...Just remenber Your Impact has touched everyone and R.I.P.. and we all miss you tonz

Name: Adam
AIM: scottishman07
21:06:04 01/12/03

Justin, you where one of the funniest of all people i have ever met. We had some great times in english last year. You almost made me piss my pants i was laughing so hard at times, and counter stirke (PC game we play) you where the best i have to admit that. RIP Justin.

Name: steph
AIM: suprwoman011
19:38:53 01/12/03

hi justin
i actually didnt no u at all. but right now i wish i did. i am so sry 4 what happened. but i guess ur in a better place now. i dont have much to say like every1 else so i will go. bye. lov ya lots.

steph :-(

Name: kristin
AIM: frogbouncer69
19:11:18 01/12/03

hey... even tho i never knew u jus reading this i can tell u were truly a good person... when my best friend told me wut happened to u i couldnt help but to cry.. reading all these storys really touches me n makes me really sad... i jus hope u no that u r loved n u always will be....

Name: Brittany
E-Mail: BLB4eva202@aol.com
AIM: JLObutt6994
18:59:11 01/12/03

hi u diddnt know me all that much! but a lot of my friend really knew you! i wish i really really got to know you! i am glad that you will be somewhere you can think about ALL of your friends! i know you couldnt of lived any better of a life! and i hope you will always hav all of your friends in your mind! i will pray for you always!! ~R~I~P.......... brittany

Name: Lexi Cheney
18:31:53 01/12/03

Hun I dont even know where to begin on getting over you. Remember this: The first peice to our puzzle was Sophomore gym class?-You told me that in my yearbook. I was just reading all of your old notes and it hurts so bad to read them. You and I were so damn close and you were never scared of telling me your thoughts and feelings. You always told me that you felt so comfortable to talk to me about anything. Do you know how good that alwyas made me feel? You always cared about everyone so much and how everyone else was doing. You would always say "Lex, when i am mad or upset and I see you smiling at me, I cant help myself but smile back and not be mad anymore...You have that affect on me Lex." And anytime you got in a fight with your friends or your parents then I would rush to see you to give you a huge hug and a big smile. :) There were so many good times. You know you are the only person you REALLY ever appreciated my damn sticker collection. And you are the only guy who would lay on my bed with me and watch all my favortie Disneys movies WITH NO COMPLAINTS. In one of your notes it was talking about your birthday and I told you I wanted to be there with you and you were asking me what I wanted to do. Its like you could never stop caring. No matter how many times we would fight about something stupid, we would never leave eachother pissed off..well except for htat one time I left at your house..but that doesnt count. I remember how when we went to Homecoming together you were so worried that the night woundt turn out perfect for me and you tried so hard to make everything go right. But as soon as we got to the dance things went down hill because Brandon got caught with his cell phone or something in the bathroom and he got it taken away. We were all so mad. We danced to one song that night and I think it was Eric Clapton. Then at dinner, you ordered EVERY desert on the menu for me and you to share...you did a good job at finishing off my plates. Rodie reminded me of a funny memory we all had-when we were in New Lenox driving around in your huge van and we stole this cone from somewhere and we were seeing how long we could drive with it on the top of the van...with the way you drive, we didnt go far. Had to get out of hte van and pick it up about every ten feet we drove. I also remember your 18th birthday and how Brandon and I were like "You gotta buy cigs! Who cares if you dont even smoke...we will take them!" So you gave in and we went to the gas station on the corner of Wolf Rd. and RT 30 for them.
"THE BEST DAY EVER LEX"~~We woke up really really and I met you and Brandon at your house and then we went to Mari's house. We all went to Baskin Robins in Mokena to get something to eat for breakfast. We took two different cars and headed to Great America. We had pop cans so we could all get in there cheaper. Since we had extras you went around and passed the rest around to people (thats the thoughtful Justin Dodge I know and love). You made me go on the one ride I didnt want to (Iron Wolf or whatever)..but it was that bad-just like you swore it wouldnt be. You won me the bear that I liked...you spent sooo much money tryin to win that for me. we stayed there all day long. I remember getting a corn dog for lunch and you just looked at me and reminded me how much you hate corndogs and how they are sooo disguisting~YUM YUM :) I was wearing my Green Glen sweatshirt that you kept stealing from me throughout the day bc you were chilly. But you always gve it back to me the second i got cold. On the car ride home, I fell asleep in your arms-and I woke up yelling that I wanted a bagel with butter..you made sure we got that for me asap. Your the best. After that we rented a movie and went to back to your house and watched it in the basement. brandon and mari left to prolly go make BABIES so it was just me and you to end the night. "BEST DAY EVER LEX"
Ill never forget persuading you to go camping with me and my friends this summer. You wanted us both to heat up the hotdog poles and burn eachother really quick for a symbol of our love. I told you hell no bc that would KILL...and the next thing I know I hear you screaming at the top of your lungs bc you did it. You laughed after the pain went away but I remember taking care of it so well and putting medicine on it everyday and cleaning it with the Bactine I brought with to clean my belly button ring. And then the last night that we were there, we got kicked out by the RANGERS!
Haha heres another one for you-when you, Brandon, and Ricky all met me at my work when I got out and we went to my friend Alicia's appt. The two guys werent ahving a good time so they left. There is no other guy that would of done what you did for me that night ever. You were so good to me and I was being so stupid. I am so sorry for the way I was acting-so inconsiderate.
I will never forget either our conversations that were sometimes brought up about Matt. You always won. And you were always right about him. You hated the fact of him but you would always tell me "Lex, he really isnt that bad of a guy I dont think". Thats you again, always caring.
You also gave me a Birhtday to remember this year Just. We were togheter and that was all that mattered. You came to my house early in the day and just spent the whole day with me. And gave me that CD that you made for me. BEST CD EVER... "baramu" started this day :0)
I could always be able to tell when you were lying to me. And i would look at you and say "Just, are you lying?" And all the time you would admit to it right away and apologize. You knew me better sometiems than I knew myself. Every look I gave you, you would understand perfectly! I loved our special connection that we had and I never ever ever ever pictured myself losing all of this love and losing our future that we had ahead of us anytime SOON. :*(
As I keep staring at this picture I have infront of me, I wonder what was going through your hed when you took those last steps downt he stairs and what your last thought was. And I just cant make sense of it all. I am trying to hard to be strong, but like I honestly dont think that it is possible.
Gosh what I would do to just kiss you again. remember "BEST KISSER EVER"...I love those lips of yours-so soft. And your teeth are so perfect and you would always hate when I would look at them and play with them with my fingers...but you could never stop smiling.
Now I find myself sometimes getting mad at myself for not doing more for you. I wish I would have taken a lot more advantage of ALL OF OUR time spent together. Like remember that day that we were in your bathroom and you were BEGGING me to just kiss you cause thats all you wanted. And the first 10 times you told me to, I said no. But like I wish I could just go back to any any day and give all the love in the world to you. You had my smile down pat in your memory. Just the same as yours is in mine. I just want you to give me a sign that you are here with me right now...
Yesterday at your memorial, Im sure you saw all the wonderful friends of yours that were there for you. Did I look okay Just? Did I wear the right thing for you? I hope so cause that was all that mattered. I got to talk to your parents about you a little yesterday. It was very nice. Your older brother also came over to me and introduced himself and asked me if I was your girlfriend? He talked a lot about you and talked to me just about staying strong and he kepy repeating himself and saying "Please just talk to Justin as often as possible"...oh and trust me, he didnt have to tell me TWICE! Gosh I love you so much. You can never tell someone enough how much they mean to you. I wish you were here...."...you're my best friend..." Gosh the good days when we would scream/sing country together in the car. Laughing and dancing...I was so excited that you liked country. :) I will always remember when we went to Oakbrook mall togheter and Brandon drove us directly after school one day to try and find me a dress to wear to the dance. We were in a hurry so I rushed through all the good stores in seconds and found NOTHING...I was in such a bad mood-so pissed off and I just wanted to leave. And on the car ride home, I got shotgun and you sat right behind me and sang to me,'Your My Best Friend' by Tim McGraw. And you just scatched my head the whole time. Gosh I need you here Justin Emory Dodge!!! Well I will write to you soon. I love you so much. BARAMU ALWAYS AND FOREVER. xoxo, your lex


Name: JeSsIcA
18:10:51 01/12/03

* hEy kId! I MaY nOt hAve kNoWn u veRy wElL bUt i knew you from my cuzin and my best friends sister! Evry1 careed bout u! and even tho i only meet u about 3 or 4 times i cared about you and you touched my heart! Everyone misses you and you are loved! please help everyone through this we all love you! You will be remembered by everyone! Love you! R*I*P

Name: Jen
E-Mail: jmedvid@luc.edu
AIM: gabs0705
15:47:55 01/12/03

Justin Emory Dodge~
I don't even know how to start this. I've known of you since 7th grade, and I had the privelege of becoming friends with you sophomore year. You were one of the most amazing people I've ever met in my life. Your sweet face always smiling brightened everyone's day, I promise you that. You were never down on the outside, and so many people look up to you for that. Justin, you stayed so strong for everyone and let them know that they could come to you in a time of need or to have fun with you. As the tears pour down my face, I don't know how to tell you all that I'm feeling. I am praying for you, that God will forgive you, and take care of you. I know that you're in heaven right now watching down on all of us and realizing how much we all l0v3 jo0 man! We all know that you were there with us the past few days, especially yesterday when all of your friends were there to remember all of the good times. I still don't understand why you had to go, Jay. You were so wonderful. I remember one of the first times I hung out with you. Brian Bussiere had called me to hang out, and you guys came and picked me up in the big shaggin' wagon. Sarah White and Mal were there, too. We went to get some food in that thing, and us girls flew around the back bc there wasn't a seat for us! It was so much fun, though. And who could forget your driving? You're such a badass, Justin. You also came over in the big van over the summer going into our junior year with Ricky and Kevin. Kevin spilled his spaghettio's into the street, and we all went for a swim in my pool. We played Marco Polo for a while, and I got to see all of your sexy bodies wearing your swim trunks. ;) You kept saying how white you were and to not make fun of you, but don't worry, you were gorgeous. You always did things to make everyone laugh and smile.
I don't know what to do now that you're gone. I'm trying SOOOOOO hard to be strong for Ricky, and I can't do it. He deserves better than that. I know you're with him trying to comfort him. I know that he's the one you wanted to find you. He was the closest, and I thank God that you told Rodie goodbye so he could relay the message for Ricky to get there asap to take care of you. I wish you told all of us sooner what was going on in your mind. We all love you sooo much Justin. Please don't ever for one minute doubt that and never forget it. All of your parties were a blast. I remember the one that I was at with Ricky and Rachel. Abbey and I had just had our first sip of Mike's and heard the cops were there. We thought we were screwed, popped in some Big Red gum, and I had to get the hell out of there. Ricky took good care of me, just as he always does, and we ran out, and he went and got his car. You never worried too much. You enjoyed life, never cared what anyone thought, and gave us all a role model to look at. I am so grateful for being able to say I was your friend. Senior year by the locker was unbelievable too. We were all there together, whether it was talking or making lots of noise, playing with the dolphin bouncy ball, whatever...it was always a lot of fun.
Thank you so much for coming up and visiting Loyola w/ Ricky all the time. We had so much fun with you there. Kelly misses you, of course. She couldn't believe it when I told her what happened. You're in her prayers. I thank you for being Ricky's riding partner even though your ass always feel asleep on him in the passenger seat! I remember us all climbing on the rocks by Lake Michigan the night we were drinking. I was so worried about you being on those rocks by the big waves. I only have two of those Rumple Minze bottles in my dorm, but you better believe they're staying there! Justin, thank you for coming up to rollerblade. I felt so sick that day that you came, I was just getting over my bad cold, but you made me go. You persuaded me telling me that you didn't come all the way out there to not have me go. You and Ricky got me to go....you two made a good team together that day. I felt so much better getting out into the fresh air, and I know that's what helped me feel better. I also remember going down Michigan Avenue listening to all the obsenities you screamed out to people. HAHAHA...that was the best. You brought out the fun in everyone.
Whenever Ricky and I would fight you would tell us how stupid and pointless it was, and you were so right, Justin. We're doing alright now. We're supporting each other as much as possible. Keep your eye on him, he needs you. We're all here for him, but he needs your look out, as well. Let me know how I can be strong for him, would you please?
Thank you so much for picking out my pea coat w/ Ricky. It is the most perfect coat. We're gonna have to go to the mall as the Pea Coat Mafia. Word, dawgg. We'll keep it going.
Hey, guess what....all of us girlz wanna start playing Counterstrike for ya. WTFz0rzzzzzz?! We'll start a clan soon and sing the Donkey song, too. Either that or dance to the song Relations. O man, Justin, there are so many songs on my computer at skool from you. Thanks for giving me an awesome selection; you know I'm always listening to them.
All of us miss you so much, sweetheart. Take care of all of us, especially all the boyz. You, Ricky, and Brandon were the three musketeers and made the best team ever. Everyone needs you being our guardian angel and watching over us. Thank you for always bringing smiles to our faces, your spirit will live on in us forever, Justin Emory Dodge.
I really hope that you had fun with Becky. I saw the way your eyes sparkled when you got to see her. Believe me, J...if she knew what was going to happen, she would have dropped everything to give you 5 more mins, just as any of us would have. You gave brief hints to some people, but it wasn't enough for us to put the bits of the puzzle together. We didn't have enough time. I'm praying for you, and I'm thinking about you all of the time, Justin. I know I'll post again when I think of more memories we had together. These were just a few.
I want to thank you for letting me see your emotional side about a month ago. You opened me up to a whole new Justin Dodge that I hadn't got to see before. Thank you so much. I had given you a piece of my mind about things that bothered you, and you told me that you appreciated it. Hearing that made me feel so good. I didn't think that I could actually help you out with anything. You were so strong and didn't ask for any help most of the time, thank you for letting me be there for you, Jay. I love you so much. I wish you would have realized earlier that you had so many people who were willing to talk and take care of you whenever you needed. I know you were watching over all of us yesterday at Gerardi's. We had a huge get together of a bunch of friends, but it sure wasn't the way any of us would have chose to have a reunion. We all miss you so much.
You were just a kid...you had a whole life ahead of you with all of us to share. You were hurting inside, and not one of us could understand what you were going through. You are now in God's hands, and I know He's taking good care of you. He has a funny way of giving His love, but he does it. You will always be in our thoughts and prayers, and your spirit will go on forever, Justin Emory Dodge. I l0v3 jo0, l347 h4ckz0rzzzzzzz. God Bless your soul. You are our angel.

Love always,

I know I'll post again, Dodger. I can't find the right words to say to thank you for everything. I love you, though. I can't wait to see you again where we are not in any pain and we live happily forever and ever.
We're going to church tonite, I'm sure Becky told you. Watch for us, alright? ;)

I am praying for all of the friends and family of Justin that we all make it through this with a lesson to be learned. God does things for a reason, and I know this was hell to face, but we all have to be strong and here for each other. Please, anyone feel free...if they ever need ANYthing..call me. I know this is one of the hardest things I've ever faced in life, but we all have to keep going. Justin made sure he had fun, I know he wants us to keep doing that for him. ENJOY LIFE, smile, laugh, take care of the ones you love.

Name: Abbey
AIM: br0wneyedg1rl16
15:33:11 01/12/03

I cant begin to tell you how many times you have brought a smile to my face. I think this is the first time since i've known you, you have brought such hurtfull tears to my eyes. I wish you could have seen what a wonderfull person you were. If you werent around making me laugh and giggle you were out doing the same for someone else. I guess that was what made me so fond of you.I promise you that i will never forget all the great times we shared and i will always cherish your awesome hugs and sitting on the couch at my house watching Dawsons Creek together. I am so glad that you became such a big part in my family's lives.We loved having u over all the time. You were always the first persom my brother and i would call if we were aloud to bring someone to tag along. I will never forget the time we went up to the lake to go wake boarding, and the weekends we would spend at cubs pool. Me franticly running from u jim and mike so u guys wouldnt throw me in the pool.Or all the times that you would spend the night and we would stay up watching movies and eating junk food.Justin i miss you so much and i would do anything for you to be back here with all of us today. You will be missed by many.
I Love You,

Ps. I'll know your name when i see you in heaven.

Until then keep on smiling i know i will when ever i see your picture or hear your name. Rest in peace babe. We love you!

Name: Malerie
E-Mail: IkaidensmamaI@aol.com
15:32:42 01/12/03

GOD i dont even know where to start...so ill just ramble (as you always said i did)...im SO glad that i was friends with you for as long as i was..remember in 5th grade you always used to tease me about my hair and the way i sat in my chair?? n then i moved and didnt see ya again till freshman year..you were one of my first friends and one of the best..i went to you for everythin n vice versa...when brian said we were always gonna be the group to stay together i always thought it would be that..member all the sex dice games haha...GOD did me n dana n jess get a bad rep for that one :P member the time you punched two holes in jess' wall?? boy were you a monster that night! :) or 1 1/6 <~~ dun worry i know it aint true hunny :) god theres so many things i remember about you and sometimes i wish we werent such good friends so i wouldnt feel this way..i know it sounds selfish but i miss you so much..after i dropped out i didnt keep in touch with you like i should have but sittin at danas house 3 weeks ago somethin told me to call you and im glad i did..i got to see you ONE more time and you got to see pictures of kaiden.... you ALWAYS knew how to make me laugh and you knew when i needed a hug and you knew when i was mad and you knew when i was hurtin..sometimes you knew me better than i knew myself and sometimes you knew how to fix it better than i could myself...you were the BEST friend anyone could ask for and im sorry we drifted apart towards the end...but at least i got to tell ya i loved ya 3 weeks ago..i dont regret anything ive ever done with you and i dont regret anything ive ever said to you..i love you with all my heart and you'll never be forgotten..rest in peave hunny i know your happy :) n thats ALL that matters..i have nothing but good memories with you and nothing but good times and THATS what will keep me thinking of you with a smile on my face..love always and forever, malibu :)

Name: Kevin
AIM: davehead321
14:46:27 01/12/03

PLain and simple, you were just a good person. I dont know anyone that didn't like you and I just wish you would have seen the support you had. Every now and then, not often, you meet someone that never stops making you smile. You were one of those people for me Jay. A bunch of us went down to your basement yesterday to get your flower power jersey and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I just want you to know that I had nothing but respect for you. I went to your tree yesterday too and put some pennies there for ya cuz we used to play that penny/soccer game in studyhall with ducci. Remember forehead hair?! God you just laughed so much and made everyone else laugh with you. You will always be in my heart and mind Just. Peace!~Kevin

Name: Becky
14:23:04 01/12/03

Good Morning Babe! Haha, well its 2:00 in the afternoon, but i didn't really get to sleep until about 8:30 this morning. I'm packing up my stuff and getting ready to head back to Loyola (Gayola as you used to say). In a way I don't want to go back. I keep hearing you say that "everything is going to be over once you go back" and "come monday i have nothing." You told me you were scared I would stop talking to you and that I was never going to come home and see you. I promised you wednesday night that whenever you wanted, i would jump on the train and get to you. We had so many plans for your trips to loyola with ricky to see me and jen. Then again, I'm anxious to get back. You always told me how you loved how i lived my life..i did it best you said. I want to get back to living, doing everything even better..just for you. Your dad said he wanted all of us to keep your spirit going. That's exactly what I am going to do. Last night I made some comment to ricky before I was leaving and jen said "oh my god its justin" and we all laughed. I think school is gunna be a struggle for a bit, but i know you'll be right there helping out along the way.
I looked today, and all my bruises from falling down are gone. Remember, that was really one of the first things i ever said to you: "Look, i can make myself fall" Haha. I still have your fingers bruised into my calves, from "squirming." They're almost gone, and as funny as it sounds i don't want them gone. Just like i don't want you gone. But like you always said, "we always don't get what we want."
And i decided from now on, whenever i need to clean off my car 'cuz its snowing, i'm gunna do it with my ass..just like you made me do last week. That was so funny. And i hope your hands are warm in heaven...if not give God a "double grr" for me. "THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A *DOUBLE GRR* ITS GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" haha. WTFZORZ..."ITS NOT A STATEMENT, ITS A QUESTION YA NUB" God J, i miss you soooooooo much. But i'll keep this one short..hehe, well shorter than my other ones. I just told Jen, writing this makes me feel like i'm really typing to you..i need this. And i know you're reading it..especially 'cuz jen went on earlier and the screen was all white..just email addresses. It was your turn to read, wasn't it? Ok well, i need to go back to packing. Have a good day babe..love ya.
Love always,
"Your lil devil"

P.S. Its sunday..you know what that means, J?
*Church Time* at loyola...oh yeah. Ready for your first one..? 'Cuz you're definitely coming with us tonight~!

Name: Tiffany
12:26:21 01/12/03

Hey Justin guess what its me again... you should be used to this by now..i never left u alone,calling your house at least 3 times a day.I was sitting by ricky last night and he did your lil look that u do when u cross your arms and tap your foot...it was perfect!You were the only person i would drop everything for,even if it was just sitting watching u play cs, i hope u realize as much as i whined about it i was so happy just to be sitting next to u.Everytime u signed online i would im u in 1.2 seconds and ask what was up. I remember the last song i told u to download was the used "on my own" its so hard for me to listen to that song now, alot of songs really .....like Id do anything by simple plan ...u told me u were listening to that 2 days ago and i said i loveeeee that song and u laughed and said it was the tiffany johnson theme song for u. You were so right and i know u know that i think i told u that so much. No matter what happened Justin no matter what i was mad about i could never leave u alone i just cared so much i wish i had one last day to say it to u a million times to u. The song playing on your website makes me laugh because no matter what was going on it was always "tomorrow back to being friends" how many times did that happen..lol.Po0py it doesnt make any sense to me i talked to u everyday this week online and u were fine ...god u had such a huge heart...yesterday me and jill and erin were sitting and baskin robins and shes looking at my finger and shes like ive been thinking were did justin get the money for that ring.....and i looked at her and i said i dunno....then i laughed and said who buys there gf a ring after a month....we both started laughing and responded w/ justin dodge. Theres just so many memeories.. just like brandon said its so hard to not think about u because weve done so much together i mean from watching like all 50 of my dvds in my basement to hanging out in rickys room doing nothing, u whitewashing me in the snow,u eating all my taco salad when u just ate and i was soo hungry me bringing u KFC, and cheese burgers no onions.Do u remeber when we first started going out and we were walking into the soccer dome and and u were behind me holding me and we both tripped fell face first onto the ground in the middle of the soccer dome and layed there laughing for 5 minutes cuz we felt so stupid...thats my fav.!Yesterday your brother was talking to us saying always take pictures and stuff and there was a picture up of us when we were driving in my car and i took a pic of u and u were so mad and we were fighting cuz u were trying to throw the camera out the window well so i thought but u finally got it and pulled over in the middle of the road put the camera up kissed me on the cheek and snaped a pic.(Well my hands in the way because i was laughing but its so awesome cuz thats how u were) I loved u so much and thank you for saying it back to me cuz i needed to hear it.Im glad u said goodbye to me Just but why..... You were gonna do your comptuer graphics and desing and you were good at it and enjoyed it and i told u that would be perfect...just the other day u were designing something on your comp. that said Po0py and i just laughed u were putting so much thought into it and trying so hard to make it look good.Well i know thats what your doing now playing on your computer. Or maybe just sitting in your computer chair looking down on us.If i could just see u one more time i can just picture u putting your forhead to mine saying oh Po0py and rolling your eyes or just saying Po0py in your whiney voice looking up. Im so happy we had our time together. I can not even wait to see you again justin u have no idea....Everyone loves u so much jay ....I LOVE U SO MUCH Po0py~ i know your not selfish so u will help me through this......"affermative" -right Just.

Name: Dana Reitz
E-Mail: sweetzd41@aol.com
AIM: xobabygirl641ox
11:59:15 01/12/03

hunnie I don't even know where to start. This is the hardest thing I think i've ever had to deal with, way worse than the thousand times we broke up and started going out again. At least during those times I knew you were still there, I knew I could simply call you.. no matter how mad you were or how bad the fight... and youd be there for me with open arms... saying " its ok babe, i still love u" All these memories keep popping up and I just can't believe it's happeneing. I was so scared to go to the funeral home yesterday, so afraid cuz i knew i'd have to face that you are really gone this time. "it's your love" keeps replaying itself in my ears, and i remember the hours and hours you would sit on teh phone with me at night, and sing to me. And one night tiff was over and she was getting so mad cuz i wouldnt hang up with you. And the time me, u, and mal were walking after school and you got those prickly things alll over me, so you took my shirt and washed it for me hehe. or the time when we were sitting on your bed watching tv, and i didnt even notice you giving me a hickey.. until afterwards and it was sooo huge we had to get your moms makeup. haha. or the time when i was sooo sad cuz i couldnt go with you to the concert so you came over and gave me roses and that big teddy bear. I miss you soo much justin. i was reading all your notes and cards for some odd reason the night before.... just up all night thinking, i never wouldve thought in a million years that i'd wake up to the phone call i had to wake up to. i miss your smile, i miss that voice you talked to me with, i miss all y our jokes and the times you just kept messin with me til i got mad haha. (But really just, i never was mad... just joking with you and u knew that) i don't think i ever couldve been mad at you. we were best friends, even when we werent dating. i remember all the nights with you,me, mal, jess, brian.. and jeno sometimes, we played sex dice and brian would always say, "we are the highschool group that is gonna be friends forever" ha whatever happened to that i wonder. and going to dreamy delite and ordering you soup... cuz soup was your favorite :)and i remember you always saying, "do i look black?!" haah just joking around if someone asked you a favor. and when i'd ask if you were mad, you'd poin to your face and say, "does this face look mad?" and you never were .. you were so patient, so loving. and lately you've helped me soo much with everything, i was upset, you called me and made me come out with you ricky and tiff.... and the other day when you came over and were acting so weird around me and mal. i shouldve seen it coming. and for some reason i felt the urge to go out and give you another hug after we already said our good byes. But I'm really glad I gave you that last hug,and listened to my mind telling me to tell you bye again and that we miss you and need to have a "reunion" soon. You promised that. But the reunion was supposed to be with you there too. And I know spiritually you are, and you were, but not physically jay. I wish i could've helped you. you are such a special person.. and though things were hard in life, you taught me that you need to make time to laugh, to have fun, to hang out more with friends and that life is short. i got my first speeding ticket... i remember all yours you had. haha you were so funny. weird stuff keeps happening, i feel like your presence is right here with me. Just dont ever scare me, haha i mean that too. =) You scared me so much like when we went to that abandoned house so many times with everyone. those were great times.. and when me and you kept it a secret that we were going out at first so that no oen would get mad at us... and me leaving jeno for you.. that was mean of me but we were happier you know? And when you brought me to that park in frankfort sq. with the tower thingys and we walked up to the top and you just kissed me and told me how you loved me and all these great things about myself... and i would always tell you how perfect you were. cuz really just... you were perfect, the nicest guy. i could go on for soo long talking about all these memories.. which reminds me, alls i'm gona say is mals bathroom. haha i'll never forget that. it was the funniest experience, i love you!!! :) but i'll post more probably later, i just miss you already. i wish you were still here . i'm in shock. i feel like i'm gonna be sick all the time~ but I know you'd want us to be happy, so i'm donig my best to hang in there, and keep myself busy and laugh and have fun. Justin Emory Dodge~ one day I will meet up with you again... and until then, just watch over all of us. We love you, and we miss you.. and i hope you're out of pain now. i hope that you are somewher safe and so serene. Until the day we meet again, remember I love and care about you, as do so many people. You had so many friends that need you here today.... i wish that you wouldve seen. i wish i couldve helped you. i wish i couldve read your mind in advance. well i'm gonna go but i will talk to you.
I love you hunnie
Hope you're okay.
RIP JAY Justin Emory Dodge
2-11-83~ 1-9-03

Name: kyle
E-Mail: flanny08@yahoo.com
AIM: flany08
11:43:06 01/12/03

hey justin, i know that we didnt know eachother that well but i did know you well enough to call you a friend. we had our moments about 8 years ago when we played soccer together, dominated the indoor sessions. i wish i would have stayed closer to you bud and im sorry that i didnt. even though we grew apart man i still consider you a friend. i wish you were still here man, i miss you and i cant even imagine how this feeling is for those who were closer to you. so many people loved you justin and i wish you couldve just seen that. i wish you wouldve talked to someone about the things going through your head. you'll be missed justin!

to all of those that are struggling or having trouble getting through this just know that justin is in a better place...heaven. if you guys need anything, i know that we all arent good friends but i am still here for any one of you that need someone to talk to.

RIP Justin, you'll be missed!

Name: Brandon Smolucka
E-Mail: bsdefnder@hotmail.com
AIM: bsdefndr
04:59:12 01/12/03

Man I dont know how to put this into words. You were always the greatest person.
I have known you since the early days of soccer during grade school and that continued on
to Flower Power with those hot pink jerseys that we all wore. Man those were some great times and in
high school we became even closer. The best time was when we decided to freak the hell out of Malerie
playing all of those nasty tricks on her and it was all in good fun. You cant forget when we would go up
to the abandoned house up the street from jeno and mal's, why the hell we did who knows but it was still
fun just going up there and it gave us something to do. Then there was the good ol times of playing frisbee
golf man that was great. The times we had when we would go over to Malerie's and just start partying
even though she always said that we couldnt cause her dad said no, we still did and those were some great
parties. I just wish that you were still here. Well man all thats left that I can say is that I am going to miss
YOU and you were an awesome person.
Your buddy

Name: Dan Szablewski
E-Mail: Sebs0243@hotmail.com
AIM: sebs0243
03:49:28 01/12/03

I still remember to this day....if i wasn't on your damn hockey team at Hanies Park I'd lose pretty damn quick. You skated so freakin' fast no one could catch up with you, and I haven't even started talking about your wristshot......lightning in a ball...shit man. We spent plenty of time waiting for Mrs. Bono's bus to come freshman and sophomore year.... so much time to were JD Chisel and Chocolate Heat came up with a rap song. To bad we never put that on sale, we woulda hit the big time. It's too bad me and u kinda went our seperate ways, you always found a way to make me smile. I can see you've done that for everyone, but I know I will never forget it now. It's all weird now. I don't really know what I got til it's gone.....I'm gonna miss you Justin. Whether it's when we're "getting" (hahaha) the chocolate milk from Mrs. Young's 1st grade class or you being "The Great One" in roller hockey, you're always gonna bring a smile to all of our faces.
Your friend,
Sebs a.k.a. Chocolate Heat

Name: Brandon Delimata
AIM: Ojibwa7
02:04:00 01/12/03

Today was a really hard day for me. I just dont know were to start I wish that you were here to see how many people cared about you. Because I know that you just dont know how much you were loved by everyone. I cant be just keep you to me I mean everyone loved you so did I. Today I did not know what to do just thinking that you would walk in and give me one of those smiles that you always would give to me. I finially had the courage to go in your basement today and I thought about all the times that we spent toghther down there and I just cant explain what I felt but I know you were there with me. Everything that I do now makes me think of you because we did everything toghther and I just wish that you were here to share them with me. From the time that you asked me to come to your house on the bus to this day you have been my bestfriend. There are so many people that I would not know to this day just because of you. You made me feel like someone was out there to talk to whenever I needed to talk. And I just cant tell you what it feels like now that I just cant tell you that I love you because I LOVE YOU so much. I know that you will always be there with me. We watched the movie with us at prom and how much fun we had that weekend. When you and me were doing what we normally did which was just sit next to eachother. I know that you are here with me right now and I know that you are here with your parents. Im going over to your house tommorw with ricky just to be there with your parents. Im going to make you a picture album with all the fun times that we had with one another. There are so many. Today all of us went to Haines park and put some stuff but I tree on the on of the holes that you did not like so much. But it is there so that we all have somewhere to go when we need to talk to you. I know that I will be there alot. I just cant explain to you how much I love you and wish that you were here to talk to right now. All that I can think about is you and I know that is all that I will be able to think about for a long time. I just want you to know that everyone loves you so much. Ricky and I do not know what to do without you. We have been there for one another for all the little things to all the big things. I showed your parents the power ranger picture when you, ricky and me went to Jewel. And all that we could say is that was the normal Justin making everyone smile and always making me smile. Justin I just dont know how to explain how much you have made you know how to live. You have showed me so many things in life that if it was not for you I would not know. When everyone came up to me today telling me stories of how much fun you had with everyone. And I just wish that I would have been there for everyone. I wish that I could have been there for everything that you shared with everyone. But Im happy that we will be bestfriends for life. Today alot has ran across my mind with you and I can not think about one time that I was not happy to be with you. Justin you are my bestfriend and I just hope that you will be here for me to help me out. Ricky really needs you know to so I hope you look over him also. I LOVE YOU so much.
Brandon Gene Delimata

Name: jeno
E-Mail: italy026@aol.com
AIM: hazedaddy
01:32:05 01/12/03

hey bro,
dude i remember the first day that i met you. we were both working at FTP(white trash) and ever since that we just connected. we had so many memories from the pool like doing some crazy shit off of the high boards or finding Mr. P's condoms in the forest. hahah that was nasty shit. we did so much stuff that summer. remember how much we both were in love w/ erin.....haha u beat me to her. then come soph year every weekend i was at your house, we would always go out and see who we could egg next. remember the time we went to the new subdivision and i walked in the creek that had leaves which looked bone dry. yeah the one that had muck up to both of my shins and who helped me out...you did. but the sad thing was, that i dropped the whole carton of eggs...that was depressing. or how about the long nites of watching you play Myth.....dude u ruled that game...how about when you got your report card and we sent it through the shredder so ur dad didnt find it....that was funny. i especially love the times that me, you, jess, mal, and dana all spent together. if not at ur house, then we would all be at mal's or jess's....u remember 7 minutes in heaven w/ jess:) ouch.....i bet that hurt didnt it.....or when you would spend the nite and we would go in my barn and chase the pig around and you would slap the pigs ass and listen to it grunt and we would fall over laughin our ass off. man it seemed like yesterday....what happened between me u and dana, was stupid and i was pissed, but now that i look back at it, it def was not worth it. i should never of reacted the way that i did. i loved the time that me and you went down to that "haunted" house and got there before everyone else did and scared the shit out of them, while gorny almost shot us. we ran through everyones backyard just to do that. i also liked how me u and bingham went to dana's subdivision and egged that one blazer then u guys dared me to egg dana's house and i did.....good times. or how about the holes that we punched in jessica's walls...man we were sooo smashed that nite. but dude i truely did not mean to break off our friendship, if i knew that this would happen. you were the best, and sooo nice....you tried to say HI to me in the hallway, but i would just ignore you (due to the whole dana thing) and i guess we just drifted apart. should never of happened. or what about the times that we would spend at bussiere's house. u always kicked my butt in pool, but i had u in air hockey. get this.....on thursday nite, i was coming home from chicago and i was lookin at my bro's college year book and my mom was like, do you still talk to justin and i was like no and said why....i was so into the book that she said, "mal called and said justin died" and i was like, "what" she was like "justin died...he...(well i dont want to bring it up) but i was like no f**kin way....not justin...i would never of thought, as well as the many that loved you, that this would of happend. not in a million years...well man, i wish i could say more, but we had a great friendship while it lasted....you will be truely missed by me, your family and the ones that truely loved and cared for you with all of their hearts....may god bless you and all of those still in grief. like we say at The Citadel and in the Army....Girls, they come and go, but best friends will always live forever....no matter how long we all live, you will never be forgotten....
love, jeno

Name: Jason Hunley
E-Mail: sparknutz18@aol.com
01:28:29 01/12/03

Hey Justin.
I know we have been closer at times, but we were always friends. I will always remember how you would always be smiling and laughing whenever i saw you. You were an incredible person and i always will admire you for being who you were. And defintely you unbelievable ability to play CS, haha. I will never forget you man. I mean come on, me and you owned our soccer team back in the day. I love you man and i will miss you. I will see you again someday and i know you will be smiling.


Name: Cara
E-Mail: _CCB2000@excite.com
01:14:12 01/12/03

the lives you have impacted can never be lost, you will live on forever in everyone, and all i can think about is how cool it was growing up with you on the block. you were such the troublemaker with good intentions. god had a bigger plan for you and you will be taken care of.we all miss you so much

Name: Becky
00:44:05 01/12/03

Hey Babe-
Yeah I know I'm writing again, but its because you're not here to talk to online, just like I've become so accustomed to. Wow, what a day. I hope you saw how many people loved you and cared about you..i know you did. This is still so hard for me to grasp what happened and to really believe you're gone, especially because I saw how happy you were just a few hours before. We had so much fun that night...I really wish I knew what was going through your mind. I keep hearing you say things like "You're perfect" or "You're amazing" and I wish you knew that every thing you ever said to me was true for you as well. I went to your house this morning. I was so scared because I wasn't sure how I would react. I think I did pretty good though. Jen and I sat at your new table in the new chairs that you got out of the garbage just a few days ago. We sat on the couches, the futon, your brand new bed. We sat on the floor looking at the fire place, and I started laughing about the second time I went to your house and it started smoking so bad, and the smoke alarms started to go off. It was so weird to be down there today, knowing that you and I sat down there talking just two and a half days ago. I realized just now that I was the last person to be in the basement with you. Wow. That really means something to me. Then we went into the computer room, sat in your chair, and wrote *I love Justin* on the dusty monitor. I saw your coat thrown over the chair, just like it always was. I made jen smell it...it was you. Then we decided to put it down so we wouldn't get snot all over it..hehe, "oh jeez," i know.
I'm having such a hard time with some things. I talked to brian about it in the car, so i'm sure you heard. And i know worrying about certain things or getting distracted by things will not bring you back..its just hard. At the funeral home I kept wishing that I could see you one more time. You wouldn't even have to say a word..just to see you one more time, just to tell you everything you mean to me, just to hug you one last time, just to say goodbye. I just don't get it...and you always called me "confusing"..well i think you "owned" me on this one, J, cuz you definitely have all of us very confused right now. I miss you so much. I just wish I could go to sleep, wake up, and have been dreaming these last three days.
This morning as I was blow drying my hair I was getting really frustrated and I instantly thought of you. The last time I complained about my hair was in the mall last week. I was complaining so you messed it up and it was all over my face. I said "thats cool. i'm just gunna walk around like this now." and you said "thats fine, go ahead, i dont care." so i walked around the mall like that...then i thought about wednesday night when we were both complaining that we needed haircuts..then made a deal that we wouldnt get them cut until your birthday. And just now i thought about being at bob's on tuesday, and you attempting to braid my hair..you ended up tying it in knots all over my head. His dad came in to say goodnight and he looked at me like an idiot..but i still kept it in for quite a bit, didn't i? Wow..lots of hair memories..hehe.
When I got in the car tonight, heading back to my house, I knew i would hear a song that reminded me of you. The second I got in the car, though, a song came on and I just smiled so big 'cuz i knew you wanted me to hear that right then. I knew it was a mandy moore song, and i laughed because of how many times we talked about her. I figured it was a song from *A Walk To Remember* and then i got sad because we never got to watch the full movie together, and its still sitting at your house. I wasn't ready to take it home today. I'll get it though, and I'll cry even harder when i watch it, than i usually did. Anyways, the song wasn't from the movie. It was the song *I Wanna Be With You* and it made me think of so many things. And basically just that *i wanna be with you* I was smiling so big driving home. Then when i was getting off 57, *Grace Street* came on, and i knew it was you again. So amazing.
I hate being online knowing jo0m0nk3y isn't gunna pop up on my buddy list..even though i still go running to the computer every time i hear someone sign on..just like i always did when i waited for you. Its ok, though. I'm sure the computers in heaven are awesome..maybe God will let you send me an email sometime..hehe. Well, tonight i'm waiting for jen to come on. We are going back to school tomorrow...i'm moving into her room, too. I wish you could come visit me like we'd planned. this sucks. But jen and i decided we might just quit school altogether and become *CS chicks*-haha. Anyways, we will constantly look for new funny websites, though nothing will ever top *peanut butter jelly time*..its not STTTTUUUUPPPPIDDD! Sure the donkey one came close..but..what can i say..hehe. I loved watching you and ricky sing it and do the dance. Tonight before I go to bed I'm going to put mine on and dance to it, just for you. And ricky will definitely be jealous because you get to see it and he doesn't. Haha.
Well i'm definitely worn out. It has been a crazy last couple of days. Thanks for letting the sun shine so brightly today..we all know it was you. Goodnight babe. Sweet dreams.
Love always..and forever,
"Your lil devil"


Name: Sherri H.
E-Mail: basktballplayr32@aol.com
00:39:55 01/12/03


Hey Justin I wish that i knew you, you seemed awsome, and you still do. Neways all that I can say is that everyone will miss you forever and ever and no one will ever forget you. I wish you family and friends luck of what they have been goign through. Well i love you, and we all miss you.

Love Always, Sherri

Name: Carrie
E-Mail: smitty268@attbi.com
AIM: PrivateEye268
00:34:52 01/12/03

I really wish you could have known of how many people care for you in such deep ways that can't even be expressed in words. As I went to your wake today I saw faces of all sorts, put aside their differences to come together for you; and this is what you did brought everyone together. Now in our hearts you are still as powerful to us all as you were when you we here with us. We all love you so very very much and feel you watching us at this very moment. Our dearest friend rest in peace, and be in everyone's heart forever. You might not be with us in person, but in our hearts, minds, and great memories you will be forever.

For Justin-Dashboard Confessional

It's been a year now since you were here now And I've been trying to heal inside Dedications have all been placed And I see your resemblance in my face And on our birthday I said an extra wish for you (for you)

And I have learned so much since you been gone And I have done so little for so long So now I'll settle up my grievances And focus on the savory And wave all these discrepancies away And I'll peter out these misconceptions Give out faith at my discretion Live a life that you would think was sane (sane)

Displaying changes That they have made And I wonder if you ever really wanted it this way And in your memory they even hung a plaque for you (for you)

And I have learned so much since you been gone And I have done so little for so long. So now I'll settle up these grievances And focus on the savory And wave all these discrepancies away. And I'll peter out these misconceptions Give out faith at my discretion Live a life that you would think was sane (sane)

Luv ya kiddo-

Name: Jenna Kasik
E-Mail: dmbgrly84@yahoo.com
AIM: dmbgrly84
00:13:34 01/12/03

Jay- Wow, where do I begin? well first of all clicking on this page and seeing that picture is a completely different way than i see you in my mind. Where's that Justin Dodge "ray of sunshine" smile that lights up a room? You are loved by so many individuals and I know everyone has their own memory of time spent with you. I am so grateful that I got to become a little closer for all the time me and bob were together. you truly touched my life in so many ways. i will never forget the aura of energy and the spark you have. you never had the best hand of cards, but justin, you would always pull through. why did you give up now? you knew that you could have turned to any of the hundreds of people that cared about you. thanks for all the warm hugs and the laughs that we shared. You were a great friend to Bob; you 2 always went beyond the petty stuff. you never fought and you were there whenever you guys needed eachother. thank you for that. i have never felt so included by someone into a group than you did for me and for everyone who met you. you are such a friendly and inviting person, you are loved by soo many people, and you will forever be missed by me. just remember the "group" getting together on 1 5 9 and cruisin, your awesome parties, chillin w/ me and rodie, the dances, all the great laughs we shared. i will never forget. thanks for watching over all of us. we are continually thinking about you and i love you with all my heart. you are a wonderful person, whether you knew it or not. goodbye justin...see you someday. i love you- Jenna

Name: Lindsay
AIM: Lilias1222
22:22:49 01/11/03

Hey.. Well I never met you- but just by reading these messages to you have brought tears to my eyes and has told me that your a great guy- you are loved by so many people... and I know you will be missed very much. Your with God now.. in a better place.. live on.. and continue you to be the awesome person you are!
RIP Justin Dodge...

Name: erin
22:18:47 01/11/03

you left this world with plenty of good memories. as i sit here and think of you, all that comes to mind are funny experiences. you were in my homeroom all four years... and every year you smarted off to the teacher and had the whole class laughing. i got to talk to you every day in study hall junior year and i never knew what type of conversations to expect. you would always have some funny experience of you and brandons to share with me. you two were crazy... you never ran out of stories to tell me. i know you lived a fun life. After reading everyones away messages, and being at the wake, i have seen how many people cared for you. you truly touched a lot of peoples lives whether you knew this or not. im trying to be positive and believe you are happy with the decision you made, but deep inside i know this isnt what you truly wanted. Justin you will be missed and im sorry things ended up the way they did.
love erin dwyer

Name: Lindsay
AIM: Lilias1222
22:16:45 01/11/03


Name: Lauren
E-Mail: littlelauren4321@yahoo.com
AIM: LaurenTree43
21:13:14 01/11/03

ive never met you or even talked to you but im sure you were a awesome guy! ive heard some awesome stories about you and i wish i knew you! im sure you are in a better place and free from harm....if you can do me 1 favor that would be great look over michelle and her family....i never want to see any one hurt in any way...just remember so many people love you and wish you were still here and many people miss you!

Love Always Lauren

Name: Michelle
20:55:15 01/11/03


i only knew of you through photos and the good things my sister had to say about you..Nikol loved you and i wanna thank you for making her the wonderful person she is today...i wish i had stories about you to tell everyone and i wish i would have known you but the fact that you helped my sister is good enough for me..i can't understand your exact feeling of pain but i do understand that things were rough...i wish it wouldn't have come to the point where we all had to lose such a young, yet perfect life..my sister had nothing but good things to say about, from your awesome parties to your fun loving personality...just last night Niki told me about a night you were hiding from the cops and she found you in our driveway, i laughed and wished i was awake for it...i told Nikol that although you were gone physically, you are in her heart and everyone elses FOREVER and that God took you to be everyones Angel..i know you are up there and if i can ask you one question, please take care of Niki...let her know you care, she really loves you and she misses you...and if you have the time..can you watch me too? i need some support...thanks, i knew you were a great guy...now that you have past, you are in a happier place where no one can ever hurt you again..you are a true hero, because of you 50 other lives were saved..you're an amazing person! i only knew you through Nikol but i'm glad i still got to know who you were and how great of a person you are! i really have nothing more to say but i hope you now know ALL the people that love and miss you...i'll meet ya when i get there kid..
*~*RIP Justin 2*11*83~1*9*03..you will be missed*~*

Name: thor
AIM: thorboards42
20:50:00 01/11/03

today iv learned so much, justin you were always the guy who had a smile on his face or was telling a bad joke which you did so well.. but today when i was saying good bye i knew that it wouldn't be the last, your spirit will live on in the hearts of so many, reading brandons and brians messages brought tears to my eyes because when tommy says life is so precious i just can't understand why you would want that, know one will ever really know and that is not the matter here. you gone is leaving so many voids in so many lifes because you honestly hung out with everyone, the preps to the stoners to rest of the crowd, it didn't matter who they where you were alwasy willing to meet new people.. it is hard to believe your gone but your never going to be gone because you left one role and took another, your now living in the hearts of all your friends and family, close and far. one thing i will always take with me is your affect on people, when you changed andy pate for the best i knew that you were true... and when i saw andy today at the wake i didn't know what to say, he is in the navy now man, clean as can be and serving his country. the last thing i expected was andy changing nine millions times for the best because of you.. now this is the last thing i would ever expect and i can't belive it.......... but hey god has a plan for everyone and i look at it like this. he needed you more up there for him then we needed you down here. so live on justin emory dodge, and continue to be the great person you are........ you will be missed by many......love thor

Name: Becca
E-Mail: wanaskka3@aol.com
19:59:49 01/11/03

Justin- I love you and I wish you knew how many people you affected and how much everyone loves you. Now you know. I know that you have seen everything from heaven and I know you hear what everyone is thinking. I think of what your heaven is like and it makes smile. All of us will be together again, I wish I didn't have to wait so long to see you again though. There are too many memories to talk about, but my favorit is watching you cook dinner for Kellie, Brandon and me. Thanks for suprising us with the beach trip. And Lexi and I talked about how we know you are in the wind on Thursday and sure enough, friday was SSOOOOOOO WINDY. I am about to go to Dom's to meet back up with everyone. I know you will be there watching us. love you.

Name: Ashley
E-Mail: jrtpeach28@hotmail.com
AIM: JrTPeach426
19:35:59 01/11/03

Jay... well I just read all the messages everyone has written and I really don't know what to say. Your wake was today... I lost it when I hugges Jen and Mike, maybe that's bc I knew them the best out of your friends. They had you pink soccer shorts out Justin, haha you were so funny with those and of course Flower Power at the dome. Remember when we went to the mall to look for homecoming clothes and you couldn't find the right size at Structure, god we were there for hours haha! How about when you finally let Cat drive your truck but Mike wouldn't let me drive his. That night you guys were "yeaping" at the mall, at Bud's, let's just say everywhere! And how many times did I tell you "KA$H" was gay, but of course you got me sayin it. Western Civ with me u and chrissy, you were always late to school and it didnt help our teacher was on speed. Remember playing pool in mike's basement with his lil sister and that night at ur house when Jason taught me how to chug beer. Then u helped me and Cat get away from guys trying to rape us (haha) by locking us in a bedroom... thanks for that by the way. Every single message I read said something about your smile, your laugh, your ability to make everything ok... and that's exactly how you will always be remembered... as the guy u were, happy, caring, unselfish, and most of all one of a kind. I wish you could've seen how many people came today, how your dad laughed with us about you racing your truck and mike of course added " 1 5 9 "...Jay, you were an amazing kid and we all know this isn't goodbye, it's only till another day. A day not one person wants to wait for... but it'll come, and we'll all see you in heaven... i miss you babe... and love you always... Ash

Name: I wish I would've known you, Justin
18:33:10 01/11/03

Hey Buddy, I went to high school with you, but didn't really know you. To all Justin's family and friends, I know this is so incredibaly hard, and I cannot even begin to imagine how you feel. I am praying for all of you! Justin- Look how many friends you had! People are writing messages even as I am typing this. I wish you could've seen all those who cared for you, hunny. "No one ever complained about life being too long." Jesus, Please forgive Justin.

Got a picture of you I carry in my heart
Close my eyes to see it when the world gets dark
Got a memory of you I carry in my soul
I wrap it close around me when the nights get cold
If you asked me how I'm doin' I'd say just fine
But the truth is baby, if you could read my mind

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you
After all this time you're still with me it's true
Somehow you remain locked so deep inside
Baby, baby, oh baby, not a day goes by

I still wait for the phone in the middle of the night
Thinkin' you might call me if your dreams don't turn out right
And it still amazes me that I lie here in the dark
Wishin' you were next to me, your head against my heart
If you asked me how I'm doing I'd say just fine
But the truth is baby, if you could read my mind

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you
After all this time you're still with me it's true
Somehow you remain locked so deep inside
Baby, baby, oh baby, not a day goes by

Minutes turn to hours, and the hours to days
Seems it's been forever that I've felt this way

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you
After all this time you're still with me it's true
Somehow you remain locked so deep inside
Baby, baby, oh baby, not a day goes by

Rest in Peace, Justin. This world won't be the same without you.

Name: bobby olson
E-Mail: vbbb31@hotmail.com
AIM: vbbb31
18:19:06 01/11/03

i dont know where to begin. lets start by saying that i miss you already. we have grown apart since the day i met you in 5th grade. you were my first friend when moving here and i bagan to admire you the day i met you. all of the girls were in love with you and you were able to just pick and choose. the times we would just come sit in your room and play fifa soccer...to the times when i had to be locked in your room because your brother was always looking to kill me...haha. 4 years of my life we were inseparable, i wish we couldve stayed as close as we use to be in highschool but somethings dont happen the way we want. it is wierd seeing you gone, i am still in shock and cant believe it. but buddy, i will see you soon. rest in peace, i will love you and miss you always. you were a great friend
bobby olson
rip justin emory dodge

Name: Jenylle
AIM: NelSBall10
18:17:33 01/11/03

Justin- Wow, where do I start? How about how unfortunate this entire situation is. When my mom called me at like 8am Wednesday morning and told me that something has happened to one of Ricky's best friends... you were the last one to come to my mind. Your demeanor about life was so happy go-lucky. You were the one that made the laughs come to the room. And your smile would brighten anybodys day. I'm never going to forget lunch senior year. You are definately a character. I'm never going to forget when you choked on that pixie stick and blue coming out your nose and mouth... you always made me laugh Justin. How about when you nailed that mailbox and we just causually drove off or when you drove through random peoples lawns... lets just say your driving in general. It sounds like you were going through some rough times lately. But I know you were so head strong I'm positive you would have gotten through anything if you would have just talked about it. But all said and done... I know you are at peace now. No more worries. Justin you were such an awesome guy that you have made a difference in soo many people's lives. And God's plan for you was just that... you were such a good friend to soo many. Well Justin thanks for the memories that we shared... you will never be forgotten by anyone...

Love always,

Name: Dazzo
AIM: DonDazino
17:32:40 01/11/03

What's up Justin? Where do I start, I remember when I first moved to New Lenox we use to hang out together all the time, with Olson, Eddy, Brown, Conway, the list just goes on and on. Our Jr. High was like a High School to us we always had fun, Except that time in Tom Eddy's backyard. HAHA, but 4 years later we just laughed about it, it happened we were kids and its over. But now we are adults and we cant sit back and laugh on the situation at hand. That tears me up, that we cant sit around and joke, about the past. Because now the past is the past. I was just at your wake, fighting back my tears, but I know you woudln't of wanted me to cry. Man I just don't know what to say to many emotions running through with no direction. My thoughts and prayers go out to your closest friends and family.
PS. One of the best parties in high school at your house.

Love Dazzo

Name: fister
AIM: psychofizzy
14:01:00 01/11/03

sup playa, im so glad this page was made because this is the best way for people to come together to share their feelings and support others , im about to head out to the wake, its gonna be rough, but i will be there for everyone else. felt like yesterday i was on your roof running from the cops, giving out packs of cigarettes at your house for the hell of it. mr taylor, me you and delimata making fun of him and getting kicked out of class and what not, glad you were there for all of that, and ill never forget it. its sad it takes a tragedy for some people to realize how precious life is, and im sorry it had to be you, but it was god's plan. i am going to leave a little poem for everyone who is having a hard time through this situation, and if you need anything ever , call me. see you soon buddy.......

They say that you're the selfish one,
I'm the only one that disagrees.
When everyone's a hypocrite,
I'm the only one that sees
Our lust for you has left us dry,
Happy tears we now should cry.
I'm the only one that can understand,
You're now a part of god's master plan.
I'm the only one that keeps a straight face,
For I know an angel is now in his place.
I'm the only one that can let it be,
Heaven is yours, and you are free.
I'm the only one that can realize,
that we are the selfish ones in god's eyes.


p.s. Justin Rules...Taylor is Gay.

Name: me
12:38:52 01/11/03

I can't say that I ever met you, or knew who you were until now. I do know that you were loved by a lot of people. I have a lot of friends that I really upset b/c they lost you. I wish you would have known how many people really cared about you, there are so many. It tears me apart to see so many people hurting, and I just hope that you comfort them. Whatever was going on in your life, I'm sorry that you had to go through it, and that you didn't feel like there was anyone you could talk to. You're in heaven now, you're in a better place, a place better than this. Please watch over all your friends they need you right now........Rest In Peace Justin.

Name: Lexi Cheney
11:25:25 01/11/03

Just~ I woke up this morning early with tears pooring down my face. I still cant believe this all happened--it all went way too fast. I am so nervous/scared/everything at once, to walk into that funeral home today. Ya know that brown soft bear that you spent sooooo much money on trying to win for me at great america? -yea well "skyler" (we chose its name to be), is never leaving my side. i keep telling myself "it just cant be true" and that i will see you soon and that your just in like pennsylvania right now. i dont want to realize it. bc just, its just not like you to do this...and to not call or leave a note or a little message or just something. your friends were always your energy babe-you know you always had the best of times. but i am really going to miss all those times me, you, and brandon had together. brandon was there for both of us when no one knew anything. gosh, i wish i could just go back to anyday i was with you. i am never going to drive in that truck of yours again-and hell im never gonna be able to steal it from you for a little bit...were never gonna be able to switch cars with eachother for a day. you always told me "lex, but i get the shit end of the deal....well, okay". i am going to miss you calling my cell at such late hours of the night and saying "lex, just come over, please just come over-if you dont come over than I WILL BE AT YOUR HOUSE IN 10 MINUTES TOPS, and you know im not joking". and needless to say, you would always show up in about 10 minutes. you were loved by soooo many people more than you ever knew-until now. when i am outside, and the wind blows i feel like it is you telling me you are there watching me. "DRIVEWAY LOVE" -dont forget that. i wish i could lay in my driveway with you one more time-gosh there are so many wishes like that. i hope you did know how much i really really loved you just. i miss that damn smile of yours so much-'soooo...beautiful'. where am i going to go now before i go to work after i get out of school? who is going to be there like you were, critiquing me on everything i was wearing...telling me i was so beautiful NO matter what. i mean no one had the patience for me like you did. no one understood like you did. ill always rememeber getting mad at the way you drove sometimes...especially when you were pissed and driving...that was scary...i would be in the truck screaming until you would stop. then i would just hold your hand and everything would be okay. gosh so many things just. but i want to tell you again that i hope you are happy where you are...all of your friends and i are waiting for the day we get to see you again. prom weekend secret is with you. =0D i love you hun so much. BARAMU always and forever. xoxo- 'lex'

Name: Kim Joiner
AIM: KimmieJ124
11:16:43 01/11/03

I don't know where to start. Too many emotions and thoughts run through my head to even put into words. I guess you can say I was in complete distraught when I heard what happened. "WHY?" was the only thing I kept asking myself. You are so young, so vibrant, so loved by many. Justin-I want you to know you are a fantastic person. Through all our "bad" times I still cared about you. You knew exactly what to say to push someones buttons...but you made up for it just by smiling because your smile brightened everyones day. You were the "life of the party," everyone wanted you around. Parties won't ever be the same. Infact, life won't be the same without you. Nikol and I were talking and I was just staring at the sky. I knew you were watching us and it brought a tear to my eye. From now on, when I look at the sky, I think of you...but then again...when I look at anything I think of you. You are always in my heart. I wish this was all a nightmare and you were really here. Just to see you smile or see your truck drive by(yeah, it was only a truck but you cherished it like it was a Viper). I loved that about you. You cared so much about the little things...and like they say...the little things are what counts. I know you are in a better place and I know you are happy. I'll see you in my dreams.
*¨¨¨*RIP Justin Emory Dodge*¨¨¨*
*¨¨¨*2-11-83 to 1-9-03*¨¨¨*
*Love always*
Kim Joiner

Name: Ricky
AIM: WildThang713
09:35:10 01/11/03

Justin Emory Dodge 2-11-83 to 1-9-03
How can anyone start to write this? I know you're laughing at me right now Jay. I always laughed at you when you had to post for Counter Strike every day and night. Well now it's my turn. I really wish I could see you laugh and smile again like the happy boy you were. You were my best friend, along with Brandon we saw every side of you. All your different smiles and faces......Even your unhappy ones. That's the thing, no matter what face you had on that day we were all there for you. You know that on Wednesday morning you could have called any of us and we would have been there before you could hang up the phone.

You, Brandon, and Me have so many memories together bud, all the time spent in your basement watching movies and just sitting around talking got us through every night together, always together, even your dad called us the three musketeers without the musketeers. Remember when Brandon went away to Boot Camp and we hung out every day? That made me and you so close. We'd dress up every day just trying to look like pimps for anything we did. You always wore my tiny red polo shirt and the "60 dollar jeans". Luckily when we went and slide through the mud in 40 degree weather down at haines you weren't wearing 'em! We had so many great times man, from frisbee golf to hockey to crusin 1 5 9!! Every night we had something to do. Some people thought that just sitting in your basement talking got old........but to us it was something new every night. Girls, drinking, life, parents, family, we talked about everything heart to heart. It always meant a lot. Even going up to Loyola with me we had a fun time. We wouldnt even put the radio on so we could talk the whole way. Then once we got there you got out of the car and immediately looked for some "chinks" to spark your interest. I'm sorry you never got to bag one, but they were watching you when you were around. Everybody was watching you when you were around. You were the center of attention at every party and get together. The prankster in every classroom. Don't forget the dances we showed everyone...The blade techno opener was our song to go nuts. Then when becky showed us that STTTTUUUUPPPIIDDD peanut butter jelly time we had to top her off. So we over ruled her with the DONKEY SONG. "please, please,pleeeaaase, let me ride that donkey donkey, let me ride that donkey donkey!" How bout all the "beatoffs" we saw everywhere we went. Too many of those out there huh? But there's no need to be salty right now.

Justin I loved you so much. You were definitely my best friend. I won't ever forget the great times. I know you won't. I just wish you would have given me a call, just told me that you needed me there. We could have made it all better. Thank you for leaving the front door open though Jay. You left the chance to be saved. I did my best for you. Please know that I did EVERYTHING I could for you that morning. You will never be forgotten by me or anyone else that knew you. You said that you were gonna get a lot of friends, well just watch today, Saturday, ALL of your friends will be there. Just watch Jay you'll see them all. You got your wish........ If you ever get a chance check the tree by the 8th hole. We left you a few things Jay. Your place was that frisbee course. Keep your skillz up z0rz.....you 1337 h4ckz0rz. Jo0m0nk3y will always ownz jo0.....Take car of your back jay. Rest in Peace Justin Dodge. I LOVE YOU!

Best friends till the end

Name: Melissa Simek
E-Mail: Missa82984@yahoo.com
AIM: Peanut82984
09:32:50 01/11/03

Ya know, I'll never forget the morning I found out the news..it was 7:02AM on January 9th. I barely knew you, yet I can't seem to hold back the tears. I'll always remember our late night Monopoly games..even though I really had no idea how to play. And how you called me "salty", which I must say, no one has ever done before. Or the time you came in to KFC and all you wanted was mashed potatoes and gravy.."long as it's free". I could tell then, you were a character. It was always fun listening to Matt tell his stories of when you, him, and Ricky all hung out and did stupid things; like the video game remote control. I think in a way, Matt looked up to you in the almost the same way he looks up to Ricky and for that, I'll always admire you. But most of all, I'll never forget how I felt when Matt told me the last thing you ever said to him. Just goes to prove how sweet of a soul you have and how you're always thinking of others before yourself;which I have read in so many other messages. My only wish for you;if you could only see how much you are truly loved and missed. But I know you're looking down and watching. Hey, someday up there..maybe we can hang out and we can all finish our monopoly game..as long as you don't cheat. I'll always rememeber and admire you Justin Dodge.

Name: Melissa
E-Mail: Missa82984@yahoo.com
AIM: Peanut82984
09:16:32 01/11/03


Name: Brooke
02:57:48 01/11/03

wow, i dont know what to even say, i remember all the way back til god 1st or 2nd grade all the girls having a crush on justin dodge i didnt find my liking to you until that slide you had in the 3rd grade talent show to achy breaky heart, just being at your house not to long ago watching that tape with you as me and you sat there and kept on rewinding that tape as you explained your knee pain to me about your slide. the girls went wild justin. here i am 10 years later still laughing at your jokes, justin you were a great guy i think everyone knows that. you have so many people that love you. i got that phone call and i couldnt believe it. i still cant. well im off to bed now just know that we all love and miss you. love you justin
love brooke

Name: fletcher
E-Mail: fcrew9@yahoo.com
AIM: brianSF25
02:51:02 01/11/03

I don't know what to say or to think bro. I'm just sorta sitting here writing this without knowing what I want to say. I do know some things though. I know that all your friends love you more than words on a website or in a prayer could ever say. I know that you'll always be missed and never forgotten. You affected me more than you can ever know and I thank you for that. I know all these things to the bottom of my heart and I hope you do to. Imma miss you justin. Love ya bro.

Name: Tom Eddy
E-Mail: Bhowny@yahoo.com
AIM: EddyT 11
02:37:22 01/11/03

Justin Dodge:
I woke up on January 9, 2003 ready to start my day early and actually do something over this long christmas break when I got the news. I couldn't breath, I couldn't speak, I couldn't think, I couldn't believe that this would have happened. The first thing that happened was that I was pissed off at him, but then taken over by sobs and tears. This kid that I had grown up with threw away the most precious gift known......LIFE!!! Nothing can be so bad for this to happen, I wished that Justin would have seen that and known that Love surrounded him always and he would have never had to face any problem alone. He has friends that are by his side now that will be there forever and will take care of him forever. His soul and spirit live on and will, but that won't fill the emptiness I feel right now. Times will change and we all will learn to cope with this dreaded day, but we all stand side by side praying that god will show Justin the way and take him into his heart, and his palace. My condolences go out to Justin's family. I know that Justin was an organ donor, and I know from his father, that his organs have already saved at least 50 kids lives. That would have been what Justin wanted, always thinking of other people first and never himself. A once in a lifetime friend with a once in a lifetime smile. His smile could make anyones seem small. It was contagious as all get out. The patent laugh that could excite the grimmest of rooms or make the great times untouchable. You have been a friend of mine since the beginning of grade school with us getting into trouble with Mr. Fears because we told someone to shut up at lunch, or when we broke my mom's lamp when we were having our hand soccer tournament in my living room, or even when fister and I put pop cans in your bonfire and it exploded all over you, and all you could do was laugh. You are the man kid, and always will be. Your smile, laugh, friendship, personality, wit, and memories will be sketched on my heart from this day on because a part of my soul is now gone. You and I grew distant over the years but I still consider you one of my best friends. Playing soccer on my dad's team and you never passing the ball, I used to get so pissed but you would just say, "Man I kick it way harder than you!" Smile laugh and run after the ball again.

Life isn't ours to choose...
Life isn't something to be taken lightly...
Life is a gift from god that we should cheerish and not throw away at difficult times...
Life is a test of ones will...
Life can be hell, but the thought of angels later is worth one breath of air...

RIP......Justin Dodge 2/11/83 - 1/9/03

Name: Brandon Delimata
AIM: Ojibwa7
02:35:14 01/11/03

Justin Emory Dodge~
Justin I still remember the first day we met. I was sitting on the bus "new kid at school" and you asked if I wanted to come over to your house. From that day on we have been there for one another. I could tell you everything. From how I fell about Mari to how scared I am about my dad. You have been the backbone to my life for the past few years. I have spent all the time that I had with you. From driving you to Lexi's house late at night to sitting in your computer room watching my hackzorz play cs. We have been there for one another when we needed and I just cant explain how much I wish I was there for you that night. I wish that I could just tell you how much I love you. You will always be my bestfriend. I remember you being there for me so many times. When you drove me to Mari's house the night that I found out everything and you sitting in the car with Lexi. You were there for me to talk to that night and I just wish I was there to talk to you right now. There is a void and a gap in my life that no one will ever fill. You just dont know how much you are loved by me. I thought about you all the time when I was in bootcamp thinking about what you and ricky were doing and wishing I could be there to share what you were doing. You helped me threw bootcamp so much and you do not know it. I had the picture of all the guys the day before I left with me all the time. I looked at it everynight. I now I look at it with you with your arm around me. Wishing that it could be there now. Wishing this was all a bad dream thinking you will call my cell phone telling me that you want to go and do something. Now I dont have someone there to tell me stories about everything. Driving in my car today I looked over in the passenger seat and there you were dancing to the music with a big smile on your face. Everything has changed now. I just can't explain all the memories that we have had if the past years. I remember waking up for school and coming over to your house early to make sure you were up and then rushing to school because evertime you were not up. And I had to get you out of bed and make sure you went. We have been threw so much that can not be explained in words. I remember Prom weekend when everyone was in the back of your truck and the tires looked flat because there were so many people in the back. From driving to the dance just you and me in the truck when everyone else was in the limo and you forgot your ticket. Passing the limo and waving at everyone that was in there laughing because we did not know where to go and we were in front of the limo. There also was the time that you came out and saw me graduate from bootcamp I had so much fun with you when we were there. When we went out on the town just walking around telling eachother about what we had been up to for the past three months. That meant so much to me for you to come out there and see me. I had so much fun with you everyday. You made me smile when no one else could you were the person that knew how I was felling before I knew. You knew everything about me and I thought that I knew everything about you. Why did you not call me that night I would have been there so fast you dont even know. I would have drove like a mad man. I would have been there to give you a hug and talk to you all night like we always did. Sometimes it was about nothing but we would always talk. From girls that broke are heart to girls that we just thought were hot. Man there is just so much that I want to say right now. Going to Hooters is not going to be the same without you. Right now Im sitting in Brians basement and I just cant get you off my mind. Your smile, touch and laugh are in my head right now and I just cant explain to you how much I need them in front of my face right now. I just wish you were here to talk to right now I need you so much right now. I need to cry on your shoulder and you to tell me it will be ok. I need you to just look at me and say everything will be ok. Tell me that you are here for anything that I need to talk about. Even as small as playing cs. I wish that we could be in your computer room right now playing cs with you telling me how much you ownzorz. How how much you could own me in the game. I wish that we could go in your basement and just sit on your couch and talk to one another till it was light out again. Knowing that we have to go to bed but not wanting to because we love talking to eachother. Talking about little stuff like cars and how I want to get a bike. You telling me that I should not smoke because it is going to kill me one day. I wish that I could just go for another drive with you and tell you how much you mean to me. Tell you how much I love you and tell you that I would be there for anything that you needed. I wish that I could grow old with you and tell stories about all the crazy things we have done. From all the candy canes to yeaping in the mall. Remember the time that we were driving the van and we went paintballing out the side window. I had so much fun with you all the time. Everyday I was with you there was something new and exciting that we would do. The time that we got the power ranger suit and you were the only person you fit in it so you, ricky and me went to Jewel and you were wearing it. I had so much fun with you that night. I will always remember that night and how funny you looked. I just dont know what to say you are gone and I need you so much. Life is not going to be the same without you. You had so much input into my life and made me hole. Now I feel empty inside with you not there to talk to. You will always be my bestfriend and hope that you think that I will always be your bestfriend because you will always be mine. Life will not be the same without you. But it will go one thinking about you everyday. Thinking about all the good times that we had wishing that there would be more times that we could share. Wishing that we could just go and do something. Justin man I LOVE YOU so much. And I will miss YOU SO MUCH.
~Brandon Gene Delimata~

Name: Dave Brown
E-Mail: eiusoccr20@aol.com
02:33:23 01/11/03


I have known you since 5th grade my man. Although we have never been the best of friends, you were always someone i considered a friend. You were always someone i would say hi to in the hallways, or if i saw you anywhere would stop and talk too. You were an original Flower Power team memeber and you were our good luck charm (we couldnt win with out you). I can still picture you prancing out on the field, with out a care on your mind having fun, trying to score the goals that escaped you too many times. Whenever you had people over, i always knew it would be a good time beacuse you, Justin, were a great person, and even if i knew no one else at your house, i knew you and that was enough. There is a ton of memories of you running through my head, but one thing is the same through out them all, you were always having fun. Freshman year i was throwing pop cans in your bon fire and they exploded in your face.....yeah my bad on that one... but later that night me and you were able to laugh about it in your house. That is the one way i will always picture you, laughing and smiling because i know that that was in fact the real you. You will be missed dearly by all those who loved and cared for you. I know your up there somewhere in heaven and i hope you have that same big grin on your face. Till we meet again Justin make sure you watch over all those who care about you here on earth and save us a spot up there. POWERS IN THE FLOWER!! LETS GO FLOWER POWER!! Ill see you again my brotha. May God bless you and all those who love you.

Love Your Friend,

Name: Tiffy
E-Mail: dancers-2@msn.com
02:19:49 01/11/03

To my only love......
I will never forget the hicups and snifflies, the snowball fights that left welts, us falling over at the soccer dome flat on our faces and laughing for five minutes laying there, u picking me up just to kiss me , u staying at my house till 5-6 in the morn watching movie after movie untill we both just fell asleep , the parties , the get togethers, me sitting in the chair next to u at your computer crying for 45 minutes straight in silence because I couldn’t even begin to tell u, u driving my car everywhere filling my tank for me , u helping me pimp out the eclipse , us drilling holes into my car to put the wrong year lights on, me watching u play CS all night long*, just laying by u when u were tired, making u soup, waiting all damn day for u to just sign online , shopping for jeans , eating at hooters, borders w/ u, detentions after detentions from Mr. Hack , geting kicked out of delmatas house, looking at you wearing "the coat" i bought u for christmas, the ring that will never leave my finger, the teddy bear the hoodie , the 16 bows u decorated all the boxes w/ , fights that never lasted , just sitting there staring at you telling u i loved u more then life itself....I could go on forever and ever and ever…Things may have changed for us but my love only grew more and more everyday…no matter what and I always told u that no matter what Justin u were perfect just perfect. I tried and tried to make u realize you were fine…..i don’t know how to function w/ out u Po0py~

Name: lexi cheney
02:18:43 01/11/03

just,i am going to bed now...i wanted to end my story of my night to you...i went to gregs...and everyone was there ya know. had a few good convos about you just, but i know you were there over my shoulder listening to everything said. im sure you saw that crazy thing that happened with my phone tonight in my car with dom. can you explain that one to me hun? freakiest thing... well i love you so much and i always will. i miss you more than anything... talk to you tomorrow. BARAMU always and forever. xoxo-LEX

Name: Brian Bussiere (Buss)
E-Mail: bbussier@bradley.edu
AIM: GreyDevil84
01:59:04 01/11/03

I can't belive you're gone.. Only 19 years old man... I'm sitting around my house with Deli and my bro and it's 1:28 in the morning on Friday and Austin Powers 3 popped up on my tv... With the Dad song Mike Meyers sings at the beginning.. saying daddy wasn't there.. and i thought to myself, Justin won't be there... For a long time I can't see your face.. It's so hard for me to sit here and write this I can't even think, my body and mind are so tired and so sad... Everything is reminding me of you.. Remember all our good times... Remember our car accident haha.. we were almost gonners on that one and the funny part is we hit my bro hahaha... we were so scared about what was gonna happen with everything but it all turned out ok haha we did some dumb things buddy but they were always fun... Remember our extreme sledding man we almost got arrested for that one but none the less it was one of the greatest times of my life and of course you were there... haha i remember them saying Dodge?? wait are you Rich's brother and you were just like umm yea... hahaha... so many good times, so many good memories... remember our fight... man over a dumb girl haha but we worked through it and man i'm glad we did because of that i got to spend just that much more time with you... You were my best friend for a long time and even though we weren't as close as we used to be at the end I know that we would've been best friends again.. no i'm sorry no matter what we were always best friends because i know i could've asked you to do something for me or talk to me and you would've you would've done anything for anyone because thats how you were... i'm sooo sorry about some of the things i was telling you before everything happened i just thought they needed to be said and i wish i could take them back but i can't because it's to late but even though you're gone i know you're still around me because i feel you... i feel you everytime i touch a key on my keyboard.. i feel you everytime i take a drag of my cigarette even though you always told me that smoking was bad for me, that's just why i think of you then... i did get you to smoke though haha.. i always and will forever feel you in my heart also.. i don't even know where i'm going with any of this i feel like i'm rambling on and on.. what else is there to say... you will forever be my best friend i learned so much from you... how to play some of those computer games how to peel out in my jimmy haha... no matter what the car Justin it can be done you taught me that... you taught me how to love another guy because i did LOVE YOU and i always will.... I had an open house for you yesterday and you wouldn't believe how many people came... in and out all night all for you because people did love you and you never knew and the last thing you said to me was "I LOVE YOU".. "GOODBYE".. and I never said it back and I wish I did just because it was my last chance because i never knew you would do this... and for how i knew you i should've known everything wasn't ok and i blame myself for not knowing that because i knew you Jay and you knew me more than i think a lot of people did... you were probably the one person that knows me the best out of anyone and i don't know why i could ever of let you go.. i should've ran over as fast as i could but i didn't all because i thought to myself it's Justin he'll just call me tomorrow and see what I'm up to and want to hang out... I'm still waiting for you to call Jay.. I think I'll always be waiting for you to call and say hey man wanna come over... You know for all of our times together I can't think of anything I ever regret and that's all because it was with you... you made me laugh and smile when no one else could... I almost moved in with you all because I got in a fight with my parents... it's to bad I didn't because if I would've then I would've been there with you to take care of you like I should've... I don't know what else to say... this is the hardest thing i've had to deal with... I lost my grandfather and that was soo hard on me... but this is in a whole new league... I hope you meet my grandfather in heaven he'll take care of you and show you around and hey could you say hi to him for me... You know I remember when we first met.. in history class sophmore year.. remember with mal and sarah... we had so much fun in that class and i'm so glad i met you in there and i'm so glad you became my friend.... until i met you i didn't fully know a good time, i didn't fully know what love was, i didn't fully know just how much you can care for someone... so now it's 1:58 and i'm still going... there's a million and 1 things i can write but i just don't know what to say... i don't wanna stop writing because it makes me feel like you're right next to me smiling and laughing just like you always did Justin.. you never let anyone know just what was bothering you and no one could ever tell if somethin was, because you always had a smile... I wish you would've came and talked to me or anyone... No one's ever going to know why.. and I guess asking ourselves that would just be like beating our hearts against a wall because there's no answer.. well i just stopped crying so i'm gonna take it as a sign to stop writing... but i won't say goodbye.. i'll never say goodbye because I WILL see you again... not soon enough but I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN... i'm never gonna forget you and you will always and forever be in my heart.. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW... Justin Emory Dodge, 2-11-83 to 1-9-03... you'll never know how much you were loved here... but i will see you again someday... yea.. someday....

Name: Jill
E-Mail: JilliCutie5@aol.com
AIM: ChEsTeRzZz18
01:49:57 01/11/03

These passed 2 days have been so unreal to me i don't even know what to do with myself. I keep thinking to myself that this cant be true. It was just the other day me and tiff came over and she was wearing her freakish pants and we were all suppose to break in your new bed and you had the snifflies remember? i will never forget the silly fights we would get in at lunch but the next day you would forget why you were mad or the time that me brandon you and lex took kellie's car on lex's bday to get food and we had a lil fight with the shopping carts in the parking lot, the way all of us girls talk about how everyone wanted justin dodge and some time or another,or me and you talking to me about lex in dominic's garage or the times you would secretly tell me to tell lex BARAMU even though she was in the same room...i love ya Just and i will never forget how much you meant to me along with everyone else. You really have no idea how many people truly did care. I know you are up there right now looking down on us (all of your friends and family)...watch over them just. guide them. help them....and if you have room..me too. I love you...and ill miss you.
**yours until the gingersnaps**

Name: Hans Schulfer
E-Mail: Schulfer8@netscape.net
AIM: Shmycll1
01:41:02 01/11/03

Justin, man I've known you pretty much my whole life. I remember messing around on the bus with the rest of the neighborhood guys. You were one of my first good friends ever and even though we werent the best of friends right now we still hung out once in a while and you always seemed like one of my good buddies. Whenever I'd hear someone say Dodge is having people over or something I knew you'd let me come just cause we go so far back. I'm gonna miss you man and so are a whole lot of other people. I'll never forget the time we went tubing in Hickory creek and I through the bottle in behind you and told you it was a beaver. You freaked out. I made you a little memorial down there today cause that was the only place I could think to do it. All of us are going there tomorrow to put some stuff there. I will miss you Justin.
Your friends always,

Name: brad sheehan
E-Mail: irshcrs1229@yahoo.com
AIM: irshcrs1229
01:25:28 01/11/03

I see it around me,
I see it in everything.
I could be so much more than this.
I said my goodbye's this is my sundown.
I'm gonna be so much more than this.
With one hand high,
you'll show them your progress.
You'll take your time, but no one cares.
No one cares.
I need you to show me the way from crazy.
I wanna be so much more than this.
With one hand high,
you'll show them your progress.
You'll take your time,
but no one cares.
With one hand high,
you'll show them your progress.
You'll take your time,
but no one cares.
No one cares.
I could be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I wanna be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I could be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I wanna be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I wanna be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I wanna be so much more than this.
Good Goodbye, lovely time
Good Goodbye, tinsel shine
Good Goodbye, I'll be fine
Good Goodbye, good goodnight.

this goes out to EVERYONE. life is so beautiful and so short. dont ever make it shorter than it already is. no matter how terrible it gets, never ever settle for the path of least resistance.
Justin ur one crazy bastard, and a damn good time to hang out with. i just wish u didnt take this way out. u will be missed whether u thought so or not. my thoughts and prayers are with u, and so are so many other peoples. i have nothing more to say that u wont hear in my prayers.
peace out man,
u will be remembered.

Name: Matt Malinoski
E-Mail: Poshue@aol.com
AIM: Poshue
01:22:32 01/11/03

Jay, i dont know what to say man. We really started to get tight a few weeks ago when we started making computer graphics and stuff together. You were always the life of the party and none of those parties will ever be the same now. Ill never forget that time ricky woke me up at 1 in the morning to show me you standing in my kitchen in that Power Rangers costume. That is so tippical of you. Making people luagh was always one of your best qualities. You are gonna be missed by so many people. Life will never be the same again now having you here to always make the best of things. So what about our deal? I told you i would teach you Flash if you taught me Photoshop. Im gonna miss you so much man. I will never look at a computer screen again without thinking of you. I Know there was alot more to you than just computers but that is how i knew you best. You are a great person and a great best friend to my brother. I will never forget you.

"This, thang, is AWSOME!"
-Just Dodge
Love ya man,

Name: Josh Bussiere
E-Mail: jbussier@bradley.edu
AIM: JoshBuss83
00:59:37 01/11/03


All I can say is that you affected me, a friend's brother, more than most people in my life. Everytime I saw you there was always a joke to here or a smile to have and see. Remember the time we smashed our cars up over those stupid video tapes, since then I have thought of you everytime I get in my car at home. You may not realize it but you made an impact, showing everyone around you how much you cared. I just wish I could have showed you how much I cared. You will be more than missed, but we will all do our best to celebrate your life, it might take a long time cause there was so many good things you did for others, but we will try, even if it takes forever. We have not lost a friend, but gained a soul that will watch over each and every one of us for all our lives. Rest In Peace Justin.

Name: Sofia Faseehuddin
E-Mail: afsexysof220@aol.com
AIM: afsexysof220
00:47:39 01/11/03

Oh god, where to begin. So many thoughts just running through my mind. This can't be real. I still feel like I'm just having a horrible nightmare and that I'll wake up any minute now and everything will be alright. Tonight, everyone was at Brian's house. We put together these collages of pictures for you. You seemed so happy in them. Carefree almost. Justin, you were an unbelievable person and I'll never forget you. I could always count on you to make me smile. I only wish i could have known you for longer than just a couple of years and that we could have become closer. All those people tonight... Justin you were loved by sooo many. You could have asked anyone for help. But why? Why didnt you? were things just THAT bad?? We'll never understand. But im gonna keep my head up because I know that now you are in the arms of an angel...may you find comfort there. i'll always love you.
P.S.- God, you picked a good one. Please take care of him for us. ~Sofie

Name: Kellie
E-Mail: SweetGurl1500@hotmail.com
AIM: LWESweety16
00:38:51 01/11/03

On the morning of Jan. 9, I couldn't believe my ears when I heard the news. So much ran through my mind that day. Wonderful memories of the great times we had together. I will always remember the first day I met you, our first kiss, cruisin' 159, and especially the first time you told me you loved me. I thought to myself, I cannot believe that I am so luckily as to have met a guy like you. I know I haven't known you as long as everyone else, but the times we had together made me feel as though I had known you forever. You have so many people that care for you and no one will ever forget you. You always knew how to make me feel better when something was wrong. You always knew how to put a smile on my face. You were and will always be with me. I love you so much, and I always will. I am a better person because of you. There is a pain inside me that I don't think will ever go away. But, I always know that I can look back and remember the good times. The times when you and Dom would mess around with my moms boxes, watching you play CS for hours, our talks we had, playing frisbee golf, watching "our" movies. There is just so much I want to say to you and I always hope you will be up there watching and looking out for me. I would trade anything in the world just to see u one last time and tell you how much I love you and just how much you mean to me. I love you so much and I will never forget you.

Love always and forever,

Name: Derek
23:20:21 01/10/03

Dodger, i cant stop thinking about all of the crazy things we used to do. i miss you so much all ready. i cant even begin to say how much you mean to me. you allways were there for me and knew how to make me smile when no one else could. you are the life of all the parties and one of the funnest people i ever knew. anything we ever did was such a good time. i dont know what else to say other than i love you and ill never forget you. i always think of you when i cruise the one five nine. i know youll be there with us.
ill always miss you
love forever Derek

Name: Becky
E-Mail: rvacco@luc.edu
AIM: pookah84
22:49:44 01/10/03

"Grrr babe"- I miss you so much already.."more than you'd ever know." I know thats your phrase and that by using it I am breaking rule number 6038..."oh jeez!" I am so happy we met, and even happier with how close we became. I feel so lucky to have spent so much time with you these past few weeks. They were truely amazing. I only hope that you had as much fun as I did. I told you so many times that I had not had that much fun in a long time. Thank you so much for that. You always made me feel special, even when I didn't deserve it. And you always knew how to make me smile..even though I can hear you saying right now "beck, what doesn't make you smile." I pray that you are happy and peaceful..and that your tummy and back feel better! As I sit here amongst your closest friends, I find myself so jealous. Not in a bad way, but because I wish I could have known you for so much longer..but don't get me wrong..you've touched my life more in one month than many people have in 18 years. I know we always argued over who "cared" more..but I really hope you know I did care..I think deep down you did. That last night we had together was awesome. We had such a good time..remember singing this song in my car? I feel so special knowing you spent that night with me. See, there you go making me feel special again. You were so good with that. I hope you know that those five minutes would have been worth it...SERIOUSLY. I would have done anything for you, J. You amazed me in so many ways. Caitlin called me yesterday and told me to thank you for teaching her how to play chess 'cuz she was able to play with her little brother now..you don't even know how many lives you've impacted. Every single time I make a "face" I'll think of you, and the comment that should be following it..and I will always remember "our (YOUR!) rules" and I'll never ever break them...yeah right..hehe. Sorry about being a "CT"-haha, but I know you liked it! Thanks again for everything you have given me, taught me, or done for me. I will treasure all of it, and cherish every memory I have of you. You will live on in my heart forever, and I know you're watching down on me right now..and always. Love you always, .."Your little devil"
P.S. You'll never ever believe what I found in my wash machine yesterday? That freakin movie stub. Seriously, I'm not even kidding. How weird is that? See I didn't throw on the ground..Rest in peace babe..
P.S.S. Aladdin and Jasmine forever.."they're both hot!" Love ya!

Name: Mike Powalski
E-Mail: red98lsone@yahoo.com
AIM: lamarrdr157cm
22:44:39 01/10/03

Justin.... what can you say about the kid except that he was always the happiest person i knew, the "life of the party." I just don't understand how you could of left me already. me and you always had the greatest times, from beating the crap out of the van, to the burnouts, to helping me pick out my first camaro, and lastly to all the crusin we did. you were by far the most influential person i have had in my life, and trust me it will take me far. i just keep on waiting for my cell phone to ring and waiting to here your voice on the other line telling me to come over. i just couldn't wait to do all the stuff we planned on doing this summer. But i can't be selfish everyone misses you. Justin i will always love you, and i hope you can always consider me one of your best friends. i know you are mine. but anyways i am going to get going i know you will watch over me until i get to see that smiling face again. I LOVE YOU.

Name: alexis marie
21:32:31 01/10/03

my "just", i sit here in a basement full of people who love you and a picture of you by my side, and a computer in front of me that i wouldnt really know how to use without you. and i wanna give you those "little details" that you love about my day. i woke up from the longest day ever at brians house. i barely got any sleep. at appx 630 this morning i talked to brians mom about you and everything...i couldnt sleep for the life of me. i miss you so much just. no one has ever known me as deep as you did, no one. and no one has ever loved me as much as you did. i keep telling myself over and over that you will be at my front door anytime now with a smile upon your face. a smile that will bring a smile to my face. you are the best guy friend i ever will have. i love you more than anything and our memories are going through my mind second by second. i hope you appreciate the song we all decided to play in the background of this page. i wish i would have told you something 2 days ago when we were on the phone talking about everything. if i could go back to that day, i would in a second-id do anything. i have my bday cd that you made me of our songs, in my car cd player right now. i cant say that i am exactly ready to listen to it yet...but its in there. the wall directly above my bed is filled with old notes that you wrote me during those damn high school days. the "driveway love" picture you drew me is above that bed too. along with a few blown up pictures that you love--such as "the best day ever". i wish you were here to see everyone that loves you so much. its unbelievable. what can i say you are unbelievably awesome! so about the rest of my day, ya know just put together some pictures of you at brians and sat around. i did take a bath tho and i wanted to call like i used to but then i realized... well i am gonna go for now. but just keep in mind that i loved you more than youd ever know. i have one question tho, WHY DIDNT YOU FINISH THE PUZZLE like you promised me you would???? BARAMU always and forever--your lex xo

Name: Brandon Delimata
AIM: Ojibwa7
21:18:25 01/10/03

Justin you are my bestfriend and I LOVE YOU so much. I wish you were here to talk to right now. I need you so much I just want to talk to you to your face. I want to see your smile and hear your laugh. We have been there for eachother for a long time and now I dont know what to do. There is a void in my life that will never be the same. I remember the day that I left for the Marine Corps and we cryed toghter saying that we would be bestfriends for life. And that we will you will always be my bestfriend and I LOVE YOU so much. I just cant find the words to explain how much you have impacted my life and many other friends. I just cant explain how much I just want to give you a huge right now and tell you that I will be there forever. I WILL MISS YOU SO MUCH I just cant explain to you.